The changes

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It was already night time and Kevin was in the woods on top of a tree as he was talking to Venom

Kevin: so where are you from?

Venom: I'm from a planet named klyntar there are others like me there I was the only one that arrived here

Kevin: you must have missed there huh?

Venom: not really turns out I heard that Earth was a very peaceful place and it is I mean look at it it's peaceful up here your world is not so ugly after all

Kevin: ouch that was kind of hurtful and yeah it is peaceful but yeah so how do I know that you won't lay eggs on me or accidentally kill me while I'm asleep?

Venom: a symbiotes need host to survive we need to find a house with the same DNA or the same blood as us if it's a match then we live and you live but if it's not identical the simile dies with the host but luckily for you you and I have the same DNA and seconds you watch a lot of alien movies if you believe that I'm going to lay some eggs in you

Kevin: okay now that's just going to bug me for the rest of the night but okay

Then all of a sudden his phone rang and it was needy to call him

Kevin: hey needy what's up?

Needy: hey what are you doing right now?

Kevin: nothing much why?

Needy: I was going to meet you at the park so I was hoping if you want to come with me?

Kevin: I'm sure I'll be there in a 10 minutes

Needy: okay I see you there

Kevin: See ya

Then he hangs up the phone and puts it in his pocket then he turns to Venom

Kevin: so you ready to meet my friends?

Venom: sure at least it's better talking to your sister

Couple of minutes ago he arrived at the park with needy and Chip was sitting on a bench

Needy: why are cops at your house

Chip: they're not they're at Jonas house

Needy: what was he trying to beat up 8th graders again?

Chip: no

Kevin: did he get drunk and hit a car again and I told him to just get a taxi

Chip: no guys he was murdered

Needy: what?

Kevin: how do you die?

Chip: something or someone ripped Jonah Lem from Lem in the woods behind the school there's eight parts of it they ain't even knows yet but my dad talked to the cops his mom is like catatomic and she's staring at the front window like a zombie man can robot statue

Kevin: do they know anyone who did this?

Chip: no they didn't

Venom: looks like we got a killer on our hands

Needy: this can't be a coincidence

Chip: we talking about needy?

Needy: a fiery death trap last night and now cannibal psycho kills the biggest guy in the school come on it's retarded

Kevin: she does have a point I mean why would anyone kill someone and then just eat them like this small town we don't even have cycles here and then all of a sudden BAM we just have one? That just ain't right

Chip: I mean the bad luck is over right? I mean can't getting worse right? You can't, I mean you guys can agree right?

Kevin: not unless you jinx it that you just did and they always say things like 'it can't get worse than this' but deep down it always gets worse than us

Needy: you're shaking

Chip: well I'm cold it's pretty cold out here

Kevin: and you didn't bring a jacket?

Needy: you want my hoodie?

Then I guess and Kevin was actually happy

Kevin: have I ever tell you how to that you too are the best couple

Needy: yeah so where were you?

Kevin was about to admit that something extremely awesome happened but he thought it was best to keep them out of it because he doesn't want them to be hurt or in danger so he just lied

Kevin: well you know doing this and doing that

And then they done their trio hug Denison cuts to people sad and heartbroken about what happened to Jonah everyone except Jennifer who walked in the hallways smiling couple of weeks later everything was back to normal well a little bit normal then usual then seeing Kevin with a new haircut and new clothes look

He was walking to his locker then getting his stuff and where he was about to leave Colin walk towards him on him

Colin: hey I heard that you wasn't in class today

Kevin: I was like I just had a haircut what do you think?

Colin: it looks killer so you would not believe what just happened I ask your sister out

Kevin was surprised and happy for him even though that person was Jennifer

Kevin: really? I'm proud of you buddy

Colin thanks Sam until his bullies showed up and I was walking towards the both of them and one of the bullies was named Dean

Dean: hey Colin how is our emo freak

The bullies laughed until Kevin interrupted them

Kevin: so you're the p****'s that he's been telling me about

Dean: what was that?

Kevin: I just said you are the pussies that Colin was telling me about I mean you're making fun of him because of who he is I mean if that's not pathetic then I don't know what it is

Dean: listen I don't know who you think you are but I want you to know that I'm-

Then Kevin cuts him off to tell him who he really is

Kevin: oh I can tell you who you are you're the dumb f*** who thinks that bullying one of my best friends it's okay and you should know I don't like that not at all

Did Kevin finally gets done unpacking and Dean grabbed him on his shoulder

Dean: if I were you I apologize right now

Kevin gave him a death look while angered him he picked up Dean and slammed his back to the lockers everybody was shocked and scared how he can lift a bully than needy and ship came to see of what happened thank Kevin see them shocked and scared like everyone else and then he slowly put down Dean

Kevin: I'm sure you don't know who I am hi I'm Kevin check I go to the school and I'm best friends with him it's pretty exciting and you must be his bully just how stupid can you be so clearly I'm going to be here pretty much the rest of my life and you are too so how about I just give you a little warning don't talk to me or him that I wanted to hurt you

Dean and his bully friends walked away and then needy walks up to him and talks to him

Needy: Kevin are you okay?

Kevin: I'm fine

Needy: are you sure because you don't usually act like that-

Kevin: I said I'm fine!

He shouted a little bit that made needy scared and he felt bad

Kevin: sorry I just had a bad day that's all again sorry that I shouted it at you

Needy: it's okay I get it we're all stressed out but hey it was nice about what you just did for Colin nobody had a chance to stand up with those jerks but you did

Kevin chuckled a little bit knowing that it was venoms doing but it felt good to finally stand up to Colin's bullies hopefully it will be the first and last time you ever get to see him because he knows that if those bullies mess with him again he was going to do some very bad things to them

Later on Kevin got the school and he saw Jennifer even though he was not in the mood for what she's about to say

Jennifer: so where are you?

Kevin: why is that your business?

Jennifer: because I'm your sister and second what did you do with your hair?

Kevin: again why is that your business?

Jennifer: anyway I need somewhere to be you mind if I get a ride

Kevin: no can't do I got places to be

Jennifer: like what exactly all that you do is go to your Master's dojo and when you come back you just draw like it's really boring nowadays

Kevin: you want to talk about me are you serious coming from a girl who basically came home the other night bloodied and don't even get me sorry about how you're real colors are because let's be honest you trying to flirt with chip yeah Nini told me so you should just stop now if you excuse me I got places to be and other things I got to do afterwards if anything call Mom or Dad

Then he puts on his helmet and turns on his motorcycle and he drives off later on it was already night and he was late for his class then he heard a familiar voice and it was no other than Dean and his bully friends

Dean: well well look who is if it isn't Colin's bodyguard I am really looking forward to this consider this payback for a embarrass me in front of everyone else

Kevin: now you know how Colin feels where you embarrass him consider that like a reverse psychology but anyway you do not want to fight me trust me

Dean: are you kidding me it's 20 against One I'm pretty sure we have a fair chance and I just got to take that chance

They were surrounding Kevin until he smirks and they have no idea what he can do

Kevin: okay have it your way Venom how about you and me show these guys are very very good time

Venom: with pleasure

Then the symbiotes were morphing on him in to a suit form it was a black suit with white eyes and a white spider symbol on the chest and back on the suit

Dean was shocked and surprised while the rest of them were a little bit scared of what was that on him and then they were starting to regret finding this guy and then all of a sudden Kevin's voice change into a deep scary voice

Kevin: so who wants to fight me first

(Skip 9:01 to the part where the fight begins but 10 Kevin was Peter in the suit and then pretend kraven's goons are Dean and the bullies)

Then once the fight was over every bully was beating up that just left Dean alone and he got up to see his buddies beat down and unconscious

Dean: okay okay please please don't hurt me

Then the mask retracted back and seeing Kevin's head then he kneels down to Dean

Kevin: I told you not to fight me but I guess boys like you don't fully learn until something like this happens so I'm going to give you a second warning don't wasted

Then he walked away and got his motorcycle and drove off and he was home and he walked up to his room and see how everything was going to be okay to him and hopefully this murderer or whatever is out there don't hurt any more innocent people or importantly his friends until his phone rings and it was needy he didn't want to pick it up at first but he answered it

Needy: Kevin I got some bad news it's about Colin

Kevin: what about Colin?

Needy: he dead the cops find them in a destruction house they found them the same way that they found Jonah Kevin I'm so sorry

Kevin wasn't responding to that news and hearing about his best friend getting killed angered him so much he hanged up on her

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