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Breathing heavily, JD placed the last beacon in a safe position and squatted behind a wall to get a few moments of rest. Sweat and blood mixed on his forehead.

Quickly, he wiped it away with the back of his hand. He knew you would go crazy if you could see in what condition he was in, dirty and splattered with monster blood and slime.

A blue pillar of light rose into the dirty grey sky, cutting through rain and clouds.

"Baird.", he gasped. "Echo's beacon is live."

The communicator clicked, giving him a hint of hope that you could answer.

"Just in time, Delta.", Baird said satisfied. "More Swarm heading your way!"

Kait gasped.

"Wait-! Aren't all beacons up?", she asked, looking across the area. "Don't you have complete control?"

Baird sighed.

"Yes and no. The beacons need to sync up! The kid is working on it."

"The kid?", JD frowned.

"Your lovely little scientist."

"(Y/N)'s up?!"

"Yes, now go and defend that area!"

A scream interrupted their conversation.

In a huge wave, the Swarm flooded the area, ready to tear everything and everyone apart who was foolish enough to get into their way.

"We need to get to Paduk!", Kait shouted and signalised the others to follow her.

With a determined expression on his face, JD jumped up and rushed to her side, his gun raised.

Together, they chased across the landscape of ruins.

His eyes wandered up to the grey sky. Quickly, he grabbed Kait by the shoulder and pulled her back before she could run into the open and get snatched by another wave of the Swarm.

Like birds that flew south, they filled the air and brought a stench of death and despair with them.

Breathing heavily, she swallowed hard and gave him a thankful nod.

"That was close...", she mumbled and walked on.

Del exchanged a gaze with JD.

"We need to get Paduk's beacon and then should run.", he suggested.

She nodded, but hesitated.

"Hey...", she turned to JD. "What will you do if this is over? Will you... stay with the COG."

Taken by surprise, shrugged.

"I- I don't know yet.", he admitted and looked up to the sky. "But I'll stay by (Y/N)'s side. No matter where that might be."

Del huffed.

"I hope for you I'll be the best man.", he said and bumped his friends shoulder.

Confused, JD frowned.


"At your wedding? I want to be the best man. No, I have to."

JD laughed.


"Ha! I could do this all day!", Paduk's voice cut through the noise of the battlefield.

The old man stood on top of a stone, gun raised like a maniac, and shit whatever was closest to him.

The Swarm kept coming, but not a single one of those beasts managed to reach him.

"Paduk!", Kait gasped and rushed to his aid.

But there were barely any monsters left for her to shoot.

"Is your beacon okay?", JD asked and watched as the old man jumped to the ground. "We need all five."

Paduk patted the machine which was strapped to his back.

"Yes, don't worry.", he handed it to Del. "Our plan was to place it behind the tomb. So go do that and I'll guard the front."

Alright, Del took the lead.

Wrapped in silence, the three walked over to the tomb and set everything up as it was supposed to be. The mood was tense, everyone wanted to get lost in calming conversations but they also knew that one mistake could cost their lives.

The Swarm was out of control and it was only a matter of time before it would escape the ruins and reach the city.

"Baird, we're all clear here...", Kait said and looked around again. "Are the beacons synced yet?"

Suddenly, a new wave appeared. But it did not attack. Instead, it danced in the air as if it were waiting for something.

Del backed away.

"Cause if not, you may want to hurry!", he advised and tightened his grip on the gun.

You cleared your throat on the other end of the line.

"One second.", you said. "It's only a matter of seconds. First test."

A bright glow cut through the veil of clouds. A laser beam chased into earth, right into the approaching Swarm.

"Nice shot!", JD laughed.

But as another launch started, the Hammer missed its target by many meters.

Struck by surprise, Kait turned around, only to get torn off her feet by a shockwave.

Gasping, the group fell to their knees as the ground broke open and tentacles appeared.

"What's happening?!", you asked, confused by the sudden issues.

"The beacon!", Kait shouted and watched as another tentacle tore the earth open and smashed it.

"What the fu-?!", the connection ripped off before you could respond.

With bated breath, Kait watched as a creature emerged from the dust.

It was a mixture of the Swarm and a human being itself, female and yet so inhumane. It had the face of Reyna, but the body of something evil. With a grin, the new Queen let one of her tentacles wrap around Kait's leg and pulled her across the ground.

"Del, now!", JD shouted and rushed forward, a knife in hand.

But the Queen was smart. Quickly, she dropped Kait and wrapped her tentacles around the men's necks instead.

Gasping in surprise, they were torn into the air, struggling to take a breath.

Blinded by pain and fear, Kait grabbed the knife that JD had dropped. With her eyes squinted together, she tried to aim for Reyna's face. But instead, the blade that she threw with all her might cut the tentacle in which's grip JD was struggling.

With a groan, he hit the ground and gasped for air. His lungs were burning and his throat was red and blue from the pressure.

Angered, Reyna backed away.

"You've made your choice!", she hissed.

The tentacle around Del's neck tightened. His legs twitched in pain as his eyes rolled back.

A loud crack filled the silence. It was the sound of his neck breaking.

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