Flumptober Day #3 - Hard to Forget

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***Hey, guys! This is for Flumptober Day #3 - write a oneshot based on a song. I chose "Hard to Forget" by Sam Hunt. Yes, that is *cough* country music. But as Jay Walker once said, "It makes me feel young. Deal with it!"

But this song is actually so fun to listen to. The beat, the poetic lyrics of the chorus...it's pretty nice.

This oneshot is post-season 3/pre-season 4 angst. Enjoy LOL***

***(Jay's POV)***

It's my second week of being a game show host. Yay. Not.

As it turns out, life without the four guys I call brothers...well, it stinks. And life without the girl who was never a sister to me...

Just fills me with anger and insecurity, but mostly hurt. What did I do wrong? Could I have even done any better? Is there just something about me that rubbed Nya wrong? I thought we were in love.

I clench my fists. I would have given everything for her.

I clench my fists even harder, because the truth is...I still would.

There's a knock at my changing room door, and I sigh, finishing up my makeup. No, not makeup. Concealer. Yes, that sounds better.

I should be proud that a boy from a junkyard made it this far in life. I'm on television Tuesdays and Fridays every week. I get paid a great salary, I'm good at my job, and people love me.

But Nya doesn't, and that makes all the difference.

Someone knocks on my door again. Frustrated, I scoot back my chair and stand up abruptly. My manager knows not to bother me in my quiet time, and there's still fifteen minutes before he needs to see me again. What does he want?

I stalk over to the door, a scowl on my face that should turn away any stupid request he has. But when I open the door and come face to face with the one knocking...

I realize it's not my manager.

Nya extends her fingers in a small wave. "Hey, Jay," she says softly, hitching her purse strap higher on her shoulder.

I can't respond. I can't do anything but stare.

Her almond shaped brown eyes glimmer in the hallway light, and her sleek black hair hangs just perfectly at her chin. A strapless red gown falls just above her knee, showing off her tanned, defined legs.

I swallow hard.

"...You've got a cold heart, and the cold hard truth

I got a bottle of whiskey, but I got no proof

That you showed up tonight in that dress

Just to mess with my head.

So much for so long, out of sight, out of mind,

Girl, you're looking so good, you're driving me out of mine.

Oh, you're breaking my heart,

Baby, you're playing hard to forget."

"Are you going to say something?" she giggles slightly, obviously nervous.

I blink, my tongue suddenly finding the ability to move. "I...um...come in." I open the door wide and step out of her way. She enters, offering me a smile, and I get lost staring at her full red lips.

And to think, just a month ago they were mine.

"Why are you here?" I ask, unable to quash the thread of hope that sprouts in me. Is she here to apologize? Does she still care about me? Because I would forgive her for everything in a moment. I'd be happy to blame it all on Cole.

Maybe that's what I should do – blame it all on Cole. He's much easier to hate than Nya.

That's it. I'll just blame everything on Cole.

"Why am I here?" she says sadly, repeating my words. "Because we're friends, Jay. Can't a friend visit a friend?"

I finger the picture of the team I have on my vanity. "I think we both know you never fit into the 'friend' category very well for me."

"Yeah." She plays with her purse strap again. "Listen...Lloyd and I have both been a little worried about you, Cole, and Kai after everything that's happened. You've all pretty much split ways, and for the past two weeks, it's been Lloyd and me defending Ninjago. A samurai and a green ninja against gangs, rebels, the occasional angry serpentine...you know the drill. We, um, need you back."

Yes, but...does she need me back?

I shake my head. "There are a lot of reasons for me not to go back. Zane's gone. There's no team without him. And Cole – I'm not just going to fight alongside him." I rest my fist on the frame of my mirror, processing all the hurt of losing my brother and...well, both my brothers.

Though Cole doesn't really fit that description anymore, does he?

Nya's eyes show pain. "You're not willing to fight alongside Cole." It's a statement, not a question.

"Yes." Because of you.

"Look, Jay..." She runs a hand through her perfect hair, messing it up just a bit. I can't resist reaching out to fix her style – I used to be the one who would ruin her immaculate locks while we were dating, so it only fits that I fix them now that we're broken up.

Her hand covers mine at her ear. "Jay, come back with me."

"Why?" Because you still care? Because when we dated, you thought I was funny, cute, romantic...everything you ever wanted?

"Because the team needs you. Ninjago needs you. Each of your brothers – they need you."

Oh, I see. Everyone but her.

I quickly remove my palm from under hers, wanting to break off any contact between us. But then, that's the last thing I want – a single inch of distance between her and me. Love is hard.

She gazes at the ground as I step away. "Look...I'm here to watch your show tonight, okay? I talked to your manager. He got me a front row seat."

No doubt so the press could get her photo and write a dozen gossip articles on her tomorrow.

And no matter how much she's hurt me, I don't want her inability to choose between me and Cole to reflect negatively on her. I've never wanted anything but the best for her.

Gosh, I thought she was the one.

She keeps talking, ignorant of the battle going on in my head. "After your performance, maybe we could go out and get something to eat and...talk about this?"

Talk about what? The team? Zane's death? Us?

I shake my head. "Listen, Nya, you shouldn't be here. The last thing you need is some news reporter showing up and cornering you until you spill all about you-know-what."

"I can take reporters." She rolls her eyes. "I'm here to watch you perform, Jay. I'm not just going to be intimidated by the press."

"You should be. They have the power of social life and death." I shake my head. "Get out of here, Nya. Take care of yourself. And...maybe we'll meet again someday." In a few years. When this whole scandal is over. When both of us have forgotten Cole even exists.

If I could ever forget what he did to me. What he's doing to me right now.

"A few years?" Nya scoffs. "Can't we at least keep up with each other?"

"I don't know. Can you give me a reason to?" I close my eyes tightly, not wanting to hear her response.

I actually don't hear anything but footsteps. I open my eyes to see her backing away, heading for the door, leaving me.

"I'd hoped things could be different," she says coldly. "I won't come back again."

"You'd hoped what could be different?"

"The whole situation with the team. Clearly, you're not going to help out, though." She shakes her head. "Bye, Jay. You know where Lloyd and I will be. The ball's in your court, as far as I'm concerned."

"Nya – "

She approaches me slowly, rises up on her toes, and plants a small kiss on my cheek.

I look down at her, feelings coursing through my veins at such a simple touch. One of my arms goes around her back, the other to cup her face, when –

She pulls away.

And without glancing back, she walks out of my room and out of my life.

"...You've got a cold heart, and the cold hard truth

I got a bottle of whiskey, but I got no proof

That you showed up tonight in that dress just to mess with my head.

So much for so long, out of sight, out of mind,

Girl, you're looking so good, you're driving me out of mine.

Oh, you're breaking my heart,

Baby, you're playing hard to forget.

Oh, honey, I'm falling apart,

You're playing hard to forget."

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