Chapter 11

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"So, how exactly do I travel back in time?" Smokeblaze asked.

Onestar gave a weird smile. "You've already done it."

"During my warriors assessment?" Smokeblaze asked. "Thanks for pointing out the obvious."

"Yes. And what exactly were you thinking the moment when you turned back time?" Onestar asked. He seemed to have brushed off Smokeblaze's sarcastic comment. His starry form began to fade away, leaving Smokeblaze to her confusion.

I was trying to catch a rabbit... and then Crowfeather tackled me.... and then what?

Smokeblaze gave a small groan of frustration. Why was it that the moment she needed her brain to work, it always failed her? 

"You'll get it soon, don't worry," Firelight's voice made Smokeblaze scream.

"What- you saw all that?"

"I see everything," Firelight mewed. "Have you ever heard of Rock?"

"Rock? Like, the cat that Jayfeather is always jumpscared by?" Firelight rolled her eyes.

How do I know that he's always jumpscared by Rock? That's kinda creepy. Am I a stalker? Well, I would know if I was a stalker, but.... 

"Yes," Firelight mewed, and when she spoke, she sounded way older than she actually was.

"In a way, I am like him. Cursed by my ancestors to live forever, my only job being to guide cats down the right path."

"I still don't understand."

"When Jayfeather was in the past, he had four kits with the first Stoneteller. The first one, he named Holly Leaf, for her strong resemblance to his real life sister, Hollyleaf. Unfortunately, she died in the first battle of the war. The second kit was named Lion Blaze, because of his resemblance to his real life brother, Lionblaze. Lion Blaze was a good cat at first, but eventually switched sides and fought against Jayfeather. The third kit was named Jay's Flight, and she became a Healer. He lived a long life, but he had a strong connection to the spirit cats."

"You mean StarClan?" Smokeblaze corrected.

"At the time, the Tribe didn't know who they were. Jay's Flight eventually had so many visions from StarClan that she went mad. Continuously rambling about prophecies that nobody could decipher."

"That sounds awful," Smokeblaze mewed sympathetically.

"Yes, it was indeed both awful and annoying." Firelight spat.

"The fourth kit was named Fire Star, for her strong resemblance to Firestar. She was the only one of the entire liter to survive the entire war. She once got in a fight with Jay's Flight. Called him a moron, said that he was a waste of prey. So Jay's Flight attacked her. Fire Star fought back, and accidentally killed him. The spirit cats were furious. Jay's Flight had been meant to live forever, like Rock. She was meant to use her connection to StarClan to guide generations of cats down the right path. When she was killed, the burden was passed down to Fire Star. Fire Star was given the ability to disguise herself as a different cat, so that she would be able to appear friendlier to the cats she guided."

"You mean that...." Smokeblaze felt her blood turn cold. She didn't like what Firelight was implying.

"Yes. I am Jayfeather's kit- Fire Star."

Smokeblaze was unable to comprehend what Firelight had just told her.

"You... so, you know what must happen? If you're meant to guide cats down the right path, then you have to know that path yourself. " Smokeblaze asked. "Are you trolling? I literally watched your mother give birth to you, that's impossible."

"Yes, I do know what will happen. As for witnessing my "birth", it was a false memory, planted in the minds of you and your Clanmates by StarClan."  Firelight replied simply. "StarClan does not like to intervene with the Clan cats' lives, but they will when they must." 

"But... then what will happen? Will the Clans ever come back?" 

"If I tell you now, you will go down the wrong path. Only through trial and error will you be able to master the ability of time travel." 

"Are you copying Doctor Strange?" Smokeblaze asked. 

Firelight tilted her head. "Who?" 

"He told Tony Stark 'If I tell you what happens, it will never happen.' You're copying him, aren't..." Smokeblaze's voice trailed off when she saw the look of pure confusion on Firelight's face. 

"Is this a Twoleg thing?" Firelight asked. "I forgot. You used to be a kittypet." 

That remark stung. Smokeblaze gritted her teeth. 

"Whatever. Can you please tell me how to do it?" 

"I already told you. You need to figure it out by yourself."

"What? You heard my conversation with Onestar." Smokeblaze's voice quivered at the name of her former mate. "I have absolutely no idea where to start." 

"Telling you exactly how time travel works will only result in sending you to the wrong time. It needs to be an exact minute, otherwise everything will go wrong and you'll be killed by Jayfeather's tribe-mates." Firelight mewed.

"So... I need to go back in time to the exact minute, and then... and then if I don't, it'll result it m getting attacked??" Smokeblaze asked.

"Thank you for repeating exactly what I just said." Firelight mewed sarcastically. "But you have to remember, that time is different. Where almost 10 seasons have passed where Jayfeather was, here we have only experienced a couple moons." Firelight mewed. "If you stay in the past for too long, you may be too late to bring him before he leaves."

"But if I stop Jayfeather from leaving... then he won't have any kits with Stoneteller," Smokeblaze mewed.

"And that will be good. I will have fulfilled by duty, and be able to peacefully fade away from existence."

"I want Jayfeather to come with us!" Holly Leaf complained. "Why can't he just hide? I need that mental support!" 

"Because someone needs to stay back and protect the camp," Half Moon mewed. "You'll be fine,"

"Really? She'll be fine?" Jayfeather ignored Rock's sarcastic laughing.

"Shut up," he said through gritted teeth, trying to ignore Rock's voice. 

"OK, fine. But I want to have the first pick from the fresh-kill pile when I get back!" Holly Leaf said with an excited bounce.

"Sure. Stay safe, OK?" The worry in Half Moon's voice was clear. "All 4 of you."

Fire Star, Jay's Flight, Lion Blaze, and Holly Leaf followed the rest of the tribe to Wind's camp.

"So, what was the plan again?" Lion Blaze asked.

"Pretty much, Gray Wing and Tall Shadow are going to walk straight into their camp, the rest of us are going to sneak around through the abandoned Twoleg den, and then we'll be able to hide in there until Gray Wing gives us the signal to attack. We then will go out through the front entrace of the Twoleg den and attack Wind's Camp from a different side."

"Ok then," Jay's Flight mewed. The Tribe quickly left the territory and approached a tall cliff that had been nicknamed "The Highstones". Gray Wing and Tall Shadow crossed the Thunderpath the moment they approached Wind's camp, while the rest of the Tribe ran across the Highstones and crossed the Thunderpath.

One by one, the cats quickly ran into the abandoned Twoleg den through a hole in the wall. Holly Leaf watched the scene unfold through a hole in the farm.

"Who is that?" Gorse hissed to Wind.

"I think it's Gray Wing and another Tribe cat." Wind spat, disgust in her voice.

"What do they want? Are they coming to talk to us? I don't see any other cats, so it probably isn't an ambush."

Hah! Holly Leaf smiled at the irony of her statement.

"Greetings, Wind." Gray Wing mewed, his silky tone covering the fury and disgust that his heart held.

"Um, hello?" Wind flicked her tail towards Gorse, who got the message and quickly alerted the rest of the camp. Her group had grown in size, with over 10 new cats living there under Wind's rule.

"We would like to discuss something." Gray Wing flicked his tail twice, and Tall Shadow did the same.

"That's the signal!" Falling Feather whispered. The Tribe silently slid out of the farm, still hidden by the tall overgrowth of trees and bushes surrounding them.

"What would you like to discuss?" Wind asked. She seemed to sense that something was going on, as her muscles were tensed, and she was constantly glancing around.

"You killed someone the last time we met." Gray Wing mewed bitterly. The Tribe silently started to make their way closer to Wind's territory.

"Gorse!" Wind mewed urgently. Her eyes were fixed on the approaching cats. Gorse turned around, and his eyes widened.

"Attack!" Wind tackled Gray Wing, who let out a shriek of surprise. Tall Shadow unsheathed her claws and slashed at Wind, who quickly jumped off of Gray Wing, leaving a deep cut on his nose as she joined the fighting. 

The moment Holly Leaf started fighting, she knew she was in trouble. The cats around her were at least twice her size- it would take four of her to defeat one of them.


"Lion Blaze!" Holly Leaf quickly found her brother. "Where is Jay's Flight? Where's Fire Star?"

"Why?" Lion Blaze asked.

"The 4 of us need to stay together. Otherwise, we're good as dead."

"We're here!" Jay's Flight shouted. Lion Blaze turned around to greet his littermates.

"Look out!" Fire Star shrieked, staring at a golden tabby she-cat with bright green eyes. Lion Blaze rolled out of the way as Fire Star and Holly Leaf tackled the older she-cat. Holly Leaf landed on top of her head and started wildly scratching. While the she-cat dealt with Holly LEaf, Lion Blaze and FIre Star clawed at her legs. Jay's Flight leaped at the she-cat, tackling her from the side, and she fell to the ground, desperately trying to stop the four kits from killing her.

Suddenly, Holly Leaf let out a shriek of pain. A ginger tom was biting into her neck, fury glowing in his eyes. Holly Leaf writhed around, blood starting to soak darken her dark-gray fur.

"Holly Leaf!" Lion Blaze jumped at the tom. He let go of Holly Leaf, who was now soaked in her own blood, and slammed Lion Blaze to the ground.

"Never mess with my daughter ever again." The ginger tom hissed, his single eye sparkling menacingly. Lion Blaze squealed and slid out of the large cat's grip, running back into the farm, with Fire Star and Jay's Flight trailing behind him.

In the meantime, Tall Shadow and Gray Wing were busy fighting Wind and Gorse. Gray Wing winced in pain as blood dripped out of a wound in his tail. He gritted his teeth and slashed his claws down at Wind. Surprisingly, Wind intercepted his strike, catching his paw in between hers. She threw him over his head, and Gray Wing yelped as he rolled down the steep hill of the moor. Wind chased after him, her gaze focused on the gray tom.

"Gray Wing!" Tall Shadow chased after Wind, but screamed as Gorse pinned her down.

Gray Wing appeared to be trapped. In front of him was a really big river, one that he would never be able to jump over. He was stuck between the choice of drowning or fighting Wind. He didn't like his odds against Wind, but drowning was a very painful way to go. 

I'll never give Wind the satisfaction of seeing me drown to escape her! Gray Wing thought. He leaped at Wind, which was the worst mistake of his life. Wind, who had the higher ground, was able to easily slam Gray Wing back onto the ground. She stabbed her claws down at Gray Wing, who rolled over to avoid them. Right after that, he fell into the roaring river. 

It was the worst feeling he had ever experienced. Panic and anger. Fear, that he would die and never be able to avenge Clear Sky. Anger, that he was dying at the paws of the one cat he despised. He was not going to die without bringing Wind with him. 

With a final effort, he extended his arm and pulled Wind into the river. Wind let out a shriek, and fell into the river. 

Gray Wing slashed his claws at Wind, the cold water of the rushing river chilling him. Both Wind and Gray Wing struggled to fight against the current of the shallow river, and if they didn't get out soon, both of them would drown. 


Lion Blaze felt anger like he never had before. His sister was dead, and it was all because of Gray Wing's stupid attack plan. 

"Lion Blaze! We have to get Holly Leaf! Maybe Jay's Flight can save her!" Fire Star mewe

"You think we can save her?" Lion Blaze asked aggressively. "Did you see what that other tom did to her? He probably snapped her neck!" 

Fire Star recoiled at Lion Blaze's harsh words. "How can you believe that, when there is still hope that she's alive?" 

Lion Blaze sat in silence as he watched Jay's Flight and Fire Star run back out onto Wind's territory and carried Holly Leaf's body back into the farm. 

"Is she alive?" Lion Blaze whispered, barely daring to hope. 

"Yes, but she's probably dying," Jay's Flight mewed urgently. He looked around the barn frantically, and his eyes lit up when he spotted a bright, yellow flower growing in tthe corner. 

"What's that?" Lion Blaze asked as Jay's Flight chewed the yellow flower into a polutice. 

"Goldenrod," Jay's Flight mewed as he approached Holly Leaf. His face fell. 

"She isn't breathing," Lion Blaze's blood turned cold. 

"Holly Leaf?" FIre Star whimpered. 

"No! " Lion Blaze let out a strangled cry. "You... you failed her!" LIon Blaze rounded on Jay's Flight. 

"Wha-" Jay's Flight sputtered. 

"If you were faster, maybe she'd be alive!" Lion Blaze's eyes shined with fury. 

"Look at the wound!" Jay's Flight responded, raising his voice. "You can see her bone! With a cut that deep, she would probably have died even if I tried!" 

"How could you give up on her like that?" Lion Blaze demanded. 

"You and your double standards!" Fire Star finally spoke. "Who was the one that was unwilling to risk their own life and bring Holly Leaf back? You! At least Jay's Wing tried!" 

Lion Blaze gritted his teeth. Despite his stubborness, he knew that Fire Star was right. HE turned his back on Fire Star and Jay's Wing, and stared out at the battlefield. 


Jayfeather knew something was wrong. The prophecy had filled him with a sense of dread. Rock's prophecy had left him confused, and he was struggling to find out what it meant. 

Feathers of soot was clearly referring to a cat gray fur color, and probably had a name that had some sort of association with a bird. That narrowed it down to Gray Wing, himself, and Jay's Flight. 

"Feathers of soot, plunged in water, will never fly again..... is one of us going to drown?" Jayfeather asked himself quietly, a small chill running down his spine. 

"So you've figured it out." Rock mewed. Jayfeather nearly screamed. 

"You have got to stop doing that, Rock!" Jayfeather snapped. "What in StarClan- I mean..... what do you want?"

"Gray Wing will die to Wind, but he'll take Wind down with him." Rock mewed. 

"But Wind looks exactly like Windstar! She hasn't gotten the chance to establish WindClan... wait...." 

Jayfeather was finally starting to see what Rock was warning him about. 

"Rock, did the Tribe create the Clans?" 

:):)::):):):):):):) and....... cliffhanger! 

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