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New Orleans was a festive city considering there was a party in the streets that she walked through. She marveled at it all before she laid eyes on the Abattoir.

She thought her heart would pound right out of her chest at the thought of who was inside. She fumbled with her hands nervously as she made her way through the crowd to the massive house.

Her eyes landed on the doors and the party around her faded. All she could focus on were the thoughts that consumed her. Elijah.

But she should've been paying attention for what happened next took all her focus away; in fact, everything faded away because suddenly she was grabbed and something hit her head, hard.

And she fell limb into whoever's arms held her.


When she woke up, she was in a place with dim lighting. She was tied down to a bed with bindings on her wrists and her ankles. She was alone in a room.

              She pulled against the bindings and fought against them but they were too tight. She panicked and she started to shout out for help.

            Her cries echoed throughout the house and until they became nothing but whispers; her voice tired from screaming too much.


           She was finally let out of her bindings and allowed to roam the house although she had a shadow who glared at her as he followed her around. Apparently, she was too dangerous to be left alone.

             She figured out she was in some house for witches broken by magic. No one could escape including herself no matter how many times she explained that she wasn't a witch.

                But that didn't matter. No one listened to her and no one gave her any answers.

               Hope had completely left her until a girl started screaming that she was Rebekah Mikaelson.

             The dark-skinned girl that didn't look anything remotely like the blonde Original pounded on the doors until she was restrained and pulled into the room Jenny previously inhabited. They strapped her to the bed to give her these pills; Jenny never got any but she noticed the rest did.

              That's when Jenny made her move. She grabbed a tall metal lamp and swung it at her captor before she made a beeline for Rebekah.

                "Hey, let go of her," Jenny demanded as she came into the room. She swung the lamp again at this bigger man who held down Rebekah. It hit his head and he went down.

                 "Jenny," Rebekah was wide-eyed.

                 "So it is you," Jenny said as she made quick work of undoing the bindings on Rebekah.

                "How the bloody hell are you alive?" Rebekah questioned as she got up.

               "Long story," Jenny said as more of their captors came to restrain them. "Don't have time to tell it."

            Rebekah quickly put herself in front of Jenny (it was instinct to protect her even though she was in a body that couldn't do much) and grabbed her wrist to keep her there.

              "Do you have any idea who I am?" Rebekah asked.

               "We don't care," an older woman with scars on her face said.

               "You'll wish you did," and Rebekah let go of her and started fighting. She packed a mean punch.

             Jenny took that as her cue and started swinging the lamp again which was no more than a metal rod now. But their fighting didn't matter.

             They were restrained once again and put in different rooms. This time, Jenny wasn't allowed back out.


             Jenny had managed to get out of her bindings in the time they left her alone. But getting out of the door was another problem.

               It was like it was magically shut until it was flung open.

             There stood Rebekah with a blonde woman who looked striking similar to the original form of Rebekah. It was odd.

              Rebekah quickly wrapped her in a hug, "Oh, I'm so glad you're alright."

              "I'm glad you're alright, too," Jenny uttered before pulling away. "They didn't hurt you, did they?"

              "It's nothing I can't handle," Rebekah smiled. "Come on, we're getting out of here thanks to our friend here."

                Jenny looked over at the blonde woman who wore a soft smile directed at her, "You have been kind and loyal, Jenny. Thank you."

                 "Oh, well, no problem," Jenny said as they made their way to entrance where they'd leave this place.

                 "Thank god you're alive, Jenny," Rebekah wrapped her arm around hers. "Elijah is going to be so happy to see you."

                 "He is?" Jenny smiled like a love struck fool.

                "Duh," Rebekah stated.

                And they left that godforsaken place thanks to Freya who was actually a Mikaelson.

AN: next chapter is the reunion. I'm gonna cry.

I was too lazy to do the actual episodes of Rebekah in the asylum. But we will be getting into the episodes very quickly. Jenny won't play a large role in season two but season three she'll be huge. Also we probably have like 40 chapters in this final part so there's a lot.

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