Chapter 15

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"These are the cats that killed Holly Leaf!"

Wind's face fell. Her smirk was replaced by a look of fear.

"Your daughter was attacking him. One-Eye had no choice-"

Lion Blaze let out a dry laugh. "Really? A kit was attacking him and he had to kill her?"

Jayfeather studied Half Moon's face. It was void of any emotions.

"Half Moon?" Jayfeather asked. "What are we going to do?"

"One-Eye killed Holly Leaf?" She asked. Wind struggled to answer.

"There can be no peace then." Half Moon said coldly. "Please leave."

"No!" Lion Blaze hissed. "They need to pay for what they did!"

"Lion Blaze, you can't get revenge for everything." Half Moon snapped. "Let them go."

Lion Blaze's eyes mixed with emotions- anger, grief, and a little bit of compassion for the cats that killed his sister. Finally, he lashed his tail and stormed away.

Jayfeather watched Lion Blaze in pity as he walked away. Lion Blaze was only 5 moons old, yet the trauma of the recent events had already stripped him of his childhood. All of a sudden, Jayfeather realized he had no reason to complain over being blind as a kit, when Lion Blaze's first few moons of life were a complete nightmare. All because he had failed as a father. They'd be better without him.

Maybe if I left, Lion Blaze could slowly recover, along with Fire Star and Jay's Flight...


Dovewing slowly rose her head, stirring from her long nap. She looked around- there was such a small amount of cats left. So little of StarClan remained after the Dark Forest's attack. She internally scolded herself for allowing her guard to drop like that. After all, if a threat was coming, she would be the first one to know.

She had started developing her powers a little better now, even though she was in StarClan. Before, she could only hear what people were seeing. Now, she had used her powers so much that she could see what others were doing from a distance.

"Smokeblaze is finally figuring her powers out." Dovewing turned around and saw Bumblestripe paddnig towards her. He stared straight down, watching as Smokeblaze dueled Thistleclaw.

"Do you think she has it within her to bring Jayfeather back?" Dovewing asked. Bumblestripe smiled, and nodded.

"She's a natural. She'll be able to travel back in time and return Jayfeather's consciousness back into his body at the right time." Bumblestripe said.

"She'll have to return his consciousness before he chooses to leave the Clans. Otherwise things will just loop back again." Bumblestripe noted. "Look."

The two watched as Smokeblaze, who stood over Thistleclaw's dead body, gave a threatening growl as she approached Brokenstar. Brokenstar cursed, then dissapeared in a puff of black smoke. The rest of the cats did the same. FallenClan had won the battle, for now.

"She really is great. She can do this. Rest easy, Dovewing." Bumblestripe said, padding away to join the rest of the StarClan cats.

Suddenly, Dovewing felt a force pulling her away from the rest of StarClan.

"What?" Dovewing looked back, trying to call for help. But she was still getting pulled away, getting pulled back down to the living world and away from StarClan.

Her body began to solidify. It lost its misty form and began to turn more realistic.

She fell straight in the center of FallenClan, only one thought on her mind.

Did I just get bought back to life?


Smokeblaze focused on bringing Dovewing back to life, reversing the wounds that had ended her life and dragging her spirit back into her body. It was cruel, but neccesary. The prophecy that Firelight had received required of it.

One is missing and will fall back from the sky
One is the cat that can turn or be an ally
One will be bought back from the torturous past
One has the fire that will always last
Four has become one, and one must become four
Four will be the ones to fight the troubles in store

It was obvious. The one who would fall from the sky would be Dovewing, who currently lived up in StarClan. She would have to bring her back. The cat that was the new ally was herself. She was the newest member of the Clan who was an ally, and she could turn back time, hence the "turn or be an ally" line. The one who would be bought back from the past would be Jayfeather. The one with the fire which would always last was Lionblaze, who couldn't die in battle.

"Dovewing!" Tigerheart's voice rang the loudest out of the entire Clan. He ran forwards, stopping in front of her body, every muscle of his body trembling.

Smokeblaze felt the sudden adreniline in her body slipping away. She lost focus and her vision became blurry. The last thing she remembered before passing out was an elegant, brown she cat with yellow eyes appearing before her, saying;

"Did you really think using such power would come without a cost?"


Hi! Sorry for the small chapter. I'm going to consider adding anew POV, maybe it'll be Dovewing's POV of Lion Blaze's (the one in the past) POV. Who would you ppl like to see?

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