symbiotes encounter

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(12 min later)

Kevin was riding his motorcycle with his helmet then he stopped at his favorite calm spy in the woods where there were no people no loud cars nothing just peace and quiet he was doing his spin kicks on a log he was doing it for hours and hours until he saw a shooting star

Kevin: a shooting star

Then all of a sudden the shooting star got closer and he knew it was coming down he ran and it was a small explosion and he fell and he got back up and saw that his head was bleeding and he woke up to the crush and saw it was a small asteroid

Kevin: a small asteroid? It's really a good thing that I learned science otherwise I want to know what this was

The Rock split into two and he saw a weird black goo

Kevin: wow what is that?

He was going to touch it until it immediately got on him

Kevin: okay get off get off get off get off get off get off!

And he brushed it off and then it was gone but he double checked to see if it's officially gone

Kevin: okay okay did I dig it off okay I think I got yeah I think I got it off okay I better get out of here before someone sees me

He got out of the woods and start his motorcycle then he rides off and he got back to the house until he realizes that he felt good in a weird way then all the sudden he hears something from downstairs and it was just the faucet was on he walked and turned off the faucet until he turned around and saw it was Jennifer that looked like she was either shot stabbed or ran over

Kevin: Jennifer are you okay?

Then she does a creepy smile with blood in her mouth

Then all of a sudden she walks back up the stairs into her room and Kevin can't stop wondering why his sister looked at that way so he decided to pretend that never happened and he went back upstairs to his room then next morning he wakes up and feels awesome he ran downstairs and and she's Jennifer look completely normal

Kevin: you're okay?

Jennifer: yeah why wouldn't I be

Kevin: I mean you looked like roadkill last night

Jennifer: I'm fine Kevin

Kevin: okay anyway come on we're going to relate to school I'll give you a ride if you want

They arrived to school and heard that some teachers and students died in a fire at the bar that Jennifer and needy went to Kevin was worried and saw needy in one piece and heard her talking about Jennifer

Chip: let me see it held a lot of smoke recently

Kevin: she is telling the truth

Needy: what she made it back home last night

Kevin: yeah I looked at like she got left for dead or something oh and also an asteroid came down in the woods I was at

Needy: are you okay?

Kevin: I'm fine I'm better than fine I feel great like I never had this type of feeling before

Chip: did you drink an energy drink

Kevin: no okay look here's the story so I was just writing on my bike going to the woods and go to my calm spot I was doing some spin cakes and then all of a sudden a small tiny meteor rock crash down and some weird black slime or something was moving I was going to touch it and then it got on me I got off me and all of a sudden my head is better I mean it was bleeding but it got better and I just feel great this morning

Needy: wow that's a interesting story

Chip: yeah man that's a good thing that you was on her or anything

Colin: hey needy Kevin

Needy: hey Colin

Kevin: what's up Colin

Colin: I heard you were at the fiery trenches last night

Needy: yeah

Colin: well I'm glad you didn't die

Needy: thanks

Colin: seriously hey Kevin I was wondering if you want to hang out with my friends and I

Kevin: sure man needy chip I'm going to see you guys later okay

Needy: okay

Chip: see you later buddy

Chip: how are you and Kevin friends with Colin grayis I thought he only talks to the dead girls and boys

Needy: I'm just am he creates nonfiction stories he's really good actually he's all dark and emotional and Kevin and him have been friends ever since Kevin first got to this school

Chip: well I'm like that too you know you know I'm not that obvious about it or a poser or anything

Needy: walk me home

Chip: you know it babe

They walked away and the scene cuts to Kevin talking to Colin at his locker

Colin: I'm kind of surprised you didn't went with needy she always looks at you like a guardian angel

Kevin: you know needy she's always careful it's not like she doesn't need me to protect her all the time

Colin: you know you and needy are so cute together

Kevin: she's a friend and second she already has a boyfriend she's like a little sister to me that's all

Colin giggles until all of a sudden his smile fades away then Kevin was confused

Kevin: what was wrong?

Colin: nothing I just you see those three guys with the Jock hoodies

Kevin: those three are the ones that bully you why you didn't tell me?

Colin: because they said that if I talk to someone about them bullying me they're going to believe me even worse

Kevin: just let me know if they bull you again you know I'm always there for you

Colin: thanks

The two fist pumps and Kevin walked away and then when the Sun was going down and one of the alleyways he sees couple of guys mugging a teenager he was trying to figure out when he was going to do

Mugger 1: give me your money

Teenage boy: no just get away from me

Mugger 1: I said give me your money

Kevin: hey! Why is it that people like you always get to feel like you run everything like I can push people around

Mugger 3: hey kid just keep on walking you're the wrong place buddy

Kevin: no I'm not going anywhere until you stop mugging him

Mugger 1: he said leave or else you're going to get hurt

Kevin: and like I said before I'm not going anywhere

Where the mothers were trying to punch him until he Dodges them then the fight begins with Kevin find one of the muggers and pushing the other two away then kicking one of them in the face and one of them was charging at him and he did a triple spin kick then one of them hate Kevin with a board and then they were beating him up until a black tentacle launch at him

(Skip to 0:53 and pretend Eddie was Kevin and the guys were the muggers and the apartment as the alleyway)

???: outstanding now let's bite all the heads off and pile them up to the corner.

Kevin: why would we do that?

???: pile of bodies pile of heads

Kevin look at the kid and walk up.

Kevin: hey are you okay?

Teenage boy: yeah thank you how did you do that it was five or six guys.

Kevin: to be honest I don't know what I did.

Teenage boy: well thank you once again.

The boy walked away and it was just Kevin looking at the unconscious bodies then he was wondering who or what was talking into his head.

Kevin: show yourself.

Then the black slime head emerged from his shoulder and Kevin looked surprised and a little scared.

Kevin: what are you?

Venom: I am Venom and you are mine.

Kevin: thanks for the help I guess.

Venom: you are welcome listen carefully Kevin you did not find us we found you think of yourself as my ride.

Kevin: how did you know my name?

Venom: I know everything about you I'm inside your head and I know you care about everyone but yourself you care about your friends your family everyone here but there's only one person that you despise one person that you hate.

Kevin: who?

Venom: you hate Jennifer how she treats her friend needy.

Kevin: yeah I do but she's my sister so are you going to hurt or probably chill anyone else.

Venom: only those who deserve it and whoever gets in our way.

Kevin: okay good good.

Venom: that is why we are here cooperate and you just might survive that is the deal.

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