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Screaming in rage, the creature tore its mouth wide open. The surface of its skin was glowing red, covered in black ash and burns as if it had just survived a fire. With trembling strength, it managed to get its head up but remained lying in the ground.

Huffing and praying, the ground ran across the desert while the screams of the creature haunted them.

Hot wind stroked over the blanket of red sand.

With sweat running down his forehead, JD ran on, faster than he had expected to be able to.

Kait was running in front of him while Del and Fahz seemed to fight for the first place.

"We're not gonna make it!", Del screamed and looked back.

At the horizon, a raven appeared.

A clicking sound filled JD's ear. Smiling satisfied, he pressed the button to accept the signal.

"I knew I could count on you, (Y/N)!", he laughed. "I love you!"

But it wasn't your voice that greeted him.

It was Paduk.

"Alright children...", he said and let the raven fly as low as possible without hitting the ground. "Onto the bus!"

Hastily, they jumped in one by one.

"We're clear!", Kait shouted.

Not a second later, the old Paduk pulled the raven into the air again.

As he did so, a loud blow ripped through the sky. Steam filled the landscape and made the hanger tremble. The rocket's engines started to fire up, turning sand into little shreds of glass through the massive heat. First slow, then quicker, it rose into the air, until it drew a clear line across the sky like a star that was returning to its rightful place.

"We fucking made it!", JD laughed.

"Holy shit...", Kait gasped. "I can't believe that worked."

Del huffed.

"I can't believe we're still alive.", he shrugged.

For once, Fahz nodded in agreement.

"That was some crazy shit.", he let himself fall onto the floor and had to take a deep breath in.

As he did so, his head hit the edge of a corner.

It seemed to be a bunk bed, portable and made for the field, not for comfort.

As Fahz looked behind the improvised curtain, his expression dropped. His eyes jumped to JD, then to Del and Kait. Carefully, he shook his head as if he wanted the other two to keep their mouths shut.

Frowning in confusion, JD looked into the cockpit.

Baird was sitting next to Paduk, working as the copilot.

"Hey...", JD stuck his head into the cockpit to have a word with them. "Where's (Y/N)?"

Baird threw a quick glance over his shoulder. But he still refused to say a word.

"Paduk?", JD grabbed the old man's shoulder.

For a moment, Paduk squeezed his lips into a thin line and let out a displeased sound. Then, he pointed at the curtain, but didn't comment on it either.

JD looked at Fahz, who only lowered his gaze and walked to another seat.

Even Kait and Del did not dare to say anything, despite them nit knowing what was going on either.

"No...", JD whispered and slowly walked towards the bed.

But as his fingers grabbed the blanket, he hesitated to push it away. Again, he turned to Fahz.

"Is it... is it bad?", he asked his friend.

Fahz sighed.

"I wouldn't want to lay there.", he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

JD's heart skipped a beat.

But before he could assume the worst, you moved behind the curtain.

"Stop say it as if I'm dead...", you complained in a silent voice and took a shivering breath.

Sighing in relief, JD risked to take a look.

After the scar had torn open again, the flow of the blood had not stopped. Paduk had patched you up as well as possible and Baird had managed to stabilise the issue enough to get you into the raven. But the bandages were soaked in red nonetheless.

Breathing burned and you had barley enough strength to raise your head. But you were alive and also very glad about it, despite suffering with every breath.

With a worried look on his face, JD slid behind the curtain and knelt down so you could stroke his cheek with one hand.

"What did you do?", he asked, visibly fighting back tears.

You gifted him a tired smile.

"I helped.", you kissed his hand. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"You're bleeding so much. You lost so much blood before, this is risky."

"I know. But I'll be fine. I promise."

With his eyebrows drawn together, he raised the blanket in which you were wrapped and took a look for himself.

"You'll need to see Jinn's doctors.", he demanded.

Too tired to argue, you nodded and closed your eyes.

"Let me rest first...", you mumbled and started to drift off.

"Don't you dare not wake up again.", he whispered.

A soft chuckle made your body twitch.

"I will. Besides, what would you do without me?"

He smirked.

"Probably getting eaten by an alien creature.", he joked and breathed a kiss onto your forehead.

As your eyes opened again, you were laying in a hospital bed. Above you, cold, white lights trembled as if the ground above was shaking.

Swallowing, you tried to moisten your dirty throat with some saliva.

"Where am I?", you asked in a hoarse voice.

Next to you, someone moved.

It was had to tell who it was, but you managed to spot the outline of a slim face, framed by glasses and combed back black hair.

"In New Ephyra.", a familiar voice said.

Annoyed, you groaned and rolled your eyes.

"Jinn...", from the tone of your voice you made it clear that she wasn't a welcomed sight.

She nodded her head in greeting.

"Doctor.", her eyes wandered up and down on you before meeting yours. "Never seen you in worse condition. And I thought you'd be someone who stays out of trouble."

"The Fenix have their ways of getting people out of their comfort zones.", you joked.

She curled her lips.

"That is true. Speaking of the devil, I hope you're in good enough condition to navigate the Hammer."

You frowned.


"Because otherwise, we'll go under."

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