Brother vs Sister

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Everyone was at the party and needy was wearing a pink dress and she got some punch and then she saw Kevin and his black suits that Venom gave him and he saw a needy.

Kevin: hey.

Needy: hey, wow you look...

Kevin: good yet turns out black is my new favorite color, where's chip?

Needy: I told him not to come because you know since this is Jennifer's plan when she comes in here every boy in here is going to get killed, Kevin I just want you to know that I'm not going to stop you you made that pretty clear.

Kevin: Needy, okay there's something that I've been meaning to tell you something that I should have kept secret.

Needy: what is it?

Kevin: do you remember that story I told you that story how I find a mysterious black goo couple of days ago.

Needy: yeah, what about it?

Kevin took needy to somewhere private and it went to the bathroom then he shows her Venom and needy saw this and she was both surprised on the outside but in the inside she was kind of freaking out.

Kevin: needy this is venom, Venom this is needy.

Venom: hello needy it is nice to meet you.

Needy: Kevin, what is that?

Kevin: he's a... Alien.

Needy: wait wait so you're telling me that you've been wearing a... Alien.

Venom: symbiotes is better word to explain it.

Needy: okay, but why you didn't tell me and chip

Kevin: because you're the only two friends that I got right now ever since you told me that Jennifer killed Colin I can risk seeing my only two friends hurts or dead I couldn't risk that and then I don't know what I would do if I saw you and Chip hurt you're the only two people that I got left.

Needy was moved by his words and then she pulled him for a hug knowing that she always saw it as a brother and knowing that whatever happens they always have each other's backs.

Needy: well it's nice to know that we have a guardian angel that's a best friend.

Kevin: thanks... Amy.

Needy: no problem... Shadow.

Venom: come on you too let's have some fun!

Kevin and Needy left on the bathroom and at least try to have some fun knowing that Jennifer might show up at least when she does they will be busy having fun at the meantime.

(Scene cuts)

Seeing chip walking to the school and he had a short guy through the park he was just looking around.

(Scene cuts)

Back at the school Kevin and Needy we're just walking around seeing some teenagers were not dancing and then the both of you looked at you girls talking one of them had black hair and knew that that was Jennifer so both of them were over to her and then she turned and it wasn't Jennifer.

Teacher: welcome to spring formal.

(Scene cuts)

Chip was still walking to the school. And then he turned around had a feeling that he was being followed answer right back around and saw Jennifer

Jennifer: didn't you hear me calling your name?

Chip: ah you weren't calling my name.

Jennifer: yes I was.

Chip: I can hear it.

Jennifer: listen, I need to talk to you about you know who a little needy and my brother Kevin.

(Scene cut)

Back at the school the teacher was talking on the microphone

Teacher: I hope everyone has an opportunity to consume the pink headies and can grape that was so generously donated by parents flop.

Everybody was clapping except Kevin and needy who was looking around while they were listening

Teacher: but the real treat is yet to come.

(Scene cut)

Jennifer and chip was walking through the park talking about needy and Kevin

Chip: she's been acting off lately and Kevin he warns me more because we haven't seen him all week.

Jennifer: look, I think I know what's wrong with her.

Chip: why, what is it?

Jennifer: you know how needy have been really upset that Kevin lost his best friend Colin died?

Chip: yeah?

Jennifer: well, you ever think that maybe needy do you want to go with you because she likes my brother more I mean the way they look at each other,support one another it makes you think that they could be like a great couple. I just can't believe that she would just mess with your head like that like this I care about you so much chip more than I ever had the guts to a admit it.

(Scene cuts)

Back at the school the teacher was going to announce the band that's going to sing them a song tonight.

Teacher: these fine Young gentlemen have been generous enough that made timeout they're sold out natural tour to play in our dance for free.

(Scene cuts)

Jennifer got close to chip

Jennifer: maybe she doesn't deserve a boy like you.

(Scene cut)

Teacher: boys and girls, please welcome, low shoulder!

And then when needy and Kevin heard they was going to play a song here both of them were depressed that they were here

(Scene cut)

Then Jennifer kissed chip

(Scene cut)

They were playing their song everyone clapped except for Needy and Kevin even Kevin is angered at them for killing his sister and there are the main reason that she's killing people.

Venom: I hate this song.

Kevin: you and me both.

Needy: what was that?

Kevin: oh well, Venom says he hates the song.

Needy: well, that's something that we can all agree on. I just wish chip was here.

Kevin: I'm sure he's fine.

(Scene cut)

Seeing Jennifer and chip making out at the park.

Jennifer: you're so salty.

Chip: yeah you're... Salty too.

Jennifer: say it like you mean it. Say that I'm better than Needy

Chip: what,why?

(Scene cuts)

Back at the school low shoulder was still singing her song then needy starts to feel like something is wrong.

Kevin: are you okay?

Needy: chip!

Kevin: what?

Needy: chip, her next victim is Chip.

Kevin: okay come on we can ride my motorcycle to Chip's house

They got out the school and needy got in the back of his motorcycle and they both raced to Chip's house hoping that he was still home and as soon as they got the Chip's house needy knocked at the door and saw that it was chips sister

Needy: hi is Chip home?

Chip's mom: Needy and Kevin what are you two doing here?

Kevin: is Chip home.

Chip's mom: no he went to the prom.

Needy: he left?

Chip's mom: yeah even walked you know he could have just got a ride from me.

Needy: which way he went.

Chip's mom: he took a shortcut through the woods even though I told him that it was a little bit dangerous so--

And just when she turned again to needy and Kevin they were already gone and they were through the woods.

Needy: we're not going to make it from here.

Kevin: maybe we can

Kevin morphed to the shit that he used to beat up Dean and his bullies.

Kevin: get on my back.

And so she did and they swung through the woods all the way to the park and they were trying to hurry before it was too late and just when they got to the park needy saw the bouquet that chip got for her and then they heard a yell and it went to the abandoned pool. Needy climb to the window and saw there was only one window open.

Needy: there's only one window but I think I'm the only one who can fit through it.

Kevin loved and he was right but he had an idea to go on the roof

Kevin: you go I'll find another way in.

Needy: what?

Kevin: stop stopping go save chip go.

She looked at him with a worried face

Kevin: GO!

Needy climbed into the window while Kevin went A Little help from Venom jumped on the roof

(Scene cut)

She made it inside and she got back on her feet and then she walked towards Jennifer and chip and then she bites his neck and I need to drop in the water to stop Jennifer needy drowned her and she got back up to check on ship then looking around to see if Jennifer was around then they saw bubbles going towards them chip tossed her a pepper spray and then she sprayed it at Jennifer then she throwed up some black vomit at them then she began to float

Chip: she can fly?

Needy: she just hovering, it's not that impressive!

Jennifer: God, do you have to undermine everything that I do you're just a player hater

Needy: you're a jerk.

Jennifer: wow nice and so Hannah Montana got any more Hirsch digs

Needy: you know what you would never a good friend even when we were little you used to steal my toys, poured lemonade on my bed-

Jennifer: and now I'm eating your boyfriend see at least I'm consistent

Needy: why do you need him huh? You could have any body that you want Jennifer so why chip? Is it just to take me off or is it because that maybe you're insecure

Jennifer: I am not insecure needy God that's a joke how can I ever be insecure I was a snowflake Queen.

Needy: yeah 2 years ago when you were social irrelevant.

Jennifer: I'm still social irrelevant.

Needy: and you didn't need lastness to stay skinny.

Jennifer: I am going... To eat your soul and shit it's out less skinny

Needy: I thought you only murder boys

Jennifer: I can go both ways

And just when she was about to take them something first through the roof to the inside then needy was happy but chip was confused and saw his best friend

Chip: Kevin?

Dancing Kevin with black tentacles and they mailed it back inside him and then Jennifer and Kevin looked at each other knowing what's about to happen.

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