Stable friends

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I rode Wizard. He was a dream to ride, he moved very swiftly, and the dapple gray popped over the jumps effortlessly. I worked him for a while and we jumped a bit, half an hour later I took him back to his stall. I was heading to Mandala's stall when I heard a scream coming from the ring, I ran towards the sound and I saw Lucy on the floor crying and clutching her arm, Saturn was running wildly around the ring.

I calmly approached the Arabian stallion and got hold of the rains before he ran away. I passed my hand over his legs but I didn't feel any heat so he wasn't hurt. I called a groom to put Saturn back in his stall and ran to check on Lucy. She was curled unto a ball, still clutching her swollen arm. I helped her sit up and wiped the tears off her face before looking at her arm. It was red and ten times bigger than usual.

"Are you okay?" I asked calmly.
"I don't know, it hurts a lot." Lucy sobbed.
"Okay, I will call the doctor so that he can come and check on you."
I helped her onto her feet and walked slowly to the tack room so that she could sit.
"What happened out there?" I questioned her.
" I was working Saturn, so when Elizabeth comes back from helping the new girl get settled in she could give us a lesson and Saturn wouldn't be hyped up. He was being silly from the beginning but I had him in control, but suddenly he spooked at the air and started running like crazy, I couldn't get his attention back and I fell off." She told me with tears in her eyes.
"Oh. You said that she was helping a new girl, do you know anything else?" I asked, interested.
"She is transferring from Bright Field Stables. That's all I know, sorry." She told me.

I was wondering who it would be, I knew very few people from Bright Fields, Heather and a few other friends from shows. I wasn't sure if it was Heather because she hadn't mentioned moving stables, but there was only one way to find out.

After the doctor rolled in with his white van, checked on Lucy,and sent her home with a sprain making me promise to ride Saturn; I called Heather to ask her if she was the girl transferring to Goldenleaf Stables, she told me that she was the one, and sounded dissapointed that I had found out. I cleaned my tack, desperately waiting for her to get here. About an hour later, I heard the rumbling of the trailer pulling in, Heather jumped out and went to unload her horse, a handsome bay gelding with a big blaze in his face. I led them to their new stall and Heather went back to the trailer and unloaded a chestnut mare that looked like she was about to pop. She was pregnant with a foal. We were going to have a cute foal right here in our barn if everything went well, and I was exited.

"This is Hazelnut, she was my jumping horse but she got pregnant so I got Zeus, the bay." she told me as we took Hazelnut to her stall. The rest of the day we hung out around the stable and we took a lesson with Elizabeth. Heather was a good rider, she had a tight seat, strong legs, and soft hands. Zeus and Heather made a good pair, they had won fourth in the show where I met her. During the lesson they barely had rails down and neather did me and Mandala. The next show was coming up and we had to be ready. Now that we had qualified for the series of shows to get to the YENT, I was going to have a tight schedule. Every day I had a group lesson with all the riders that were going to try out for the YENT, they were Jess, Heather, Lucy when she could get back in the saddle, and me. It was a small group but each of us were going to try our best to snatch one of the five spots in the YENT.
When we didn't have lessons Heather and me went to trail rides and we jumped the fallen logs and other cross country jumps. It was fun to have a new friend in the stable.

Hey every one! I decided to tell you a bit about my self.

I am very similar to Amber, most of the events in this story are things that I have lived through. I do show jumping and I have my own mare called Ceniza (Ash). When I reach 200 reads I will be making 'My riding story' so stay alert for that to come out!

About the next chapter, there will be a new character, or shall I say horse... Keep reading to find out!

I love you all and thank you all for reading my story! ~Lilaph

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