Chapter 8: Rescue

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(War Machine sees some members of the Legion of Doom about to invade Stark Tower and decides to shoot some missiles to delay them.)

(Meanwhile, The Joker prepares to beat Robin, but then Spider-Man shoots his web and catches the crowbar. Then Iceman freezes his leg before knocking him out.)

Robin: Help Jaune. Cheetah is keeping an eye on him.

(Meanwhile, Superboy and Mega Man manage to infiltrate the Hall of Doom.)

Mega Man: Okay, Rush. Give us Jane's location.

(Rush does so and Jaune is located.)

Rush: Woof woof.

Mega Man: Good. Let's go!

(Meanwhile Lex Luthor enters the room where Cheetah is seen kissing Jaune.)

Luthor: Cheetah, what are you doing?

(Out of a sudden, Cheetah attacks Luthor.)

Luthor: Hey, we're in the same team! I'm your leader!

(Cheetah keeps attacking Luthor.)

Luthor: Damn, this Iron Lad is really dangerous...

(Cheetah then kicks Luthor in the gut and runs away. As Luthor gets up, Rush pins him and Mega Man comes in with Superboy and Teen Lantern.)

Mega Man: Good work, Rush!

(Then Superboy uses his strength and breaks Jaune free)

Iron Lad: We must hurry. At this point, Luthor must have sent some of his goons to invade Stark Tower.

Teen Lantern: Again? This Legion of Doom never learns.

Superboy: They're bad guys. It's what they do!

(Back to Stark Tower, War Machine is seen holding his own against the rest of the Legion of Doom as Iron Man comes in and shoots Blackfire down.)

Iron Man: Again? It's the tenth time in this week my tower gets under attack!

(Vlad tries to possess  Iron Man, but gets tackled by Danny Phanton, who punches him three times,  and then throws him down to the ground. Mystique tries to enter in the tower disguised as Tony Stark, but gets shot by Black Widow.)

Black Widow: Nice try, Mystique! But I know that the true Tony is helping Rhodes.

(Then Mystique reveals her true form.)

Mystique: It looks like I have no choice.

(Myqtique and Black Widow exchange shoots.)

(Back to the Hall of Doom, Team SWPR and Team CMQR are united.)

Iron Lad: We're all here. Hurry. Let's get outta here!

(Unfortunately Bass, Deathstroke, Killmonger and Iron Monger block their way.)

Deathstroke: End of the line, kids! Any last words?

Robin: (scoffs) Thought you would ask that. Attack!

(Teen Lantern, Spider-Man, Iceman and Iron Lad fight Iron Monger. Robin and Deathstroke's swords clash before Superboy tackles him. Mega Man and Bass call their pets and they transform into jets so they hop on them and start fighting. Miss Martian uses her intangibility to avoid Killmonger attacks. Iron Monger hits Teen Lantern hard, but gets his legs webbed up by Spider-Man. Then Iron Lad hits him with a barrage of punches as Iceman freezes the villain's jet legs to make sure he can't fly. Mega Man shoots Bass down again, only for Treble to save him. Feeling insulted, Bass tries to shoot him down, but Mega Man avoids the shot and shoots Treble down, causing both to fall.)


(Bass falls in the ground, and his back gets broken.)

Bass: Argh... my back...

(Then Mega Man and Rush land in)

Bass: (angry) Curse you... Ugh... You're still gonna pay for this...

(Bass then teleports off with Treble.)

Mega Man: Bass... why doesn't he understand?

(Back to the fight. Superboy is seen beating Deathstroke while Miss Martian phases through a wall as Killmonger hits it.)

Killmonger: Running away like a coward, huh? Typical of...

(Killmonger feels a strong pain in the head as Miss Martian comes in and uses her mind powers on him.)

(Iron Lad, Spider-Man, Teen Lantern and Iceman combine a powerfull attack which hits Iron Monger completely. Knowing he was defeated, Stane gets out of the armor and runs away. Deathstroke throws a smoke bomb and manages to escape as well. Killmonger is the only one who got captured as he passes out. The Joker is seen hiding as he tries to shoot Robin down, but.)

Spider-Man: (feels his Spider Senses) Spider sense tingling!

(Spider-Man shoots his web and pulls The Joker before Superboy knocks him out.)

Superboy: Our teams did a great work together.

Iron Lad: Yeah, but Luthor, Minerva, Slade and Stane got away.

Teen Lantern: Sometime I feel like we should have brought Professor Diana with us...

Miss Martian: Luckily we managed to defeat them. That's a great victory.

Iceman: Yes. That's for sure.

(As they go away, Cheetah is seen watching over Iron Lad.)

Cheetah: (licks her lips) This Iron Lad is really delicious... I really want to have him.

(At New York Academy, Professor Diana is seen with Team SWPR, Team CMQR and Danny Phantom.)

Diana: As bad as it looked initially, you guys did very well. You got Killmonger, The Joker, Vlad. Blackfire and Mystique are arrested as well...

Damian: Yeah, but we still got to worry about Luthor, Stane and Slade.

Bruce: (comes in) I agree. Luthor broke Iron Lad's encryption, giving to the trio absolute accest to Stark Tower. It's possible that they may be planning another attack.

Jaune: Yeah, but next time we see them, we'll be ready!

Diana: I know you will. Now rest. You will have a full day tomorrow.

(Then the young heroes leave the main room and the screen fades out)

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