Prank My Dad - Flumptober Day #1

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***Hey, all! This is a oneshot for Flumptober, which you can find full details on in "Flumptober: Ninjago Fanfic Challenge" by

LuckyBugBooks !

Make sure you check it out if you haven't yet!

Today's prompt is "inspired by a funny meme or book quote". Now, "Prank My Dad" (video above) isn't technically a meme, I don't think, but I always find it hilarious, and I couldn't resist using it for this prompt!

NOTE: This is actually from a future Kailor AU called "Lessons From the Bad Boy", but this is a kid Jaya piece for that AU. Backstory: Jay is in third grade and Nya's in second. Kai is essentially the parental authority/bill payer in his house, so he has to work a lot. He usually leaves Nya with Ed and Edna while he's working, since Jay's her only friend (she's...interesting). And that's where this oneshot picks up...

***(Jay's POV)***

"I don't know about this," I swallow. "You really think this'll work?"

Nya's eyes gleam. "I'm confident. It'll be hilarious, and you're a funny guy, right?"

"I-I try to be." I blush, swallowing hard. Goshdarn it, she does the weirdest things to my insides.

She seemingly doesn't notice my reaction. "Okay, then let's put this plan into action!" She pushes me toward the dumpster. "Go on and hop in. Your dad will be taking out the trash soon, and we don't want to miss our window of opportunity!"

"Why is it called a window of opportunity?" I frown. "That just sounds all weird."

Nya giggles. "You sound all weird."

"Do not!"

"Your voice is so high-pitched," she teases. "It's like I'm listening to the voice of a cartoon character!"

"Really?" I swallow. "Is it annoying?"

She turns me around to face her. "Of course, it is, Jay."

My heart falls. "O-oh. And I talk a lot, so I bet it gets old really fast, and – oomph!"

She attack-hugs me. "I love your voice, Jay-Jay, even if it is annoying. It reminds me of you, and that makes it really special to me."

I slowly wrap my arms around her, shocked but pleased by her outburst of affection. "I...really?"

"Yeah. And don't you dare tell anyone I said that, or I'll make sure it's the last thing you tell anyone!"

I gulp. "Um..."

She laughs hard, slapping her hand against my chest. "I'm just kidding! Now, get in the dumpster before your dad sees us!"

"Why aren't you getting in the dumpster?"

"Because Kai only left me with one set of clothes today – the one I'm wearing."

"You know you've left a bunch of your clothes here, right? You have at least five extra sets, and my mom has them all washed and ready for you to take home."

"Five? Wow, Kai must drop me off here a lot." She shrugs. "But anyway, Jay, I'm the mastermind behind this plan, and you're the...the...assistant."

"I don't wanna be the assistant, though. The last time we played, you said that since I had to be the damsel in distress and you got to be the knight, we would switch roles this time. That means I get to be the mastermind, right? The hero?"

She chuckles. "You can't be a damsel, Jay. You're a boy."

"Then why was I the one stuck in the tower? It's always the girl who's stuck in the tower!"

"That's called a gender stereotype, Jay."


She shrugs. "I don't know. I think I heard Skylor mention it one time." She makes a sour face at the mention of the girl. "I don't like her, Jay. Kai might trust her, but not me."

I place my hands on her shoulders. "The only reason you don't like her, Nya, is because you're afraid she's stealing Kai from you."

She frowns, obviously upset. "No way. That's not true."

"My mom said it was," I tell her.

She crosses her arms. "Well, your mom's wrong."

My mom isn't usually wrong – I mean, I hope she isn't, given that she's the one who helps me with my math homework – but I know there's no arguing with Nya when she's like this. I just shrug it off. "You don't have to believe her, Nya."

"I only believe what's true, Jay, and that isn't true. You should learn to take your parents' opinions with a grain of salt."

I get down on the edge of the porch so I can slide into the dumpster. Again, I'm not going to argue with Nya. Her dad's out of the picture and her mom's a mess, so it makes sense that she doesn't trust them. Kai's basically her parent.

And you'd better believe she doesn't listen to everything he says.

"You're sure you don't want to come down here with me?" I sigh.

She scowls. "Stop giving me that look."

"What look?"

"The puppy eyes look." She stares at the ground.

"I'm not making puppy eyes. What even are puppy eyes?"

"They're the eyes a baby dog makes when you kick it."

I gasp. "Who would kick a baby dog?!"

She pats my shoulder. "Obviously, not you. Now, are we doing this or not?"

"Yes," I sigh. "But only to make you happy."

She studies me for a moment before releasing a huff. "Fine, I'll go down there with you. But only because I don't want you getting scared and chickening out."

"Really?" I gasp.

"Yeah, whatever." She doesn't look me in the eyes.

"Thanks!" I beam. "You're the best, Nya." I wiggle my way down into the dumpster, then hold up my arms. "Want me to catch you?"

"I weigh almost as much as you do, Jay."

"I'm two pounds more!" I argue. "And I can catch you. Remember that you're supposed to be the damsel in distress this time?"

"I hate this game," she mumbles. "Why can't we play hopscotch or tag or...mafia?"

"My mom won't let me play mafia anymore. I got scared when we did it with Kai and Skylor, remember?"

"Yeah. And then you hid in the bathroom for half an hour, and you only came out when I promised to watch Bambi with you instead."

"You like that movie, too," I argue.

"Whatever." She sighs. "Okay, I'm coming down. Watch out."

"I'll catch you." I hold out my hands. "My dad says if I start eating all the lunch he packs for me, then I can finally get bigger than you."

"So that's why you haven't shared your cookies with me in a week!"

"I'm sorry. I'll ask mom to start packing extras."

"Believe me, they're a lot better than anything the cafeteria gives out." She shudders. "You're so lucky your parents pack your lunch. Kai says we don't have enough money to buy all those fun little lunchbox snacks, so I'm stuck with whatever the school gives me."

"I'm sorry," I say sympathetically. "You know my mom would be happy to pack your food, right?"

"Kai says I'm not allowed to ask, or he won't let me sit in the front seat of the car for a week. And believe me, I'm already stuck in the back most of the time, now that Skylor goes places with us. I have to work with him on this." She places her chin in her hands. "Stupid Skylor."

"She's really trying to be nice to you, Nya. She just doesn't understand you." I place my hands on her waist, standing up to my full height. "I'll help you down."

Her cheeks flush. "N-nope. I can take care of myself, but thanks."

"Aww. But you said you would be the damsel in – "

"Fine!" she exclaims, bracing her hands on my shoulders. "But you drop me, Jay Walker, and I won't watch Bambi with you tonight."

"I'm not going to drop you," I insist.

She sighs heavily. "All right. Here goes." She slowly slides off the top of the dumpster.

My hold on her wobbles – we really are the same size – and I go toppling backwards, hitting the side of the dumpster. I do my best to catch her with my body so she doesn't hit the ground, but I hit my head on the bottom of the trash receptacle.

"Oww," I moan, closing my eyes against the pain.

Nya plants her hands on either side of my face. "Jay! Jay, are you okay? Look at me, soldier. Are you all right?!"

I squint my eyes open to look at her. "We aren't playing army right now. How can I be a soldier?"

Her frantic face is replaced with a smile, and she hugs me tight. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drop you, Nya. I guess we can watch whatever movie you want tonight, since Bambi's out of the question. I failed you." I swallow hard.

"Don't even worry about it." She runs her hands over my face. "Are you hurt?"

I rub my head, sitting up. "I think I'm okay. Just – ouch!" I wince as my hand touches the place where I hit my head.

"Let me look at that," she orders. She turns my face to the side so she can examine my injuries.

"You're not bleeding," she informs me.

"I guess it just hurts," I mumble. "I should be fine in – "

My eyes widen as she presses her lips right next to the tender place on my head.

"All better?" she asks softly, pulling back.

My cheeks redden, and I can't seem to form words as I look at her gentle expression. "I-I-I...uh..."

Suddenly, the sky above us goes dark.

Nya frowns. "What the – "

We're suddenly smooshed by a giant bag of trash. Nya's plastered on top of me, and I can barely move my arms or legs under the weight of...who knows what!

"Ewwwwwwwww!" I cry. Unfortunately, opening my mouth just settles this yucky feeling over me. It's like I can actually taste the garbage.

Nya tries to push the trash bag off, but it doesn't do any good. "Jay, help me," she says desperately. "I can smell your mom's old noodles in there, and I think I'm about to pass out!"

"Yuck," I sniff, trying to help her lift the bag. It barely budges, but it's enough room for Nya to crawl her way out.

She grabs my hands. "Okay, your turn. Let's – Mr. Walker, no!"

The weight on top of me is suddenly doubled, and I feel the world closing in on me. I can't breathe! I can't see! All that exists is the knowledge that I'm about to die under two-week-old noodles!

"Nya, save me!" I plead with my last breath. I know I'm not much longer for this world!

She pulls hard on my arm, and suddenly, the weight on me is lifted. I – I can breathe! It's a miracle by the hand of the First Spinjitzu Master himself, I can breathe!

"Son!" my dad says. "You okay down there?"

I open my eyes to see the glorious light of day. "D-dad?"

Nya throws herself at me in a hug. "I knew you'd pull through, soldier!"

I shake my head against the terror of what just happened, picking a noodle out of Nya's hair. "Am I dead?"

"Nope." She hugs me tighter.

That's when the shock starts to wear off.

I feel tears gather in my eyes. "Th-that was...I smelled so bad down there...I thought for sure I was a goner!"

"It's okay, Jay." Nya dusts me off. "Let's go inside and watch some Bambi, okay?"


My dad shakes his head. "After I hose you two down. Heaven knows what Edna's old noodles can do to a person."

***Interested in more "Lessons From the Bad Boy" content? It'll be out probably in December or January. I have to finish some other pieces before then ;)***

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