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"What is going on here?" Elisabeth asked as she strode into the room,

"Amber stole my saddle" Lucy cried

"No I didn't!" I said

" Yes you did!" Lucy said back

"No she didn't Lucy," Elisabeth said " I found you saddle and it had a few lose stitches, so I took it to the tack tent so that they could fix it, you can go retrieve it, I think it's ready. You could have fallen and got hurt if I wouldn't have found it, so let  this be a lesson, always check your tack before riding."

Lucy's face was red and she opened her mouth to say something, but then she closed it and stomped out of the tack room.
"I'm sorry about that" Elizabeth called, walking out.
"It's okay" I called back.
I stood there confused for a second, and then got into the truck and plugged my earphones in my ears and waited for Elizabeth to drive us home.

When we got to Goldenleaf stables, Lucy and me went to get our horses. I put Mandala in her stall without a fuss and went to get my stuff that was left in the trailer. When I got there, I found Saturn rearing, and Lucy holding the end of the lead rope, petrified. When the black stallion came down, I offered to help Lucy to take Saturn to the stall, and in the end she agreed. Saturn didn't want to go to his stall. He planted his feet and refused do move, he was having none of it. Between Lucy, Elizabeth and me we managed to get him into the stall. I pedaled home, unable to wipe the grin off my face. I wanted to show my parents that Mandala and me could win. When I got home I dropped my bicycle and ran inside.
"Mom! Dad!" I screamed " I won a blue ribbon in my big class and a red one in my other class!"
My mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner.
"Good job! Now with Wizard coming in, you and your sister can clear the ribbons in all the shows" she said
"Wizard? I asked a little confused.
"Jess's new horse of course! He is coming in tomorrow" she explained.
My face dropped, my sister was getting a champion and she would be competing against me for a spot in the YENT. She always wanted to be better than me. I was devastated.
"Oh" I managed to say before heading up to my room and hanging my new ribbons up. I had a wall full of the ribbons I had won within the years, I had won all of them with Mandala. The wall was almost covered now, most of the ribbons were blue and red. I was very proud with my mare, she was the best.

The next day I rode my bike to Goldenleaf stables and as soon as I got there I saw some people unloading a beautiful dapple gray horse. Wizard. He was gorgeous.  But before the poor horse could settle in, Jess tacked him up. She slammed her hamlet on her head and rode in to the ring, where they had a flawless lesson. Wizard was push button, he did everything that he was asked to do without much effort, he knew what he was doing. I watched  the whole lesson, in which Elizabeth set up a short course, and they cantered over it gracefully. When they were completing the course I noticed that Wizard wasn't fast, Jess even had her big spurs on. The horse only had one speed of canter, he wouldn't go faster. Hopefully, that would be an advantage for me.
Jess came out of the ring with a smile on her face, I walked up to her while she was cooling the gray horse off.
"So..... how was the ride?" I asked.
" It was great, he could do all of it in his sleep. He is also super responsive and his jump is great too." She told me.
"I noticed that. I am glad you are liking him" I told my older sister.
"Maybe you should try him out one day."
"I couldn't, and with the show coming up you should ride him to get used to him, and-"
"Nonsense." She cut me off. "Ride him tomorrow"
"Okay." I told her. At least she was in a good mood today.

Hellooo guys!! I hope you have enjoyed my story so far. In my next chapter some one is moving in to Goldenleaf stables, who do you think it is? Comment bellow! Guys I have an idea but I am going to need your support; my idea is to write a chapter between all of us, comment if you are interested in it. Depending on the amount of support I will, or will not make it happen. If it all works out i will explain how its going to work later.

Love you all and thanks for reading my story! ~Lilaph

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