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Every qday Hazelnut's belly grew bigger. Every time each of us passed her stall we peered inside to see if there was anything unusual. We were all desperately waiting for the foal to come. Since Lucy couldn't ride she sat in the chestnut mares stall and stroked her soft neck.

After an uneventful group lesson, I hopped on Saturns back and took him in the ring. Jess was still in the ring with Wizard, she was working in small circles with a frustrated look on her face.
"What are you trying to accomplish Jess?" I asked as I walked by.
"I can't manage to round Wizard, not to the right or the left!" She said still going in small circles.
I remembered when I rode the dapple-gray horse and how he fussed when I had a lot of contact with his mouth. He didn't stop fussing and round until I had less contact.
"Have less contact with his mouth" I told her trotting on. Saturns definition of trot was canter, so I circled him and made him trot. Only after Saturn was trotting, I took a glance back to see if my tip had helped my older sister. This time I saw Wizard walking in a circle with his neck arched beautifully.
I worked Saturn on the flat and managed to finish working him and bathing him without getting killed. Jess and I were out walking our horses and chatting.
"Thanks for the tip earlier. You are a better rider than I gave you credit for."
"Glad to hear it! You can ask-"
Heathers scream saying that the foal was born cut me off. Jess and I put the horses in their stall and ran to where Hazelnut was. We saw the vet at Hazelnut's stall with a pretty dark chestnut foal with a blaze and four socks. It was the cutest thing ever!

The days passed and the foal grew cuter and cuter, Heather still hadn't decided a name for him but she said that she was figuring it out. Every night I went home thinking for a good name for the chestnut foal.
A few days later after a good group lesson, I was in the foals stall with Heather, we spent every free second with him. We sat there silently and heard the very loud siren of a fire truck passing by and the fireman screaming
"Flames! Flames! Please move out of the way!"
Then it hit me I had a perfect name for the dark chestnut foal.
"I have a name for the foal Heather!" I told my friend
"Which one! Tell me!" She asked impatiently.
"What do you think about Flame?" I asked
"Flame..." She repeated in almost a whisper, "I like it. Your new name is Flame!" She declared. The foal just looked up at her and put his small head on her lap and fell asleep.

Hi guys! In the next chapter, there is going to be rivalry between Amber and Lucy. Continue reading to find out what there are going to do. I am truly thankful for all the reads.

See you all in the next chapter. Bye!! Lilaph

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