Chapter Eight

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Team NPR slowly exited the booth and snuck towards the bar. They didn't see Yang, but they saw Weiss and Blake...both of which looked like they wanted to be anywhere except the club that they were in.

"Blake! Weiss! We need to go." Pyrrha whispered grabbing their attention.

"Gladly. This was a bad idea." Blake said with Weiss nodding. 

"Where's Yang?" Ren asked.

"At the dance floor." Weiss said.

"Oh no. How are we going to sneak out of here without getting seen?" Nora said.

"Why do we need to...." Blake said before Pyrrha said something that made Weiss and Blake freeze in shock:

Cause Goodwitch has come here to find us.

At the same time, Yang was having fun with the group of dancers. It gave a temporary relief to the heartache that she has been going through as of late. Ruby left her. Left her cause she didn't approve of her friendship with Jaune. All over his transcripts which weren't real. At first, she thought it was a great decision on her part until...the meeting between her family occurred.


"Yang! What the hell were you thinking?" Her father yelled across from her. She was being glared at by her father, uncle and her sister. Glares that would normally scare her, but didn't due to her strong belief in her own actions.

"I was protecting Ruby from that faker. He could've killed her and...." Yang said before Ruby cut her off.

"Protecting me?! You drove me away from the first friend that I have ever made. He was nice and actually treated me like an equal, but once the status of his transcripts were did everything in your power to split us apart." Ruby said.

"He was a faker. Fakers don't belong in Beacon." Yang said without any hesitation. 

"Funny you should say that...Your mother and I also used fake transcripts to get into Beacon." Qrow said which shocked Yang.

"But you have skills that he doesn't. Why can't you all understand that I was just looking after...." Yang said before she heard Ruby scoff.

"You weren't looking after me. You hated Jaune when his transcripts got revealed and decided to selfishly try to force me to stay away from him. You even tried to tell me lies about him which shows that you're clearly underestimating me. Face it, you always thought that I was weaker than you." Ruby started to say.

"Ruby, that's not...." Yang started to say before Ruby continued.

"You have always looked after me, but once we both stepped into've changed. You never followed my orders, started to hang out more with Weiss, Blake, Pyrrha, Nora and Ren and went to places which I was too young for. Jaune has stuck by my side through it all, but after learning about his started to want to control me." Ruby said.

"That's not true." Yang said.

"Is it? You kept pushing me away from him, kept a close eye on me and even helped Blake and Weiss tell lies about him to me. You thought that he would hurt me, but the one who actually hurt me was you. You're not the sister that I grew up with and after Jaune disappeared...I started to think about our relationship." Ruby said.

"Our relationship?" Yang asked.

"Yes. I loved you so much, but after seeing the changes that has occurred....I can hardly recognize you as my sister. So I decided that our relationship as sisters is over. So from this point on, you are not my sister. I intend to talk to the headmaster and see if I could join another team for missions. I hope you're proud of yourself Yang cause you destroyed what we had...forever." Ruby said as she started to get up and walk towards the door.

"Ruby...Don't do this. We can fix this. I can change." Yang started to yell with tears in her eyes. Ruby didn't turn around and instead said:

There is no fixing this and I know that you will never change. Goodbye Yang, I hope that you'll have fun with the others. Ruby said as she walked out the door leaving Yang destroyed.

Flashback Over.

Yang was cut off from her thoughts when she saw Blake trying to come over to her. She was about to ask why she was coming over when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Her blood started to run cold when she heard a familiar voice say:

It seems like my hunch about whereabouts of my misbehaved students was correct. So tell me, Miss Xiao Long....Where are the others?

As this was going on, Ayase was staring at Velvet with a scary look on her face. She knew that she would be a target as soon as she spotted her. Maybe the black haired girl would join in too since she seems very close to their beloved. Though they may have to wait a bit before talking to her. They knew that they were going to be on their spare list that they made in private. Though...this is an opportunity to get revenge for their darling and add to their numbers. 

You can never have too many people protecting the one that they hold dear after all. Besides, they needed people who knows the ins and outs of that can put their plans for revenge into action. 

Look out Remnant cause blood is about to spill.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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