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"I can't believe you blew up the tunnel!", you growled and wiped the cut on JD's cheek clean. "You're a bunch of idiots."

"Lucky idiots, though.", Del said and shook some rubble out of his hair. "At least we got the satellites."

You huffed.

"Yeah, at least you got those... now, all we need to do is get them into position and then get the hell out of here.", Paduk crossed his arms in front of his chest. "You should get going. We need someone to do it from the inside. The launch buttons don't work from afar anymore."

Rolling her eyes, Kait turned her back on him and got to work.

The others followed her.

But as JD wanted to get up too, you held him back.

Confused, he frowned and lowered himself again, to grab your face with both hands.

"What is it?", he asked in a soft voice so that nobody else could hear. "You look troubled."

Sighing, you shook your head.

"I- how am I supposed to tell you without sounding paranoid?", you avoided his eyes. "This place. Something doesn't feel right."

His thumb started rubbing your cheeks.

"We will be gone soon.", he said and placed a kiss on your forehead.

"That's not it. It just... When the Locust attacked me in my lab, I could feel that something was there before the monster appeared. I thought it was you, that's why I reacted too late. But I had this feeling, like a gut feeling, that told me something was off. And I feel it now too."

Concern lit up in his eyes.

"Do you... do you think something is about to happen?"

"I don't know."

"The Swarm attacked us in the hall as we secured the satellites."

"No, that's different. They are just a warning. Not the real thing that's about to happen."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. Don't think I'm crazy, because I'm not."

"I don't think you are."

Sighing, you squeezed your eyes shut and pressed a hand to your aching forehead.

"Be careful, please.", you pulled him into a kiss. "I love you."

He smiled against your lips while taking in the taste of you.

"I will.", he kissed you again. "Promise."

But as he left the room to follow the others, you still couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. Things were about to happen and it made you feel like a thin layer of ice was growing all over you again.

"Shit...", sighting, you massaged your forehead. "Come on, don't loose your mind now. He needs you... And you need him. Don't be a disappointment."

With an impressed whistle, JD looked up at the huge complex of metal beams and cables.

The launching tower was so high that it was almost impossible to see the top. The sunlight got caught between the construction, making long shadows dance over an iron field which was covered in red sand.

The many years of abandonment had left their traces. Rust was already eating on the metal and some screws looked dangerously loose.

"Do you think it will hold?", JD asked.

Del shrugged.

"It has to.", he took a quick look himself. "It's the only option we have left."

Understanding, JD nodded and grabbed his ear.

"Can you hear me?", he asked.

"Loud a clear.", you mumbled.

He could hear the smile in your voice.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing. I just thought they only say such lines in movies. Anyways... are you at the terminal?"

Kait pushed a door open.

"Yep.", she gasped and checked the terminals. "Everything looks dusty and useless though."

"If my information are correct, that thing is older than most of us."

"It is older than all of you.", Paduk added. "Almost older than myself."

"So it's ancient.", Fahz mumbled.

"I heard that. Watch your mouth."

But before Paduk could be more offended about the fact that he was getting old, the ground below everyone started to shake.

Struck by surprise, the group stumbled.

Kait almost fell over but managed to grab the edge of a table.

"What the fuck was that?", you asked as the small earthquake was over.

All of a sudden, the strange feeling returned. A cold shiver crawled down your spine.

"Wait a minute.", Paduk frowned. "Did you initiated launch?"

Kait turned around.

Jack beeped.

"Uh... maybe?", she mumbled.

"Then get the hell outta there! Now!"

"Shit!", JD took the lead as the door of the hanger opened.

"Go, go, go!", Kait helped him to open a shaft.

Del climbed the ladder down first, followed by Fahz and lastly JD. Kait waited to be the last before climbing down as well.

A sandstorm was starting to pick up. The sky got swallowed by red and dust.

"We're good!", Del said in a relived voice.

But as soon as the words left his lips, the ground started to tremble again.

JD turned on the communicator.

"(Y/N)!", he gasped while running. "Tell me this is nothing to worry about."

"Uh...", you checked the cameras, but despite everything looking normal, you couldn't shake off this feeling of terror. "James... get out of there as quickly as possible."

"Why are you nervous?"

"I- I... just get out!"

The group ran across the hanger, dodged some flying rocks and slid down the sand covered stairs. They were almost at the exit, when the ground started to tremble a third time.

"Okay, this is not good...", Del said and jumped back.

Before him, the sand started to form into a small hill. The ground bend and as it broke, a huge, fleshy tentacle rose into the sky.

One mighty smash of this thing and the train, including all of the train tracks were gone.

"Holy shit!", JD cursed and opened fire. "What is this?!"

Frozen in terror, you started at the screen as more tentacles emerged from the sand. You fingers were trembling while sweat started forming in the back of your neck. The feeling inside of you was going insane.

So that was what you've been worried about.

"The Swarm!", Kait screamed and tried to throw a grenade.

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