Chapter 4-Oath

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"Yah! Chingu Chingu!" Byun Baekhyun, In Hye's other best friend came running down the hallway to In Hye at her locker.

She placed her bag on her shoulder, "Baekhyunnie Oppa. What's up?"

"I need to buy a new eyeliner! Chanyeol-ah doesn't wanna go and your sister doesn't either! PLLLEEAAASSSEEEE!" Baekhyun practically dropped down on his knees and begged to In Hye.

In Hye sighed, "Fine. But you're buying me food after! Because I have to study!"

"We can study at the restaurant! Now let's go!" Baekhyun grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the school.

"You're not gonna take long right? I have to work on my career form." In Hye said as they approached the front of the school.

Before Baekhyun could answer her question, In Hye pulled him behind a post.

What she saw was Hongbin leaning against a car across the street looking straight at them.

"Who are you looking at?" Baekhyun asked.

"Yeah who are you looking at?" An additional voice chimed in.

In Hye jumped and fell on her butt. When she looked up she discovered it was Hyuk, the youngest brother, wearing their uniform.


He helped her up and smiled, "You remember my name!"

"H-Hyuk? From class B? Second Year? So you're our junior?" Baekhyun asked.

"Ne Sunbaenim." Hyuk bowed.

"Ahh. Well I don't know what In Hye-ah was looking at." Baekhyun looked at the two of them.

"In Hye noona, were you looking at Hongbin Hyung?" Hyuk asked.

"Ani! Ani!" In Hye glanced back and Hongbin smirked, "Oppa let's go buy that eyeliner now!"

Hyuk chuckled, "Bye Bye Noona!" He waved as she dragged Baekhyun off.

"I heard that junior doesn't talk that much... he should join extra curricular clubs or something." Baekhyun said as the two of you walked along the sidewalk towards the department store.

In Hye sighed and just continued walking.

"Yah! Jung In Hye. You have not said a word this entire walk! What's wrong chingu?" Baekhyun asked as they walked up to the store.

In Hye sighed. Hongbin has been on her mind all day. What did Hyuk mean when he said that they'll be seeing each other more often? That was the main question that ran through her mind.

Baekhyun looked through the aisles and finally found his desired eye liner, "Aha! Now I'm all good on eyeliner!"

But before Baekhyun turned around In Hye was gone.

"Yah! In Hye-ah! Where did you go?!" Baekhyun said as he looked around.

On the back alley of the store, In Hye was hand in hand with Hongbin.

"H-Hongbin-ssi! H-how did we get here so fast?!" She asked looking around, "Won't the cameras see you?"

Hongbin nodded, "One of my brother's took care of that for me. But who were you with?!"

"My best friend Baekhyun! That's all! He's not someone bad." She looked down at their hands and then back up at him.

"Well, the reason I needed to see you was to make the contract that I would protect you." He explained.

"Contract? What do you mean?"

"I mean my word for when I said I would protect you. Plus there's more that you will find out when the time comes...." Hongbin looked down and sighed.

"I don't need anything in return for keeping your secret Hongbin-ssi." In Hye smiled at him warmly making him blush.

"In Hye-ah. You don't understand. Other people who aren't human know that I've acquainted with you. They'll want to get to you to get to my brother's and I. So I must protect you. If something happens to you, I don't know what I would do with myself." Hongbin said sternly.

In Hye's eyes widened a bit and she nodded, "Arraso. What do I need to do to create this contract?"

Hongbin rested his forehead against hers, "Look into my eyes Jung In Hye."

In Hye reluctantly did, "Now what?"

Hongbin's eyes turned red and for a moment it was like they could see into each other's minds.

"Jung In Hye, I need you to do something. But it may hurt you in the process. But it's the only way to go through this." Hongbin held up In Hye's arm.

"It's alright." In Hye gave him one of the most reassuring smiles which made Hongbin's heart skip a beat again.

It was for sure that In Hye was the one for Hongbin.

Hongbin dug one of his nails into In Hye's arm. She yelped and flinched a bit but then Hongbin brought her arm to his lips and kissed the wound.

In Hye's eyes widened a bit but when she felt Hongbin's warmth on her arm she immediately felt safe and all warm on the inside.

When Hongbin pulled away from her arm a small wing print appeared on In Hye's arm.

She looked at it and then up at Hongbin, "What is this?"

Hongbin stroked it and it glowed a deep shade of red, "The symbol that I am the one to protect you now," he lifted his sleeve up and the same mark was on him, "Since we have our blood in both of us, we have created the contract. I am going to protect you from this day on In Hye-ah. You're one of my most important things to protect other than my brothers."

In Hye smiled, "I'm glad. Someone like you cares for me like that. I hope we become good friends Hongbin-ssi."

"We're gonna be more than that..." He muttered.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Oh oh nothing." Hongbin sighed, "I'll be around more like Hyuk-ah said. My brother's would like to meet you one day since I created this contract. Especially my oldest brother."

"How many brothers do you have?" In Hye asked as she looked at the mark on Hongbin's arm.

"With Hyuk-ah, five. There's six of us In total." He smiled softly.

"In Hye-ah!!" Suddenly Baekhyun's voice echoed. It sounded as if he was coming around the building.

"I have to go before he sees me. I'll see you tomorrow when I pick up Hyuk-ah." Hongbin smiled and kissed the mark on her arm.

In Hye smiled, "How come you can't meet Baekhyun Oppa?"

"When the time comes I'll meet him. And I'll meet everyone you want me to meet. But for now I have to stay in hiding." Hongbin's wings came out from his back.

"Alright Hongbin-ssi. Annyeong!" In Hye let go of his hands and then Hongbin flew up quickly and soon disappeared.

In Hye quickly turned around and walked to the front of the building to Baekhyun, "Sorry Oppa. I was on the phone and I don't think we can get food today. So let's get food another day okay?"

Baekhyun pouted, "Why? Are you secretly seeing Chanyeol-ah?"

"Ani. I have things to do at home so I'll order take out. Let's go later this week okay?" In Hye pecked his cheek and then scurried off back to her house.

She ignored all the calls of her parents and her sisters and went straight to her room.

In Hye threw all of her stuff onto her bed and immediately opened her journal,

December 8, 2014

Today was a very amazing day.
I was supposed to go buy eyeliner with Baekhyun Oppa but I ended up spending a chunk of that time with Hongbin.
I know for sure that he was serious about protecting me. He created a contract with me and he kissed my arm after creating a wound on it. But when he did that I never felt that warmth before.
I felt safe. I felt loved.
Hongbin is different.
I like it.

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