Defeating Emily

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Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter, but I can't write action or fighting scenes. Still hope you guys like it, especially Nya pounding Emily for making fun of Jay.

Also, I'm trying to post mostly on weekends, because that's the only time I have to write now. I'm super busy with school, so from now on, unless I have a day off, I will be posting on the weekends. Enjoy and comment. 😉

The ninja were free and racing back to Ninjago City to stop Emily and Garmadon. They ran for about five minutes before feeling the ground shake. And they knew, even without looking at the time, that Garmadon had started his attack on Ninjago City.

"Come on, we have to hurry to headquarters." Lloyd said, then they all look off like rockets. They just kept going until they reached the docks.

Once they were inside, they quickly changed into their ninja suits and quickly got in their mechs. They were now off to kick Garmadon's butt.

Soon, they reached the city and saw the goons everywhere. They were all doing horrible things to the citizens. They were destroyed building, making cars dang over a bridge, and popping balloons. It was total chaos.

But among the chaos, Nya could see the blond haired which she was after. Emily was standing on a building, watching all the chaos that Garmadon and his goons were causing Ninjago tonight like it was a movie she was enjoying. She had a smirk on her face that Nya wanted to wipe clean off.

When the ninja's mechs got closer into view, all of Garmadon's men, and even Emily, looked surprised to see them.

"Attack!" Garmadon's General number one yelled at the army. Within seconds, ninja were battling Garmadon's army yet again. Well, almost all the ninja.

Nya had put her mech on autopilot and ditched it. She wasn't interested in dealing with just the goons. She wanted to deal with Emily personally.

She quickly saw the building she was on and started running towards it. Once she got close enough to her, she could hear her talking to someone on her phone.

"Yes, I know the ninja are here!" Emily yelled into her phone.

Nya hear yelling on the other end of the line before Emily said, "Well it's not my fault that your minions can't build a proper cage to hold six ninja."

Nya had had enough waiting and rushed towards Emily. In one move, she almost knocked the phone out of Emily's hand and pushed her back a few feet.

Emily looked angrily at Nya, then said into her phone, "I'm going to have to call you back." She put the phone in her pocket and look a fighting stance.

Nya rushed towards her and tried to land a few punches on her, but Emily was a better fighter than she thought. She dodged almost every single punch and even managed to hit Nya in the stomach.

She smirk at the damage she did to Nya, then said, "Wow, you're a horrible fighter. Way worse than when I first thought."

Nya tried to fight her again but she was to angry and kept charging at her. Emily just kept taunting her. Until she said something she shouldn't have said.

"You're even more pathetic than Jay, if that's possible." She said.

That was it for Nya. Emily could insult her all she wanted, but Nya drew a line when she made fun of Jay.

"You're going to regret saying that." Nya said, then charged at Emily yet again. But this time, as she threw a punch to Emily's face, she kicked her in the stomach.

That was enough to get her off balance, then it was easy for Nya to bear her. Nya kicked her leg, bruised her arms, and, for making fun of Jay, punched her in the face, hard.

Once she was done, Emily was limping away, looking miserable. She looked at Nya and said, "You'll pay one day, ninja." Then, dramatically, fell off the roof.

Nya didn't like Emily very much, or at all, but she rushed over anyway to see where she landed.

She saw that she was in a mech headed towards Garmadon's volcano lair. Nya couldn't help but hope that Emily would be the next one fires out of the volcano.

The battle was over and the ninja had once again beaten Garmadon. Emily had gotten what was coming to her, and just the thought of that made Nya grin widely.

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