Chapter 5-Meeting The Brothers

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"Hyung! We should be leaving soon!" Hyuk ran into the room of his older brother Hongbin who was buttoning his shirt.

"Hold on. Did you eat?" He asked as he turned to the direction of Hyuk.

The youngest nodded and picked up his backpack, "All the other Hyungs are already going to work."

"Arraso. Let's go." Hongbin grabbed his keys and the brothers made their way out to the car.

As they made their way out of the woods Hyuk decided to spark a conversation, "Hyung? When are you going to let the rest of the hyungs meet In Hye Noona?"

Hongbin sighed as they soon approached the main road, "I need to grow closer to her before the rest of the Hyungs meet her don't you think? But it should be soon though."

"If you want I can bring her over to say that I need tutoring."

Hongbin chuckled letting out an award winning smile, "She's my mark though. But if things get difficult then maybe you'll have to do that."

Soon the brothers drove into the main part of town where it was more lively. People made their way to their jobs. The stores and cafés began to open. Students were making their way to school while couples looked out at the water wishing it was warm enough to play in.

"Hyuk-ah. Don't you have friends to walk around with like that?" Hongbin pointed to a group of boys who were sitting on a bench eating pastries and laughing.

"Ani... N Hyung won't let me remember? But In Hye Noona and her friends let me stay with them. They're nice to me."

"That's good." As they drove through Hyuk pointed out In Hye on her way to school.

"Ah! There's Noona walking with Baekhyun Sunbaenim and Chanyeol Sunbaenim!!"

Hongbin raised an eyebrow and noticed In Hye walking between the two boys. She was laughing and holding onto the arm of Chanyeol while Baekhyun was acting all goofy next to her.

"Who is she walking with?" His voice immediately turned cold but protective.

"Hyung? Is everything alright?" Hyuk asked as they pulled up to the drop off area.

"I asked who is she walking with?!" Hongbin turned towards Hyuk, "I'm her protector too remember!"

"Chill Hyung! She doesn't exactly know how much she means to you yet! And those are her best friends! The ones who are nice to me!" Hyuk said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. He hopped out of the car and turned to Hongbin, "I'll keep an eye on her Hyung and if something is wrong I'll let you know okay!"

Hyuk waved to his brother and closed the door. He walked off to the gates alone but just as Hongbin was about to drive off, In Hye ran up to Hyuk.

"Annyeonghaseyo Hyuk-ah!" She walked next to him and smiled as she left her friends behind her.

The two of them stopped and talked.

"Annyeong Noona," Hyuk bowed, "Is everything alright?"

"Yep! I wanted to just say hi! And talk to you more! And I wanted to ask how is Hongbin? I don't get to talk to him unless it's through you or it's an emergency." She pouted a bit and then giggled.

Suddenly, Hyuk had a bright idea.

He grabbed In Hye's hand, "Talk to him Noona! He's still right there!"

As Hyuk made his way towards the car, Hongbin quickly shot up and began to fix his hair.

He got out of the car and met the two school kids.

"Annyeonghaseyo Hongbin Oppa!" In Hye bowed and then she quickly covered her mouth, "I didn't mean to call you Oppa! I won't call you it if your uncomfortable with it!"

Hyuk chuckled and Hongbin smiled warmly at her, "It's Alright! Is everything alright?"

Hyuk nodded and In Hye did to, "Hyuk-ah just started dragging me here so I decided to say hi!"

"Hyung. Can I see your phone?"

Hongbin raised an eyebrow at his younger brother but reluctantly handed it over to him. After a few clicks here and there, In Hye's phone began to ring.

She looked at it a bit puzzled, "Hyuk-ah? How did you get my number???"

"Shhh. Now you two can talk to each other more that Hyung is going to be around you." He chuckled and ran off into the school.

In Hye looked at him a bit puzzled and the Hongbin cleared his throat.

"In Hye-ah?"

"Yes?" She turned back to him.

"My brother's know about me becoming your protector and they want to meet you now because I'm the first of the brothers to create a contract. So I was wondering, if you can come today to meet them." He scratched the back of his neck. Hongbin was actually nervous to ask her this because at the same time, he loved her but she didn't know.

"Hmm. I don't have anything today so I guess I can. But all I know is that your home is in the woods." In Hye tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and smiled.

"You can look for Hyuk-ah after school and I'll pick both of you up. I'll take you home after too." Hongbin smiled softly at her.

The two just stared into each other's eyes for the longest time until the bell rang.

"OMO! I'll be late! I'll see you after school then Hongbin Oppa! Annyeong!!!" In Hye waved and then ran into the school.

Hongbin waved to her and then walked into his car. He took out his phone and then sent a message to his brothers.

I'm bringing In Hye over with Hyuk after they get out of school.

Immediately Ken replied to everyone,

Who's In Hye?

Ravi replied

Hongbin's mark! His future lover pabo!

Hongbin chuckled at his brother's actions and finally drove off from the school.

The entire day In Hye was on Hongbin's mind and Hongbin was on In Hye's.

School seemed to go by a blur to In Hye so after school she tried to find Hyuk.

"Chanyeol Oppa! Have you seen Hyuk-ah??" In Hye asked as she ran up to he best friend by the lockers.

"I saw him waiting by your locker. Why? Does he have a thing for Noona's??" He pouted at her.

In Hye giggle, "No! I'm going now Oppa! See you tomorrow!"

Just as she was about to turn Chanyeol grabbed her wrist, "Wait! I thought we always walk home together!"

"I have something to do today Oppa. I'm sorry! But I'll see you in the morning okay?" She kissed his cheek and then walked away.

When she got to her locker she saw Hyuk eating an Ice Cream bar and he had another one in his hand, "Ah! Noona I got us some ice cream!"

He handed one to In Hye and she smiled, "Gomawo Hyuk-ah!"

The two of them began to walk out of the school, "Will your brothers not like me?? When we first met it seemed like your other brother didn't like me."

"Oh Ken Hyung? He was just like that because he didn't know that Hongbin Hyung was going to create that contract with you. Trust me, he's the goofiest out of all of us." Hyuk explained to you as the two of you finished off your ice creams.

"I'm relieved to know that," In Hye said as she threw away her trash, "I think your kind is amazing."

Hyuk smiled as Hongbin pulled up to the curb. He got out of the car and smiled warmly, "How was school?"

"The usual." Hyuk said as he jumped into the car.

In Hye giggled, "The seniors got to help them today. And I was the one who helped Hyuk!"

Hongbin opened the door to the passenger side for In Hye and smiled, "That's good that Hyuk-ah and you will be close. If I'm not there to protect you Hyuk is."

In Hye glanced down at the mark on her arm and smiled. She got into the car and placed her bag on her lap.

Hongbin quickly ran to the other side of the car and jumped in to go. Just as they were leaving the school, In Hye noticed Baekhyun and Chanyeol behind the school gates watching them.

'I've got some explaining to do....' she thought to herself.

"What time will Leo Hyung be home from work? Since he's always the last home..." Hyuk asked.

"Earlier then usual. N made sure that he could so we could all meet In Hye." He said as he drove.

In Hye looked out the window as they drove through the town making their way out.

"Hyung? How do you know where Noona lives?"

In Hye and Hongbin smiled at each other before Hongbin explained.

"The day I was at the beach, I was able to see In Hye from her bedroom window." Hongbin explained.

"That sounds creepy..." Hyuk said making you laugh.

Soon enough the three of them pulled up to the driveway of their house and In Hye was amazed.

It was such a modern looking house. With lots of glass windows and expensive looking furniture.

"Y-your house is amazing! How come nobody knows about it?!" In Hye asked as Hongbin helped her out of the car.

"I honestly don't know the answer to that. It's visible for anyone in the woods to see."

Hyuk ran into the house, "The Hyungs are home!"

In Hye looked up at Hongbin then at the door. She was a bit nervous because she didn't want to give them a bad impression.

Hongbin led In Hye inside and the first brother they came across was Ravi in the kitchen.

"Hyung we're home. And this is In Hye." Hongbin placed his hand on your shoulder and held you close to him.

Ravi turned around with a pastry In his mouth, "Oh! Hongbinie!"

Hongbin facepalmed, "He is Ravi Hyung. He's closest to me in age."

In Hye bowed, "Annyeonghaseyo Ravi-ssi. I am Jung In Hye."

He smiled and bowed back, "Annyeong In Hye-ah. The rest of the Hyungs are in the living room watching television."

Hongbin then led In Hye into the living room where Hyuk and four other brothers were sitting watching television.

One brother who seemed darker then the rest immediately stood up and walked over to the two, "Hongbinie is this In Hye-ah?"

She nodded and bowed, "Yes. I'm Jung In Hye. Nice to meet you."

"I am N. The oldest and the leader of the brothers. Over there is Leo. He is a bit quiet and Ken is the one with the big nose." N smiled.

Ken stood up at walked over to the two of them, "Annyeong In Hye-ssi. Mianhae for treating you like that before. Now that I know Hongbinie created the seal with you, I promise I won't be that mean anymore."

"Thank you Ken-ah." In Hye bowed and then looked up at Hongbin who was smiling at her.

"I suppose our Hongbin has told you everything about this contract?" N asked as Hongbin led her to a seat.

In Hye nodded, "Yes. He told me he will protect me no matter what happens."

"We'll do the same for you In Hye-ah. Even if you and Hongbin have the contract together. We'll keep you safe from harm as well." N explained as Leo was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

After eating with the boys and getting to know them better, In Hye already felt comfortable with them.

"I think I should get going Hongbin Oppa. It's getting late and there is still school tomorrow." In Hye said as her and Hongbin sat together outside.

"Hey I'll take you home like I said." He smiled and held out his hand, "Flying or driving?"

"I-I don't know...."In Hye blushed and Hongbin smiled as his wings came out from his back. Right now they were white.

Hongbin gently picked In Hye up and soon they were up in the air.

"Wow! Everything feels so nice up here!" In Hye said as she held onto Hongbin.

Hongbin smiled at her amazement, "I'm glad you like it."

But soon that flight had to come to an end because they arrived at In Hye's house.

Hongbin smiled at In Hye and stared into her eyes as In Hye did the same.

"Y-your brothers are really nice to me." In Hye said.

"I'm glad you warmed up to them easily. But if you ever need anything or any help all of us will be there for you okay?" Hongbin smiled and started to lean in.

In Hye started doing the same as well and soon their lips met officially symbolizing that the contract was real.

The mark on In Hye's wrist started to glow a bright red color when they pulled away.

"T-Thank you Hongbin Oppa." In Hye blushed deeply and started walking towards the door, "I'll see you."

Hongbin smiled at her warmly and watched her go inside before he went home himself.

When In Hye got inside the first person she came face to face with was her sister Krystal.

"Who was that hm? I saw everything! Including the kiss!" She suddenly squealed and ran up to In Hye, "Tell me everything! What's his name?! Where did you meet him?!"

In Hye just sighed, "I'm going to bed okay? I'll tell you more in the morning." But In Hye couldn't help but smile.

"AHHH MY SISTER IS IN LOVE!" Krystal cheered to herself as In Hye walked upstairs to her room.

The minute In Hye got to her room she took out her journal,

December 10, 2014

Today I can say was a very eventful day. I met Hongbin Oppa's brothers.
And of course Hyuk.
They were all very hospitable and welcoming to me and I couldn't ask for anything better.
But when I was with Hongbin Oppa, I was really nervous. I felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest.
And when he brought me home.
He kissed me.
It was my first kiss.
And then I felt it. My heart was beating crazy.
I think I'm in love with Hongbin Oppa.

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