Chapter 2: Initiation

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(Jaune is seen waking up as he talks with Jonas.)

Jaune: Jonas, what time is it?

Jonas: It's still 6:14 AM, sir.

Jaune: Good. At least I got time to take a bath and eat a good breakfast.

(Jaune is seen in the bathroom brushing his teeth.)

(Then Jaune is seen with his adoptive parents having a breakfast.)

Pepper: Between Jaune and Peter, I don't know who will watch whose back.

Tony: Pepper, the boy is intelligent enough to handle himself. He even built his own A.I.

(Jaune is seen at Tony's car.)

Tony: Remember, son. You must be both phisically and psychologically prepared for the Initiation. It's very essential.

Jaune: Thanks, dad.

(Then Jaune is seen having a conversation with Anna, Rock, Peter and Robert.)

Iron Lad: I heard about team formations. Which team do you think you're gonna be on.

Spider-Man: I guess a good team needs its members to work together for the same goal in common. That's a team's biggest responsibility.

Rogue: I don't know... I heard that you can't choose your teammates...

Mega Man: That's a shame...

Iceman: I agree with you, Peter. If a team can't work united, it can't be considered a team.

(Then Diana speaks through her microphone)

Diana: Attention all young heroes. Your presence is required at the Hill Top immediately!

Iron Lad: Okay. Let's go, guys.

(At the Hill Top, various students are seen, including Gwen Stacy, Edward Brock and Richard Grayson. Then Bruce Wayne and DIana Prince come in. Bruce explains everything about the initiation.)

Bruce: If you're ready, begin!

(Then all of the students start the initiation as "Mr. Blue Sky" starts playing.)

(Jaune lands safely thanks to his Iron Lad armor. Then he shoots down an enemy robot. Meanwhile Robin slashes through other robots. Spider-Gwen pulls other enemy robots while Venom rips their arms off. Iceman freezes some enemies down, Mega Man shoots some other enemies.)

Mega Man: It's just like hunting down evil robots.

(Nightwing manages to destroy other robots with his escrima staff. Rogue punches an enemy robot so hard, knocking it out.)

Rogue: That was too easy.

(Then the heroes are about to make it to the finish, but they are confronted by a giant Sentinel.)

Rogue: Damn it...

Iceman: A Sentinel...

Iron Lad: Not an ordinary Sentinel.

(Meanwhile at the main room.)

Diana: I guess you got a little rough, Bruce.

Bruce: Damian needs to know there's no family favors here.

Steve: Before I was a soldier, I knew how hard life was, and it still is.

Diana: The most painful truth in the Men's world...

T'Challa: Everything is hard, Diana. Specially taking decisions.

Bruce: T'Challa is right. Nothing is simple.

(Back to the fight against the giant Sentinel. Iron Lad talks to Jonas.)

Iron Lad: Jonas, what's this giant robot's weak point?

(Jonas analyses the giant Sentinel.)

Jonas: You need to go for the head!

Iron Lad: Thanks. (to Robin) Robin, go for the head! It's his weak point!

Robin: Hey, don't need to boss me around!

(Spider-Man wraps his web around the Sentinel's neck while Iceman creates Ice Swords and cuts its head, destroying the Sentinel.)

Spider-Man: That worked.

Iceman: Yeah!

(Then the heroes then make it to the finish.)

(Some minutes later at the Stadium, the students are seen at the stage.)

Bruce: Congratulations to all students who made it to here. Now for the teams. Rose Wilson, Akihiro Howlett, Laura Kinney and Kori Anders will be Team WALK, led by Rose Wilson.

(Then some applause is heard.)

Bruce: Gwen Stacy, Edward Brock, Anna Marie and Richard Grayson will form Team GEAR, led by Gwen Stacy.

(More applause is heard.)

Gwen: I did it... I DID IT! YES, I AM THE LEADER!

Edward: Good for you, Gwen.

Bruce: Barbara Gordon, Jaime Reyes, Garfield Mark Logan and Daniel Fentom will form Team BRGD, led by Barbara Gordon.

(More applause is heard.)

Barbara: (to herself) This is for you, father.

Bruce: Conner Kent, Megan Morse, Quintela Keli and Rock Light will form Team CMQR, led by Conner Kent.

(More applause is heard.)

Bruce: And last, but not least, Jaune Stark, Damian Wayne, Peter Parker and Robert Louis Drake will form Team SWPR, led by Jaune Stark.

Damian: What?

(More applause is heard)

Peter: I bet Mister Stark will be proud.

Robert: Congratulations!

(Damian tries to convince Bruce to make him the leader of Team SWPR, but the headmaster said "no".)

(Meanwhile in the warehouse, Deathstroke is seen drawing his weapon.)

Deathstroke: Get ready to be terminated, Tony Stark!

(Then the screen fades out)

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