Fixing a Broken Heart

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Sorry for the short chapter guys, but there's some Jaya in it, so I hope that makes up for it being so short. Enjoy the chapter and please comment. 😉😎

The ninja were trapped. Emily had imprisoned them in a large cage without their mechs, so there was no way of getting out. But that wasn't what Nya was concerned with right now.

During Emily's evil monologue, she told them she just used Jay. Now, said ninja was now sitting on the other side of the cage, looking miserable.

Jay's beautiful sapphire blue eyes were red and puffy from all the crying he had been doing, he had a frown on his face instead of his usual cute smile, and, worst of all, he was blaming himself for not realizing that Emily was evil all along.

Nya couldn't stand to see Jay like this. It broke her heart to see the person she (admittedly) did have a crush on so upset. It was worst than kicking a puppy, or stealing a child's ice cream.

'I promise, next time I see that blonde haired snake, I'm gonna make her sorry.' Nya thought to herself.

So, while the others were busy trying to find a way to get out of the cage, she walked over to Jay and sat down next to him. He didn't even look up.

"Hey, are you okay?" Nya asked.

"No." Jay said quietly, wiping away a tear.

"You shouldn't blame yourself, Jay, you couldn't have known that Emily was evil." Nya said, trying to make him feel better, but it didn't appear to be working.

"But I am to blame, Nya." Jay said, still not looking up at her and shedding more tears.

Nya had had enough of doing nothing and put a comforting hand on Jay's shoulder. Jay finally looked up as Nya pulled him into a comforting hug.

"Jay, it's not your fault that you didn't see that Emily was using you." Nya said as they hugged. "We should have warned you about her when we first suspected that she wasn't who she said she was. If anything, we're the ones to blame for this, not you."

"But I should have suspected something." Jay said. "I guess I just wanted to believe that someone finally actually liked me."

Nya finally released Jay from the hug, looked him square in the eyes and said, "Jay, if Emily can't see what an amazing guy you are, then that's her problem. You're the sweetest, kindest, and funniest guy I know. You deserve better than her."

"Thank you Nya." Jay said with a smile, then hugged her again. "We are getting revenge on her though, right?"

"Oh definitely." Nya said, smiling at the thought of hurting Emily for hurting Jay. "But first we need to find a way out of here."

Jay and Nya then joined the search for a way out of the cage with the other ninja. About half an hour later, they were all about ready to give up.

"This is hopeless!" Kai yelled and hit the bars of the cage.

"Be patient, Kai. We will find a way out." Zane said, trying to calm the hot headed ninja down.

"Maybe we can pick the lock." Cole suggested. "Anyone know how?"

No one said anything. They all sighed and tried to think of another way out of the cage. So far, they all had nothing.

Then, Nya noticed something. She saw that one of the bars seemed loose and could be taken out.

"Guys, I think I just found our way out." Nya said. They all gathered around her as she kicked the loose bar. It broke and left a space big enough for the ninja to get through.

"Come on," Lloyd said. "We don't have much time until midnight."

The ninja all ran off in the direction Emily went, ready for some revenge on the evil blonde haired girl who broke their friend's heart. And they were all looking forward to it.

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