Chapter 3: Classes Started

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(Iron Lad is seen defeating Ravager in a one to one fight.)

Ravager: I... surrender.

Iron Lad: Good.

(Then Jaune helps Rose to get up as she blushes.)

Diana: As you can see, a warrior must know when he can't fight anymore. And that's the case. Rose surrendered because she knew she couldn't fight at her current conditions.

Ravager: (whispers in Iron Lad's ear) You're amazing, you know.

Iron Lad: Thank you.

Diana: And the next fight is...

(Some time later, the students are seen at history class as Professor Steve explains how he fought in World War II.)

Steve: Have I mentioned I fought at World War II? Well... I used to be phisically fragile, have low stacture, and I still had a disease, but I never gave up. Then I was accepted in an army and I took part of an experiment which changed me. I fought along with various U.S soldiers against the nazi science division known as H.Y.D.R.A. led by Johan Schmidt, also known as Red Skull. The fight was hard. Every war is. Thanks to the enhancements, I survived during 70 years.

Jaune: 70 years?

Steve: That's right. 70 years. But the point is that a true hero must defend the innocent, try to save as many people as possible, which doesn't mean everybody. And above all, a true hero must be determined to save the world, even if it costs your life. So... who is capable of being a hero?

Jaune: (raises his hand) I am, professor Steve.

Steve: Very well, soldier. Stand up and prepare to fight.

(Then the scenary changes to a city invaded by robotic soldiers.)

Jaune: Show time!

(Jaune becomes Iron Lad and starts shooting the robotic soldiers while projecting holograms of himself to confuse the soldiers. Then he manages to destroy all of the robotic soldiers. Then he hears a scream of a person falling, then he flies and manages to save the person. Then the scene changes back.)

Steve: Bravo, Jaune. This is a nice demonstration of what a hero in training can do.

(Then the bell rings.)

Steve: Well, that's all for today.

(At the cafeteria, Edward was talking about the first time he bonded with Venom.)

Edward: Somehow we shared our hatred towards a certain spider at first. When I met someone I could really trust, I started gaining control over the symbiote, and today we have been chasing criminals, such as Cletus Cassidy, known as Carnage.

(As Edwards keeps talking, Jaune is seen beating the crap out of Akihiro Howlet, who was bullying Garfield Mark Logan.)

Jaune: Listen, wolf boy! Don't let me catch you picking on anyone while I'm around! You understand? Now, BEAT IT!

(Then Jaune throws Akihiro down before approaching Garfield)

Jaune: Are you okay, kid?

Garfield: Thank you, man.

Jaune: This guy reminds me much of the bully of the academy I used to study.

Garfield: You're a transfer student?

Jaune: To be honest, I was expelled.

Garfield: Man, how tragic...

Jaune: My name is Jaune Stark, my friend.

Garfield: Garfield Mark Logan.

Jaune: Okay, Garfield.

(Then at strategy class, Professor T'Challa is seen)

T'Challa: Each team has a different strategy, but whether the strategy will succeed or fail, depends of the occasion. A classic example happened during the Babel Tower. Could someone tell me what happened in there? (Jaune raises his hand) Yes, Jaune.

Jaune: The leader of the League of Assassins, known as Ra's Al Ghul stole Batman's contingency plans, and used it against the Justice League.

T'Challa: Correct. And what did it cost?

Jaune: Superman gave a definitive vote for Batman to be removed from the Justice League.

T'Challa: Correct. You're actually a genius.

Akihiro: Just to be expected from a Stark.

(Everyone turns their attention to Akihiro.)

T'Challa: One more word, and you're going to my room, got it?

Akihiro: (sighs angrily) Yes sir...

(Seeing that Jaune is a good combatant, a selfless person and a very intelligent boy, Damian started seeing Jaune as a good teammate.)

(Some hours later, the classes ended, and Jaune could go back home. As he arrives in there, he sees the Wayne Family.)

Tony: Bruce Wayne. How are you?

Bruce: I'm doing fine.

(Then Damian approaches Jaune.)

Jaune: Hi there, Damian.

Damian: How do you like your coffee?

Jaune: Let me see... Five sugars and some cream.

Damian: Wait a second.

(Damian then puts some cream and sugar in a coffee cup and brings it to Jaune.)

Damian: Here.

Jaune: Thanks.

(The two exchange smiles.)

Bruce: Jaune is a great leader. The best student our academy could ask for.

Tony: He's a fast learner. Just like his dad.

Bruce: I see.

(Chapter 3 End)

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