Chapter 7: Legion of Doom (Part 2)

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(Team SWPR is seen being taken to the Legion of Doom's hideout)

Iron Monger: Here they are, Mister Luthor. Just like you wanted.

Luthor: Excellent work, Stane. I knew you could be useful to us.

Joker: Can we kill them now?

Luthor: Nope. We need them alive in order to have a successful attack on Stark Tower.

Bass: (scoffs) You sound much like that old geezer!

(Luthor shoots one of his arms)

Luthor: I told you to not compare me to Wily!

Bass: (mockingly) I told you to not compare me to Wily! Screw you!

Joker: Ohohohoho. I like this kid.

Bass: Shut up, you clown!

Blackfire: That's why you don't have a girlfriend.

Bass: Not even Roll was that annoying!

Luthor: Just another word and...

Bass: And what? You'll discard me? You're just like that old man! Go ahead, kick me out, kill me! I'll be rebuilt anyway. And then I will expose your inner doings to the Daily Planet and...

Luthor: Cheetah, how about playing with the kid?

Bass: Wait, what?

(Then Cheetah drags Bass away as Lex Luthor turns around to Team SWPR)

Luthor: Take them to the chamber.

(Then the villains take Team SWPR to the chamber.)

(Meanwhile, Megan Morse, known as Miss Martian is seen phasing through the walls of the hideout, trying to find Team SWPR.)

Miss Martian: They must be around here...

(As she phases into another wall, she sees Cheetah torturing Bass by scratching his suit. Then she leaves the location as she didn't notice her and proceeds with her search.)

(At New York Academy, Iron Man comes in as he heard the news about Jaune and his team having been taken away by the Legion of Doom.)

Batgirl: I can't believe we let them escape...

Superboy: It was a high rank mission. We couldn't accomplish it so easily.

Teen Lantern: Where's Megan?

Mega Man: He's infiltrating the enemy territory, trying to find them.

Rush: Woof.

(Rush shows the a map with the location of the Hall of Doom.)

Mega Man: Good work, Rush.

Iron Man: What are we waiting for? Let's go and save them!

(Back to the Hall of Doom, Lex Luthor is trying to break Iron Lad's encryption.)

Luthor: I don't know who is this Iron Kid, but he thought about everything... literally...

(Then some noises are heard. Then Luthor goes to the chamber and sees Deathstroke and Killmonger fighting each other.)


(Then Deathstroke and Killmonger stop fighting as Luthor approaches Team SWPR)

Luthor: Which one of the four did this?

Robin: (scoffs) It worked just like when my father did that to Grundy and Ultra-Humanoid.

Luthor: So it was you... Of course... Like father, like son... the son of the bat used the same trick his father used some years ago... (to Deathstroke) The brat is all yours!

(Then Deathstroke grabs Robin as Spider-Man speaks.)

Spider-Man: Be strong, Robin.

Robin: Don't need to say it twice.

Deathstroke: Silence, kid!

Luthor: Killmonger, take the spider.

Iceman: You should kill us while you can!

Luthor: Kill you? (laughs maniacally) I'm not planning to kill you and your friends, though some of my teammates would like to do so. I just need to keep you here long enough to break this...

Iron Lad: Iron Lad!

Luthor: Iron Lad's encryption. But I guess I spoke too much!

(Then Blackfire (Miss Martian) in disguise comes in)

Luthor: There you are, Komand'r. Take this popsicle boy to the room close to the laboratory.

Miss Martian: (disguised as Blackfire) Yes sir.

(Then Iceman is taken away.)

Luthor: As for you, Iron Lad, I saved the best for the final.

(Then Cheetah comes in)

Luthor: You'll keep an eye on him, Cheetah.

(Luthor walks away while humming. Then Cheetah approaches Iron Lad and licks her lips before hissing and showing her sharp fangs.)

(Meanwhile, Miss Martian reveals herself.)

Iceman: What are you doing here, Megan?

Miss Martian: I'm saving you.

Iceman: Yeah, but we still have to save Damian, Peter and Jaune.

(At the dark room, Killmonger is seen interrogating Spider-Man)

Killmonger: Where is T'Challa?

Spider-Man: Who the hell is T'Challa?

(Killmonger slams the table)

Killmonger: You think I'm kidding, boy?

Spider-Man: I'm saying, I don't know who is this T'Challa!

Killmonger: Strategy teacher at the academy you study. Does that ring a bell?

(Then Killmonger starts feeling a big headache. Spider-Man breaks free and knocks him out with a punch. Then Miss Martian and Iceman come in.)

Spider-Man: I owe you one, Megan.

Iceman: Now to save Damian!

(Back to the chamber, Iron Lad is still tied up as Cheetah decides to try to rip his helmet as he grunts.)

Cheetah: Come on, don't struggle.

Iron Land: (grunts) Jonas... open the helmet...

(Then Iron Lad's helmet opens, revealing Jaune Arc. Then Cheetah somehow is surprised by seeing his face and smiles seductively.)

Cheetah: I guess we can talk now, right?

Jaune: Well, Normally I wouldn't talk to people like you...

Cheetah: Then it makes two of us.

Jaune: What do you mean?

Cheetah: Well, we both tend to play around with dangerous situations... like one you're in now.

Jaune: Maybe I like getting myself in dangerous situations, and seeing dangerous girls like you...

Cheetah: Do you?

Jaune: Try me!

(Then Cheetah kisses Jaune in the lips.)

(Back to the main room, Luthor is seen still breaking Iron Lad's encryption.)

Luthor: Okay, almost there.

(Then Luthor manages to break Iron Lad's encryption.)

Luthor: Bingo!

(Meanwhile, Robin is seen tied up in a chair while Deathstroke watches him as The Joker comes in)

Deathstroke: Luthor gave you permission to come here?

The Joker: Like hell I needed his permission! (shows a crowbar and approaches Robin) Wanna know how the second Robin died?

Robin: Let me guess, you're gonna beat me with a crowbar, just like you did to Jason, right?

The Joker: How did you find out?

Robin: I got trustworthy sources. And besides, Jason was just a rookie. I was trained since my childhood. So let's say I can take it.

(Meanwhile at Stark Tower, James Rhodes, now as War Machine sees some members of the Legion of Doom approaching the tower.)

War Machine: Oh, crap!

(To be continued)

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