Chapter Nine

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I don't own the picture.

2 Months Earlier


Jaune sat on the coach while wondering what to do since he was in an unknown area with some nice people. Sure, they were all women...however, they gladly offered him a place to stay.

"I wonder how Saphron is doing?" Jaune said to himself. Saphron was the only family member who stayed by his side after the rest abandoned him. Originally, he was going to stay at her place until he got on his feet...sadly that could no longer be the case. Since he was in another dimension with no idea how to return. Just then two Highschool girls came down and noticed him sitting on the couch. 

"Hm..Looks like one of the others brought a handsome young man here." One of them said.

"Monika, you're not going to do what you did in school did you?" The other asked suspiciously.

"Of course not, Yuri. We agreed that I wouldn't do that unless some other girls try to take our senpai. Besides we both know that this could be our chance to insure that this new target stays with us." Monika said. 

"I guess that makes sense." Yuri said before Monika grabbed her hand and dragged her over to see Jaune. At first, he was startled at their sudden appearance, but he slowly calmed down.

"So you're two of the other roommates Bubbles mentioned?" Jaune asked.

"Yes. My name is Monika and this is Yuri. We just noticed that you were sitting on the couch and just wanted to greet you." Monika said. Jaune had an uneasy feeling about Monika, but quickly shook that off. She was one of the people that he was going to stay with so he shouldn't say or do anything rude to them.

"I hope that it's okay if I stay here." Jaune said.

"Of course it is. Despite living together in this huge mansion, it can get hectic and chaotic at times so maybe you can add some fresh air around here." Monika said. 

"You can also help settle some disputes that appear at random moments and possibly listen to Monika's and I's poems." Yuri added. Jaune nodded and continued to speak to the two girls unaware of a third watching with a crazed look on her face.

"A new love has arrived." She said while smiling. 

In the present


I was bored watching our beloved's face brightened when his friends caught up with him. While he did that, I noticed that the bunny girl gained a sad look on her face...a face that would spell disaster since she would soon be added to our ranks. 

"Ugh. I can't believe that he's wasting time talking to those people." Natsuki said with a huff. I knew that she was secretly happy that he managed to reconnect with his friends. Though she also had some worry considering that Monika could do something like in our school.

"Calm down Natsuki, we just need to wait and he'll come back. Besides you know that we would never allow anyone to hurt our new senpai." I said.

"You don't need to tell me that. Besides you know how powerful some of the others are." Natsuki said. I nodded and kept watching our senpai talk to the group of friends. Maybe I can befriend the red haired girl and possibly show our true natures to her. However, I doubt that I can protect her if the others decide to bring her to our side of things. 

Shaking my head, I slowly turned to look at the others who had some smirks on their faces. This wasn't going to be good. Well, at least some should survive this eventually.


I saw Yang getting caught by Miss Goodwitch and quickly told the others so we can escape. We were too close to freedom...however, she moved quicker than we thought.

"Hello students." She said. Yang was looking down at the floor as she was pulled along side her. I would've said something, but I was more worried about the punishment that she will hand us. So we followed her to the nearby Bullhead and went back to Beacon. This was not going to end well for us.

A thought that would come back later when we meet them.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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