The Day Sanity Took Off

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“Nathalie.” Gabriel’s voice bounced off his office walls as his assistant’s heels clicked on the marble floor. “Yes, Mr. Agreste?” She spoke drearily. “Bring Adrien to my office.” He commanded, still scribbling words onto his documents. “Yes, sir.” Turning 180 degrees, she walked towards the door and left the office to retrieve her boss’s son.

Lightly knocking on his bedroom door, without delay, she spoke. “Adrien, your father requests your presence immediately.” The child opened his door, and started down the hall with Nathalie leading his way. Opening the office for him, Adrien thanked her quietly before entering, the door closing behind him. “Hello, Father, you called me?” Gabriel nodded, setting down his pen and taking off his glasses. “I wanted to talk to you about… well, you requested that I be a little more lenient with you, and I’ve decided that I will allow you to go to the movies with your friends like you asked a while ago.” Adrien's eyes widened and his jaw slacked. “Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies.” Gabriel deadpanned.

“Thank you so much, father!” Adrien gleamed and shook his dad’s hand. “Now, be on your way to school.” Nodding his head, he ran out of the office and went to his body guard that stood by the door waiting for him. “Not today, Gorilla, I’m walking.” Stepping aside with a grunt, he let Adrien through.

[Editor's note: I tried looking up the driver's real name but nothing came up. He’s literally just calledadrien's bodyguard” or “gorilla”. What. The. Fuck]

Adrien walked down the sidewalk with a smile on his countenance, a skip in his step. “Whoa. Is that…?” A civilian looked over towards the sunshine child as his walked down the sidewalk. “It is.” 

Ignoring the bystanders, Adrien continues he’s leisurely walk to school. Standing by the entrance of his desired location was the very object of his affection, Marinette. Her hair was down in waves and framed her picture perfect face beautifully. The sun danced on her pale, moonlight skin, igniting her in a heavenly glow. Adrien has never seen someone look so dazzling. Her delicate hand waved over the blonde, beckoning him to join their little group. “The first class of the day, better not be late!” Everyone went inside the classroom, getting into their seats. Luka and Kagami walk in, causing giddiness to rise in Marinette’s stomach. They had just barely joined her class. Jumping from her seat, Marinette ran over to the two newcomers and engulfed them both into a hug. “Hey, guys!” 

“Hi, Marinette!” They spoke in sync. 

. . .

As the seconds ticked by, Adrien couldn’t help but stare at the back of Marinette’s head. Sitting behind her had plenty of benefits. Her scent of strawberries was strong, and he absolutely loved it. Unsure of why he couldn’t take his eyes off her, Adrien drowned out the lesson, falling into a daze as he stared at the girl in front of him. 

“Mister Agreste, Miss Dupain-Cheng is not the teacher. Please keep your focus on the lesson.” The teacher scolded, causing a faint red blush of embarrassment to form on his tan skin.

Marinette was more than confused, but brushed it off as him falling into a daydream and happened to be looking at the back of her head.

“Yes ma’am.” Adrien muttered, staring dangerously at the aged woman. 

Isn’t Marinette gorgeous? A voice spoke in the back of Adrien's thoughts.

What the…? I mean, yeah. But-

But nothing. You love her, don’t you?

I don’t think so-

WRONGO! Try again.

I’m not sure, I-

Wrong again.

Would you stop arguing with me?

Not even close! 

Alright, alright, I do, I like her. Are you HAPPY?!

You do?

I… do.

I am in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

His inner quarrel with himself ceased and the only thoughts left were of his classmate and friend. Her gregarious personality just draws people in, and it certainly drew him in. The moment Adrien laid eyes on her, he knew she was special. Even though she ended up getting angry at him. The feeling of admiration slowly blossomed into a rose. A big, red, beautiful rose. 

Adrien didn’t realize, but his sanity was slowly slipping; flying into the misty atmosphere like a lost Turtle dove. The day his sanity took off.

. . .

Editor: ha haha ha! I finished. Is the author satisfied? 

I sure hope so. 

Hey, do me a favor and vote on this chapter because it took me three days to finish. The author was like: “hey, hey, hey, get off your lazy ass and finish the edit so I can get it up!

And I’m like: buSy-

So no more excuses. It be done. 

Bye guys uwu- Randy & Nobody

BBFM! Bye Bye Fur Meow~

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