Flumptober Day #4 - Tickles

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***This is just some Jaya fluff, since I wasn't really inspired for today's Flumptober prompt LOL For those of you who want to know, today's prompt is "Your feet stink!"

This takes place anywhere post-S12. (Also, fun fact: This is the first time I've written for Flumptober where Jay and Nya are actually an item.)***

***(Nya's POV)***

I stand out on the deck of the Destiny's Bounty, a duvet wrapped tightly around my shoulders. Wu's off doing who knows what. That's why instead of performing sunrise exercise, I get to watch a sunrise for once.

Unlike the guys – well, except Zane – I tend to be an early riser. That also allows me to have quiet time in the morning – it's hard to find time alone, given this bachelor pad of a flying ship.

I sigh as the sun pokes its head higher above the horizon. I really should wake up the guys now. Wu may not have told us where he was going, but he sure told us where to pick him up – Ronin's shop in Stiix. He said there'd be punishment if we didn't arrive there by ten this morning. Eesh.

I stretch an arm over my shoulder, shivering at the winter chill. Yes, it's definitely time to head back inside.

I knock on the door to the bunkroom, then push my way right in. As I expected, Cole, Kai, Jay, and Lloyd are all sleeping.

I flip on the lights and observe the mess the guys made last night. I slept on the couch while they had what Jay described as 'a party', and by the looks of it...

That's exactly what it was.

A can of whipped cream rolls across the floor in front of me as the ship gently rocks at a gust of wind. I see remnants of toilet paper looped over my brother's bunk, and cake frosting is smeared across Cole's headboard. Lloyd's bed is surrounded by candy bar wrappers, and from the looks of it, he might have overdosed on cherry licorice.

Jay's bunk is the worst mess. I mean, it's usually a mess – blankets draped everywhere and pillow in the floor – but this morning, it's especially bad. Several empty Ninja Chips bags lay scattered across his bedspread, as well as sundry crunchy crumbs. He has cotton candy stuck to the side of his face, and I can see where one of the guys scribbled on him with a marker.

I can't help a small smile. He's pretty cute when he sleeps.

Cole groans, awakening to the change in light. "Turn that off," he mumbles.

"Nope. You all need to get up. We're on course for Stiix, and it looks like there's going to be a storm. We'll need all hands on deck."

Lloyd rubs at his eyes, crawling out of bed. My brother moans, but he rolls out of his top bunk, trying to make it to the bathroom before Lloyd. We all know my brother's favorite place in the morning is the vanity – he has to style his hair just right and practice different smirks and smolders in the mirror.

The only one who doesn't stir is Jay. I walk up to his bottom bunk, shaking his shoulders.

"Wake up, Jay," I smile, trying not to sound too affectionate in front of the guys.

Jay makes an adorable squeaking noise as he stretches. "N-Nya?"

"Mmhmm." I pull the glob of cotton candy off his face. "You're a mess."

He reaches out his arms for me. "Do you wanna cuddle?" he asks groggily.

I raise an eyebrow. No, he's definitely not awake yet.

Cole sputters out a laugh. "Cuddle? Really?"

I roll my eyes. "Shut up, Cole. You're single as heck, so you obviously have less game than Jay."

"I – you – ouch!" he exclaims.

"Don't mess with Nya," Jay smiles sleepily, a little more awake. He latches onto my hands and tries to pull me into his arms, but I hold my ground.

"Get up, Jay," I swallow, stifling a grin.

"I have better things to do." He tries to bat his eyelashes at me.

I admit, he's not bad at it.

"Better things to do, huh?" I tweak one of his curls. "Like cleaning the marker stains off your face?"


"The guys scribbled all over your face last night, zaptrap."

He scowls at first, but then he shrugs, tucking the blankets up to his chin. "If we're not snuggling, I'm going back to sleep."

"Jay," I warn him.

He makes obnoxious fake snoring noises, then opens one eye to judge my expression.

It's half unimpressed, half adoration.

He smiles, knowing he's winning me over. "I'm so cold down here," he complains.

"No, Jay." I turn to leave, but he tugs on my hand that's still in his grasp.

"Please?" he begs. "It's been a long time since we've done anything like that."

I smirk, knowing I can win this fight. I climb in next to him, situating myself across his lap, but I stick my foot right in his face.

He grabs it with his hands, ready to tickle me into submission, when he suddenly makes a sour face.

"Eww, Nya," he complains. "Your feet stink!"

"You bet. Being stuck on a ship for days, having to share a shower with you five...you know, that can make a person smell pretty bad. Ready to get up now?"

To my surprise, he doesn't let my foot go. "No way." His fingers run over my foot, tickling my skin, and I grab my stomach in laughter.

"What the heck, Jay?" I force out. "I know for a fact I don't smell good!"

"Trust me, I've experienced what it's like to have smelly feet. I've been a ninja longer than you." He continues to tickle my foot, and I try desperately to roll away from him. Just as I'm about to fall off the edge of his bed, he grabs me in his arms, releasing his hold on my foot.

I try to regain my breath as he happily pulls me close. "I win." He smacks a kiss on my cheek, then buries his face in my shoulder.

I trace one of the lines of color on his face. "Whatever, Marker-Man."

***So, yeah LOL Prompts I'm uninspired for will most likely turn into Jaya cuddling sessions. But then, who doesn't love Jaya cuddling sessions?

Conya shippers don't :P***

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