The Obsession was Real

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Marinette groaned, holding the pillow over her ear. Alya was pacing on Marinette's floor, talking about how cute of a couple Marinette and Luka would be. "You should give the boy a chance! Seriously, what do you have to lose?" Alya asked hopefully. The blue eyed girl lifted her head to face her friend. "Our friendship, for one." Alya sighed, "I'm almost 100 percent sure that he likes you, though." Alya said, Marinette's glare hardened. "And I'm almost 100 percent sure that he doesn't!"

A thud was heard from above their heads, but Alya was too busy talking to notice. "Um, A-Alya. I'll consider it, ok? You better get going, though. Didn't you say you had to pick your sisters up from their play date?"

"Oh, shit! Bye, Mari-" Alya ran out of the room frantically. Giggling at her friend, Marinette knocked on the glass above her bed to signal that her little kitten can come inside. Landing on her bed, Chat stared at her for a second. "Would you like some cookies?" She asked her partner, earning a vigorous nod. "Alright, I'll be right back."

Climbing down the stairs, she went into the bakery and picked out a few croissants and cookies to bring up to her night-time visitor. Opening her trap door, she set the plate down and closed it behind her. When she turned around, the plate was gone? "Chat Noir!" She scolded playfully, stopping him from devouring anymore precious treats. "Sowry." He said with stuffed cheeks. "Oh, Chat." She sighed, shaking her head.

"Marinette, did you take more food from the bakery, because I could've sworn I made a full batch of macaro-" Sabine abruptly stopped, staring at the leather-clad hero in awe. "Sorry to... interrupt. I'll- a... I'll be leaving now." A small smirk formed on her face, one that Chat Noir and Marinette both caught.

"Yeah, I'll... be right back... again." Walking back downstairs, she saw her dad take some pastries out of the oven. "Hi, Mar-Bear. Wanna help me sort the pastries?" With a nod, Marinette happily helped arrange them on a fancy tray to put downstairs for customers to try. It's a new recipe so they're going to give out free samples.

"Uh, dad? That's not right." She looked at her father's tray to see the pastries laid out weird. "Huh? No, no, I think you're doing it wrong." Tom said, looking over at his daughters tray. "No, I don't think so. Why don't you just copy me and - oh, never mind, I'll just do it myself." Marinette tried to take the tray away from her father, but he pulled it back. Sabine walked back upstairs from the bakery and stared at her husband and daughter for a second before giggling at their silly quarrel.

"Marinette, sweetie, how was your day at school?"

. . .

Chat Noir tapped his foot impatiently, getting a bit bored without his princess here to entertain him. He looked around her room and noticed that there were a lot of pictures of his civilian form. His curiosity was piqued and he stood up to take a closer look at her wall. "Hmm, is Marinette a fan?" He asked himself in a quiet murmur. One picture particularly caught his eye. It was a picture of their friends with a heart around his face. Does she...? No way.

The trap door opened from behind him, catching his attention. "Hey, kitty, sorry for the long wait." Chat Noir turned around with the picture in his hand. Marinette gasped before running over to snatch it away. "Don't touch that!" She said with a big red blush covering her face. "Marinette, I'm gonna need you to be one hundred percent honest with me. Do you like Adrien Agreste?" Marinette shook her head robustly no. "I d-do not like him! I'm just a big f-fan of the Agreste fashion line! I am a designer, after all." She laughed nervously, averting her eyes to look anywhere but at Chat Noir. "That makes sense, I guess." He said, sort of lost in thought.

Marinette put the framed photo back on the wall and turned towards Chat Noir. "Now, what would you like to do?" Marry you- "Uh, I don't know." The boy couldn't get the girl out of his head. So she doesn't like me. He thought solemnly. He was sort of disappointed when Marinette said that she didn't like him that way. He felt such a strong limerence towards her and she didn't even know. I want her to know. I want to tell her how I feel. Marinette shrugged, sitting down on her desk chair to continue to draw in her design book. "What are you drawing?" He suddenly asked right by her ear, his warm breath fanning the back of her neck, sending a shiver down her spine. "N-not so close!" She blushed, gently pushing his face away. He couldn't help but laugh at her shyness.

"Can I please, purretty please, see what your beautiful hands made?" Chat Noir flirted, brushing his lips against Marinette's hand. She squealed, snatching her hand back. "I will if you stop!" Marinette yelled, her blush only darkening. He let out a husky laugh before leaning his hand on her desk. "Alright."

"Thank you! Now, here, look."

Her skin was so soft. He thought, staring at her instead of her design. She was still a blushing mess which caused him to smirk once more. This girl is driving me insane.

. . .

[Author and editor: hope you enjoyed the chapter! We worked duper super hard on it uwu
I love you, you beautiful bean.]

Edited by: Lmao_nobody

ShE Is sO aWeSOmE uwu

Real author: sToP It >:/

Editor: noPe :D

Quick editor note: I keep hearing banging outside and when I look I don't see anything or anyone I'm legit annoyed right now. Like sis if you're gonna come murder me please just come inside and fucking do it before I come out there and throw hands >:C

BBFM! Bye Bye Fur Meow! =^.^=

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