Fighting For Sanity: Part 1

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Dedicated to Mac_Anciel.

As Chat Noir leaped across the buildings of Paris, something in the corner of his eye caught his attention and he abruptly stopped.

Marinette stood on her balcony, tracing her eyes along the cloudy sky. Unbeknownst to her, he perched on the building watching her as her thoughts scrambled. Chat sat there, thoughts of holding her flooding into his mind. He wanted to hold her so badly, but he knew he couldn’t. Not yet, anyways.

Leaving Mari to her own devices, he leapt away and back towards his house.


“Alya, Nino!” Adrien waves to his friends that were about to enter the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Jogging over to them with a smile, he said, “You two ready to go see a movie?” He asked, mostly excited to hang out with Marinette. They had made plans to meet up at Marinette’s bakery before going to see the new movie that came out; Jumanji: the next level. 

[Editor: I just watched it uwu]

Entering the bakery, they all inhaled deeply; like they usually do when they visit. It always smelled so heavenly. “Hello, kids! You here to see Marinette?” Sabine asked from behind the counter. “Yeah, we are. Is she upstairs?” Alya asked. “Yes, she is. You go right on up.” 

“Thank you, Sabine.”


“Manon, stop jumping on the furniture!” A loud crash was heard from behind the door, causing the teens to flinch and grimace about what lies behind the inside. When they opened it, they saw Marinette lying on the floor with Manon securely in her arms.

“Let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go!” Manon whined dramatically, flailing her arms and legs around.

“Settle down, and I will.” 

“Hey, Mari!”

Marinette snapped her gaze from the tiny brunette to the bigger people standing in her doorway.

“Hey, Alya, Nino, Adrien! Sorry, I’m a little caught up at the moment. Why are you all here? Not that I’m not happy to see you!”

“The movies, remember?” Marinette made a surprised pikachu face before saddening. “I’m sorry, guys, I totally forgot. My dad saddled me with babysitting - I really wanted to go, but…” Alya shook her head, “then, we’ll take her!” 

“...What?” Nino looked at the little ball of energy and grimaced. 

“Yay, yay, yay! Movies!” Manon quickly got up and rushed to put her tiny shoes on. Marinette did the same.

“Alright, let’s go.” Marinette smiled, picking up the little girl to hold in her arms. “Jumanji good with you?” The little girl threw her arms around Marinette, nodding profusely. “Yeah!” 



“Hey, Mari-”

“Yes, Alya?” 

“There’s a free seat right there.” She pointed to the spot next to Adrien. “Yeeees, and there’s one over here, to- ok.” She said as Alya pushed her down next to Adrien. They glanced at each other, Marinette giggling awkwardly. 


After the movie:

“Hey, Mari-”


“Nino and I are gonna stay behind and watch another movie. You can walk home with Adrien.”

“And me, too!” Manon pouted, pulling on Alya’s sleeve.”

“Yes, you too, Manon.”

“Bye, guys. Have fun!”


A quietness filled over the two after dropping off Manon. Marinette’s eyes wandered her surroundings as she thought of something that might break the ice. She looked over to him, hesitating to speak.

“Thank you.” He glanced over to her, raising a brow. “For what?” She smiled, “For walking us home.”

“No problem, Mari!” He blushed, looking down at her hand. He wanted to hold it, but was unsure of her reaction.

Would she pull away? Would she accept the gesture? Would she accept it just to be nice? He surely didn’t know. He didn’t feel like finding out, either. 

Deciding it worth the risk, he brushed his fingers along her hand before slowly intertwining their fingers. Marinette gasped, and, in shock, pulled her hand away. But he quickly latched onto it again.

Marinette burned, her entire face red. “W-wha-“ — “Shh.” He shushed her, not wanting anything to be said. Deciding to abide to his wishes, she stayed quiet. 

As they reached the bakery door, Adrien reluctantly let go of Marinette’s hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He granted her one last smile before walking away.


The next day in class, Adrien had this big goofy smile on his face as he doodled little Marinettes on his paper. Nino raised an eyebrow, looking at his friend like he was mental. 

“Ahem.” The paper was snatched out of Adrien’s hands by their science teacher, Miss Mendeleiv. “Mister Agreste! Why are you doodling mutants with macaroni hair on your worksheet?” People in class snickered as Adrien’s face went beet red.

“S-sorry, miss. Won’t happen again.” Ripping it up, she threw it away before handing him a new piece of paper. “Better not, or that’s detention!”

. . .

Editor: Well, that’s it for today. I’m fucking tired as shit. I hope the Author is happy. I most certainly am not. But guys, I got my permit! Which means I’m becoming an adult! Shit! :D

Author: stop complaining 😂
*stressed out like hell*

Editor: ma’am *profusely sweating*

Well… BYE!

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