The beginning

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???:Who am I...You sure you want to know the story of My Life is a little complex but let's just say if someone told you that it was just a happy little tale if somebody told you that I was a normal person that just does normal things

Seeing a black good monster with a white spider symbol on both the front and back

???:somebody lied

???:But this is not where we're going to start in this story you're going to see my friends my sister who became an enemy and and more people in this story and then you're going to see me

Then the monster leaped into the tallest building and looked at New York City

???: oh yeah....That me

And it roars throughout New York City

Jennifer vs Venom

???:This is where it all begins devil's kettle is a twisted name I know but the place's name by this waterfall technically it's not a normal waterfall goes into this hole and it doesn't come out the scientist guys dropped dozens of things in there but nothing ever comes back up most people thought it was a wormhole or something me I think it was a very deep deep deep place

Then a scene cuts to the monster fighting a teenage girl that was trying to get back up but the monster slammed her back down and throwing her to a wall then the monster slowly walks up to her and as it did that the girl got back up and her eyes start to turning yellow

???: and then you see her I know this girl and I know what you're asking "how do you know who this girl is?"well to answer that question she's my sister her name is Jennifer check she wasn't always this rough how about we we want back to the beginning 2 months ago me, and her friends needy and chip were just normal teenagers doing normal things nothing more nothing less

At Devil's kettle high School gym there was a cheer squad and then one of the girls passed the flag to Jennifer and then she was spinning it

???: now that you got to know her I think it's time that you get to know me my name is Kevin check I'm the Middle brother I'm not the oldest or the youngest I'm somewhere in between

Kevin: and that's Jennifer back then the both of us were just normal and people had hard believe that I was related to a hot babe like her to be honest I couldn't believe in myself

Then Nick his best friend that he known since he were kids turn to him

Nick: dude aren't you watching this is the best part of the basketball game

Kevin: dude they do this once a year in our school don't you think you get tired of watching the same thing all over again

Nick: if that means watching the cheerleaders then no

Kevin chuckled then a scene cuts to him walking towards his locker right next to a blonde girl with glasses and it was his best friend named needy

Kevin: hey Amy

Needy: what's up Shadow

Kevin narrates: The reason we call each other Shadow and Amy is because our favorite shows are Sonic she calls me shadow I call her Amy

Then the two best friends continues talking

Kevin: so what are you up to tonight

Needy: I'm just going to hang out with chip nothing to important

Kevin: really because I always thought that you always have to celebrate your years together and it's called a anniversary

Needy: the only been together for like a year

Kevin: exactly think if it was the anniversary right now what would you 2 do

Needy: we will do the things he likes and then we will do things that I like

Kevin: that's a nice plan I have seriously

Needy: speaking of plans what are you going to do

Kevin: I got a train probably go back to my dojo and learn some new techniques

Needy: but you've been doing karate ever since you were six

Kevin: seven I've been doing karate since I was 7

Needy: but you never spend time with me and chip you always doing karate things where you going to be the next karate kid or something

Kevin: okay I'll tell you what how about tomorrow if I don't have anything to do that day I'll hang out with you and chip

Needy: really?

Kevin: yes come on you're my best friend if I have to miss out one day of training then it will be worth it

The two best friends hug and finish packing up to leave until they see Jennifer walking towards them

Jennifer: hey Lance Zack

Needy: what's up badger cell

Jennifer: hey bro

Kevin: hey sis

Jennifer: you and me are going out tonight needy

Needy: tonight why?

Jennifer: because low shoulder is playing at Mary Lane this is Indy rock band from the city I saw them in the for you page and the lead singer is actress salty there will be more salty boys for you there

Kevin: wait I'm sorry did you just say salty who who says that nowadays

Jennifer: it's not like you don't say it a lot too

Kevin: you're right I don't say it because it sounds idiotic and stupid

Jennifer: whatever come on needy

Needy: I promise chip that I was going to hang with him tonight

Jennifer: boo cross out needy

Kevin: are you that desperate to see this band most people don't even give a s*** about bands like that

Jennifer: at least I don't listen to lame country music

Kevin: you're right I love country music so maybe I'm not into rock and romantic songs sure but when a country song comes in sometimes I leave it on because damn it country songs are the number one fan favorite it's catchy

Needy: what time is the show start

Jennifer: I'll pick you up at 8:30 my mom is dating that guy that moves furniture

Needy: he seems nice

Kevin: by cute you mean obsessed

Jennifer: wear something cute okay

Needy: okay

Kevin: why did you agree to that?

Needy: what?

Kevin: why did you agree to go with her instead of telling her no and I want to spend time with chip

Needy: oh come on it's not easy saying no to her

Kevin: like this "no"

Needy: it's easy for you but it's not for me sometimes I just wish that you know she will find a nice boyfriend out there someday

Kevin: knowing my sister she's always into relationship situations it's always she gets dumped or that guy's too good for her type of scenario

Needy: oh come on she just need to find the right person out there

Kevin: yeah by person you mean someone like her popular all that yeah until it's someone like that I'm pretty sure she's dateless

Needy: oh come on she's your sister after all and plus she's my best friend

Kevin signed and agrees

Kevin: okay fine you can go with her but how you going to explain this to chip

Needy: I'll just tell him the truth I'm sure he can understand

Kevin: okay make sure she doesn't give you a hard time

Needy: okay

Then Kevin and needy do their handshake

And then they leave then a scene cuts to needy getting ready to go to the club then seeing chip on her bed

Chip: those jeans are hella low I can only see your front butt

Needy: it's a rock show and this is my rock look

Chip: yeah well I can see your woom so... I never heard of low shoulder which one is Jennifer stalking again

Needy: the league singer girls like her don't go out with drummers

Chip: thanks a lot

Needy: no offense I mean she would probably make an obsession if you were like a drummer and a lead singer

Chip: like Phil Collins

Needy: who's Phil Collin?

Chip: he's know what whatever

Needy: anyway does singer Guy Jennifer says he's extra salty so...

Chip: salty?

Needy: salty means beautiful

Chip: well then you must be sore sauce babe

They done up passionate kiss until they hear someone knocking and it was Jennifer

Needy: Jennifer's here

Chip: how do you know?

Jennifer: Nene stop looking yourself in the mirror and come down here

Chip: that's so f****** weird

Needy: better get down there before she gets annoyed

Then she gets off the bed

Chip: you always do what Jennifer tells you to do

Needy: oh come on not you too Kevin was saying the exact same words and no I don't I just like the same thing she likes we got stuff in common that's why I wear this

She shows and necklace with a heart that says BFF

Chip: you guys don't have anything in common if everything you and Kevin got everything in common you should be best friends with him instead of her

Needy: yeah we do but ever since he first started doing karate at his dojo he barely spends time with us but luckily tomorrow he says that we don't spend a lot of time each other just you me and Kevin like it used to be

They walk downstairs and then they see Jennifer

Jennifer: guess who gets to be out at 11:30 a 2003 Chrysler three and it's all mine so you ready to go to the club needy

Chip: don't be delusional it's not club it's a bar in fact it's not a bar it's a bingo people with tats

Jennifer: eat my ass chip you and Kevin are just jealous because you two not coming

Chip: I'm not jealous that place is disgusting and everyone in there has a mustache

Jennifer: you're totally jealous your lime green jealous and you can't even admit it to yourself

Chip: stop kidnapping my girlfriend!

Jennifer: you wish!

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