Brother vs Sister part 2

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Kevin and Jennifer were walking around each other and knowing what was going to happen at least they had a conversation

Jennifer: wow, I always knew you had a little secret all this time

Kevin: funny, you should say that coming from the circumstances that you're the reason that two boys were murdered, one of them was my best friend.

Jennifer: I don't even know why you care I mean they're not like us you should know that how about this you come out of my side we can probably own this town and together we can do what the hell we want or you can be on their side and it proves what I've been telling her the same thing you're nothing but a pathetic excuse for a brother who needs to be put out of this misery.

Kevin was so angry he just wanted to run towards her and her head off until he realized something.

Kevin: wait a minute, I get it now, you're jealous of me aren't you?

Jennifer smiled fades and then Kevin sees that he just figured it out.

Kevin: you are aren't you and that bugs you doesn't it yeah I mean a girl like you hot gorgeous you can have any guy you want but just the fact that maybe his brother has always been a good behaved boy maybe you're just to the fact that maybe I'm always too or three steps ahead of you

Jennifer: that's your theory?

Kevin: absolutely, see you can be sexy wear nice clothes how you could probably wear a bathing suit to get all the guys attention but you never going to be as better than me you can never be for who I am and that's going to hurt for your hard pride Jen. Now I'm going to do when nobody else could I'm going to kill you for killing two innocent boys.

Jennifer: you know you can't kill me Kevin.

Kevin laughed making Jennifer concerned and needy and Chip confused.

Kevin: see, is where you were wrong... Because we are not Kevin.

Kevin starts to morph to his real form.

Kevin: we.

His transformation shocked Jennifer but needy wasn't that shocked but then chip was just freaking out.

Kevin/Venom: are.

Venom: Venom.

Venom shots a tentacle towards Jennifer do it her back against the wall then he checks up on needy and chip.

Venom: are you two all right?

Needy: yeah we are all right.

Chip: what's that stuff on you?

Needy: he's wearing a symbiote it's a alien.

Venom: we can't explain it later right now needy you got to get Chip out here, we'll take care of our sister.

Needy does exactly that she got shipped out of there and let the two siblings fight each other.

Kevin: Venom, what do you say we show our sister a good time?

Venom: let's show her what she's missing.

(Pretend that Jennifer was kraven)

Venom: you... Our friend is dead because of you.

Jennifer: oh cry me a River.

Jennifer: you know I kind of have the feeling that you are mad at me it's not like you're giving me any reason.


Jennifer: come on you and I both know he was a nobody but you know what yeah I killed your friend.

Venom: and you're going to... REGRET THAT!

Then just when he thrown her he grabbed her back up then licked her face then she bites his tongue out head-butted him and kicked him.

Jennifer: what's wrong cat got your tongue.

Then Venom turn around and grew another one but longer.

Venom: good thing we can grow another one.

Then they continue to fight.

Jennifer: come on bro, I thought you hit harder than that.

Jennifer: to be honest I kind of thought I was going to die when that band killed me but I'm guessing I'm just too hard to kill.

Venom: you want death then give up.

Jennifer: nah I kind of wanted to live forever. Like come on you can see it in my point of view do you know what it's like to feel weak and let your body betray you eating these boys are going to be the reason I'm still around if I'm going to die at least I'm going to die knowing I do what I did.

Venom: you're just... A little girl

Jennifer: like you said before I can get any guy I want no matter what age and with my type of body, girl is beneath me!

Venom grabbed Jennifer and threw her to the wall again and pin her

Jennifer: aren't you even regretting what you're doing? I mean I am your sister.

Venom: I'm not regretting doing this now, my only regret was not doing it sooner!

Venom throws her to the ground and they continue fighting.

Jennifer: you know for seconds I was this close to caring about you.

Venom: you never cared about us... YOU DON'T KNOW US!

Jennifer: and then you side with needy.

Venom: like you care about her.

Jennifer: of course I care about her she's my best friend I known her since we were kids!

Venom: you try to kill her proof otherwise.

Venom released more tentacles wrapping around Jennifer's arms legs and neck and then he was doing something that surprised Jennifer

Jennifer: what are you doing?!

Venom: trying to cure you

Jennifer: Joe cure yourself, nice try it didn't work.

Venom: yes... It did now to finish the job!

They continue to fight.

Jennifer: my head what did you do to me?

Venom: you'll find out sooner rather than later.

Then they continue to fight.

Jennifer: you know after this do you really think needy is going to look at you the same way ever again?

Venom: I know this for sure, she doesn't need you anymore she has us now.

Then Venom grabbed her leg and started slamming her around like she was a Barbie doll

(Hulk as Venom and Loki as Jennifer)

Then once he got done he thrown her across the room again and then used to tentacles again to do the same thing he done the first time.

Venom: almost pitting you.

Jennifer: that makes... Two of us.

And then just when she was about to attack her arm felt a little broken she didn't know why she was too tired to think.

Jennifer: you know for a brother you're really about to get on my nerves.

Venom: and you... Are about... to DIE!

Venom created a blade he tried to slash her but she dodged out of the way

Jennifer: listen, I'm sorry that I ate your friend I didn't have a choice we can end this now!

Venom: let's... End this.

Jennifer: good.

Venom: by ending YOU!

Then he created another blade to slash her but again she does out of the way.

Venom: you want to know why you feel so weak well where draining your powers so think of us as a power sponge.

Then he brought up the tentacles again and then Jennifer feels her power going away.

Jennifer: no my powers you... You can't!

Venom: yes we can, don't drag this out!

Then they continue to fight.

Venom: come on Jen, we thought you hit harder than that.

Then he grabbed her then slammed her down and grabbed her to the throat.

Jennifer: you... Have no reason.

Venom: we never needed a reason think of it as a gentle way to kill you.

Then he throws her to the wall

Venom: let's finish this NOW!

Jennifer gave that a couple of punches but then Venom was giving her hardcore punches through the face through her rib cage and then he used both his face to slam her down to the ground causing her to bow then he grabbed her neck and lift her up.

Venom: before this ends Kevin wants to say a few words to you.

Then he retracted his face to reveal Kevin's

Jennifer: wow, who is thoughts we end up like this huh?

Kevin: I was about to say the same thing to you. Before I'm about to do to you I just want to know why?

Jennifer: I just want to be beautiful ever since that band kill me I didn't feel like myself again so I'm truly sorry that I killed your friend I guess I really was jealous of you but life is short sometimes just got to do what we can't you remember what we did.

Kevin: and here I think I almost believed you.

Jennifer: you know what... F*** you! I really hope you enjoyed this and you better kill me permanently because if you don't I'm going to kill everyone that you care about and you're going to feel the same pain as I do every single day when I'm around you!

Kevin: like you said, life is short...sis.

Then you attracted back venom's face

Venom: goodbye Jennifer.

(Start at 1:56 to where Venom bits craven's head off and pretend it it was Jennifer's)

Then once he bit off her head he roared loud that he looked down at his dead headless sister.

Venom: and good riddance.

Then he left the abandoned pool place and then he was about to go to the hospital to check on needy and chip but first there's something that he had to do.

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