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Word Count: 1886
Sunmary: Janna celebrates Thanksgiving but has no one to celebrate with. Star wants to change that.


Janna Ordonia wasn't thankful for much. The whole world seemed to hate her. In fact the only relative she truly appreciated is her mother, who of course had to go on another business trip.

Leaving Janna with herself and her snake, Oblivion.

When her phone lit up on her bedside she was a little surprised. It's Thanksgiving, who's gonna call her?

The question was answered when she read the name. Star, wait for it, Butterfly.

She picked up the phone and plopped on the floor, her girlfriend's voice ringed in her ear.

"Heyyy, Janna Banana."

"'Sup, Starfruit."

"What are you doing?"

"Talking to you."

"Nice. So, Marco left me alone because of this 'Thanksgiving" thing. What is it?" Star asked blandly.

"Well," Janna knows what Thanksgiving is, but how do you explain it to an alien? "A long time ago these people came to the U S and A, where Marco and I live-"

"I thought you lived on Earth?"

"America is a country on Earth. Earth is the entire planet."

"Ohhh, continue."

"Kay, so these people from another country came here but there were people living here already, here being America. Basically there was a big feast between the pilgrims, the guys who came to America, and the natives, the people who where already in America."

"Okay but why do you have to give thanks?"

"I don't know really. It was supposed to, like, declare friendship between the natives and pilgrims, I think, but the pilgrims just killed all the natives and forced them into reservations, stole their kids and whitewashed's really bad."


"The basis is you get with your family, say what you're thankful for and stuff your face. Mostly with turkey, which is a misconception because there was no turkey at the first Thanksgiving."

"So basically this holiday was built on lies."

"Pretty much."

"Do you celebrate it?"

"Yeah, but my family kind of hates me, and my mom left sooo..."

"Janna that's horrible! You should come here!"


"To Mewni! I'll tell my parents about it, I'm sure my dad will like the food part and my mom will like the "thanks" part. I'll make Thanksgiving happen in Mewni and you can come here and celebrate it!"

"Really! Thanks, Star!" Janna paused for a moment, the plan had flaws. Flaws that dealt with her and Star and the L word.

"Star have you even told your parents about me?"

"Uhh, you've met my parents Janna."

"Yeah, as your friend, not your girlfriend."

"They love you! Well my dad does..."

"Star I think that you should at least tell them about the L word."

Star paused, "...Lesbian?"

"Star, no-"


Janna sighed, "Love, Star. I meant love."

"Ha, I knew that!" Janna could tell she was lying, "Well this will be a great time to tell them!"

"Star, really I-"

"6 o'clock Earth time I'll pick you up! No buts!"

"Star, wait-" Janna's phone beeped. Star hung up. "Thanksgiving is earlier than that, Star." Janna told herself.

Janna stood up and grabbed her snake, who was attempting to slither under the bed.

"Oh no you don't." She picked up Oblivion and looked him in the eye. "Guess we better get ready."


Janna flattened the suit she donned. It was an outfit similar to what Marco wore to Star's song day. Scratch that, it was the outfit Marco wore to Star's song day. She stole it because Marco had a weird royal cape to wear and she wanted something royal too.

She fitted the trademark beanie to her head. No matter how fancy any party she attends is, she won't part with it.

Hell, she's probably going to be buried in it.

Not only did she look nice, but she also spent the longest time scrubbing her snake and putting a tiny black fedora on him. She abandoned her house, phone in her hand, snake draped around her shoulders.

She sat on the porch of her house, the setting sun giving a red glow to everything, making the scenery very picturesque. She set her snake in the grass, the sun in the background and snapped a photo.

After taking the picture, Janna snatched Oblivion, in fear of hawk picking him from the grass.

She waited for a considerable amount of time, up to seven p.m, before a portal opened.

Star bounced out of it, wearing a nice dress. Purple, a color that Janna now realizes she should wear more.

"JANNA!" Star ran up to Janna, "I'm sorry it took so long, turns out creating an entire holiday just for one friend is really hard."

"Don't sweat it, Star." Janna gave the blonde a smile and grabbed her hands.

Star noticed Janna's snake and smiled even wider than before. "Why hello, O-bli-vi-on." Star sounded out his name, "Why did you name him that?"

"It's cool." Janna shrugged.

"Well we don't have time for COOL, Janna! We. Need. To. Go." And with that Star pulled Janna through the portal.

The jump between dimensions was reckless and Star ended up falling on top of Janna when they made it to Star's room in Mewni.

"Jeez, we should at least get a room." Janna smiled and lifted her eyebrows.

"Pfft." Star helped herself up, brushed off the lewd comment and turned her back to Janna but she was blushing.

Janna got up, she reached her arms around Star and grabbed her. She lifted her girlfriend into the air (not by much) and they flew onto the bed together.

They both looked at each other and giggled. The girls positioned themselves, Janna on her back with her hands resting on her naval, and Star on her side facing Janna.

The thief turned her head and looked at Star. After a moment of romantically staring into each other's eyes, Janna whispered to Star.

"Hey, Star, I need to tell you something. Come here."

Star leaned in, and Janna cupped her hand around her mouth.

"You're gay."

"Shut up!" Star shoved a laughing Janna away and acted offended even though she was laughing too.

They returned to romantic staring.

"You're really pretty." Janna whispered.

"Janna, I swear to-"

"I mean it, Star. You're really pretty."

They stayed like that a while longer, and then Star leaned in.

Everything was perfect in that moment, and would have stayed perfect if a guard hadn't burst into the room, sending Janna flying off the bed, alerting the two that the Mewnian Thanksgiving had begun.


Janna's family hated her. Everyone except her and her mother were highly religious and despite being a Filipino family, they were highly conservative. There was always fighting and never any peace.

The Johansen family was the same. Instead of verbal fights, there were actual fights. Food flew through the air and many headlocks were created.

Luckily Star and Janna sat on the Butterfly end of the table.

"So...Janna. Tell us exactly what your supposed to do at "Thanksgiving."" Moon spoke quietly but her question was loud and clear in Janna's ear.

Everyone who wasn't clobbering someone was focused on Janna. "Well. you basically go around the table and before you eat you say what you're grateful for." She tugged at the collar of her suit.

"Well, that's off the list." Moon said, she looked at how half the table had already started eating (and fighting), and continued her meal.

"Not necessarily." Star told her. The princess stood on her chair and yelled. "HEY!"

Everyone stopped fighting and looked to Star. "Today is Thanksgiving! A day of giving thanks! On Earth you have to say what you're grateful for so that's exactly what we need to do that. Mom, what are you thankful for?"

Everyone's attention now turned to Moon, "Well I am thankful for my family, and a the people in my kingdom...I guess." The last part was quiet enough for no one to hear.

Star turned to River, "I, uh, I am thankful for my family and the food we eat at Thanksgiving which is uh..." River turned to look at Janna for help.

Janna started to sweat again, "Uh, turkey, ham, potatoes, cranberries, and corn-"

"CORN!" Someone (most likely from the Johansen family) yelled sending everyone into a frenzy again.

"GUYS! This isn't what Thanksgiving I about!" Star yelled.

"Well I think," a member of the Johansens Janna knew as Uncle Lump stood up on two of his horse feet (it terrified her), "it should be about WAR!"

"Well actually," Janna started to say and ducked her head under the table when a corn stalk was thrown at her head.

Like not even corn on the cob, an entire stalk of freshly cut corn was thrown at her.

She stayed under the table for what felt like years, her only comfort was Oblivion, who tragically lost his fedora in the war.

When she came back up the anarchy was still going on and the Butterflys were still eating as if nothing out out of the ordinary was happening.

Speaking of Butterflys, one was missing. Janna grabbed Star's plate and made the journey to her room.


After getting lost a variety of times Janna finally found the princess' room.

The door was cracked open, the bluenette took a peek inside. Star was on her balcony, looking out to Mewni.

Janna knocked on the door and let herself in.

Star turned to look at Janna, then turned back. "Hey."

"Hey." Janna repeated, she set the plate and her snake down and walked over to the other girl.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."


Star sighed,  "No, I guess not."

"Why?" Janna asked.

"I don't know. I guess I just wanted this to go well. I love my family but I wanted them to you know, go five seconds without trying to kill each other. I just wanted to make you feel welcome. Gosh, Janna, we didn't even tell my parents about us.

"Oh...well... they can wait?" Janna tried to cheer her up. Being that her statement being more of a question than an answer, it didn't work.

The air was cold between them, cold and awkward. Janna had no idea what to do and Star's occasional sighs weren't helping.

"You know...we didn't get to say what we're thankful for." Janna stated.

Star gave her a smile, "All right, I'm thankful for...corn."

"Did you just say you're thankful for porn?" Janna asked confused and intrugied.

"What!? No! Haha, I said corn. Corn, Janna." Star laughed.

"Ohhh, that's significantly less unnerving." Janna laughed with her.

"Your turn."

"Okay." Janna smiled like a devil yet like Prince Charming (so basically she smiled like Tom). She moved in closer to her girlfriend and took both her hands. "I'm thankful for you."

"Janna that's super gay."

Janna shrugged, "Takes one to know one."

Star laughed.

Janna wasn't that much taller than Star, in fact she was only like, what, and inch taller than her.

That didn't stop Star from stretching up and meeting Janna's lips. It took her by surprise and also not really. The romantic atmosphere would lead to this eventually.

Although Janna's mouth was occupied, it didn't stop the smile that spread across her face because no guard had burst into the room.


This is two days late and super rushed but hey, it's something.


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