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Jenny finally got to see the pregnant werewolf everyone was trying to protect: Hayley. She was beautiful in a goddess type way. If she was standing in a room with the wolf girl, Jenny knew who everyone would look to (and it wasn't her).

(Although, she just didn't know that everyone that had even looked at Jenny thought the exact opposite. It didn't matter how beautiful Hayley Marshall was as Jenny had a smile that was one in seven-billion. She could be in a room with the most beautiful people [with only her simple beauty] and yet if she smiled, no one would dare look anywhere else but at Jenny Stevens.)

That was how Elijah thought. He was constantly looking for a bright smile that he'd no longer find anymore except in the darkness of his mind. Yet he looked anyway because he still missed her so much and so often as there was hardly a moment he didn't think about her.

It was how Jenny was able to watch Elijah so much. And she could see how her Original looked at Hayley, like there was something under the surface. Yet, the wormhole view she had never disappeared in the werewolf's presence.

And she was watching right now as Elijah held Hayley Marshall. Her baby's life was in danger from some mystical object and they had to get her unlinked from Sophie.

Her temperature was skyrocketing so Elijah held in her the pool as it neared midnight. Jenny sat on the edge of the pool completely invisible as always.

Elijah held the girl with a look of fear in his eyes for someone that he hardly knew. Once the danger had passed, Hayley and Elijah shared a look before he let her go gently like she was something delicate.

That look made Jenny feel sick to her stomach. To see the start of him moving on.

(But again, Jenny didn't know that Elijah was only thinking of the memory he held of Jenny. Of when he held her mangled body in his arms. Some of her limbs were twisted and the blood...there was so much blood and he wished and wished that he had been the one bleeding. Instead that was how he felt now like there was an open wound that kept getting torn open. It got completely ripped to shreds at nearly failing the unborn child that the girl carried.

             He didn't make any promises to Hayley with the death of Jenny so recent and how he couldn't save her. The feeling of failure still lingered and a lost smile kept him from ever making promises again.)

            But Jenny didn't know this. She only saw the opportunity for Elijah to put her in the past (which is where she should've been). Instead he held on and she was starting to doubt if she wanted him to.


           Hayley had been in danger again. She was out in the bayou and it led Elijah to being given a werewolf bite from his own brother.

While Hayley pressed her hand to his forehead to check on his fever, she'd been allowed inside his mind. She saw the hallucinations that plagued him.

"Brother! Please, this is high folly. Is it not enough you have slaughtered dozens in just these past several weeks? Word of a city littered with bodies will surely travel the oceans. Do you want to bring our father upon us?" Elijah questioned as he arrived at the field where Klaus was dueling humans.

"Relax, brother. I've sent rumor that the bodies are result of the witches seeking blood sacrifice for their rituals."

"You did what? Have you forgotten? Celeste is one of those that you recklessly point your finger at?"

"Who's Celeste? Wait..." Klaus feigned ignorance as Elijah glared at him in anger. "Oh, yes! The witch you've been knocking around with. Well, fear not. Harlots are like rats in the Quarter. You trip over one every step you take."

Elijah snatched a revolver from a nearby man and shot Klaus in the chest with it. Klaus looked down at his bullet wound in annoyance and sighed, "You care about her. Well, that is unfortunate. I hear they're rounding up the towns witches as we speak."

Elijah started to storm off to find Celeste and make sure she was okay but he froze once he heard a voice call his name.

Elijah turned to find Jenny with a small smile on her face. The light-haired brunette held her hand out to him, "It's just a memory, Elijah. So stay here."

Hayley was confused as the surroundings changed as Elijah took her hand. The couple wasn't standing in a field any longer and his clothes weren't dated any longer. The couple was in some sort of ballroom.

               "Jenny," Elijah said her name so softly and delicately as his fingers caressed her cheek.

                Hayley pulled her hand away from his forehead. The scene had become a little too intimate but Elijah had also calmed. His breath wasn't so labored and he seemed to be content.

             He was that way for the rest of the evening until he recovered from the werewolf bite. To think, only a memory of that woman calmed him down. She could never compete with that.

            And Elijah, in his hallucination, danced with Jenny. He held her in his arms and he was content listening to the music that was her heartbeat.


             Hayley and Elijah returned to the current Mikaelson compound. It was a bit awkward in the car. Jenny sat in the backseat watching the scene play out.

         "So, thanks for the ride," Hayley broke the tense atmosphere.

         "Quite the awkward little adventure, wouldn't you say?" Elijah smiled weakly.

          "So, Celeste, she died because of Klaus?" Hayley asked.

           "It was a cruel and bloody time to be a witch, courtesy of my wonderful brother," Elijah said.

             "And...Jenny, did she die because of Klaus, too?"

             "Let's not talk about her," Elijah uttered quietly.

             "The mere memory of her calmed your fever brain. She had to be pretty special," Hayley said. "Rebekah said you lost someone...recently."

           "No, she didn't die because of Klaus," Elijah answered. "She died because of me; because that is the fate she had for loving me. Now she haunts every memory I have and turns them into dreams; the only nightmare she doesn't haunt is the one I'm living now."

           "Elijah," Hayley put her hand over his on the center console. "It'll be alright."

             Elijah turned his head towards her and looked into her eyes as she stared into his. He found comfort in her gaze. How badly he wanted to believe her.

           But Elijah pulled his hand away and got out of the car. Jenny followed with tears in her eyes.

            "Hey, how dare you say I don't haunt you," Jenny said as she went with him inside. "I'm right here. I'm right here. I'm haunting you, okay? Every single step you take, I'm right here. It's like that stupid song and I'm living it and I'm right here."

             "Please," she hiccuped as she sobbed. "Please, see me."

             "I'm right here!" Jenny shouted as her anger got the best of her and a strange wind blew inside, knocking a picture off the wall.

             Elijah froze and looked at the picture but then he continued on to confront Klaus. As he walked away, Jenny broke down crying and kept calling his name over and over as her world delved into darkness.

Was this her fate - to be reduced to a mad woman calling out for someone that no longer thought of her? To become just echoes in the darkness.

She suppose it was.

AN: I noticed you guys have become a bit quiet during part 2. I suppose it's kind of boring with Elijah and Jenny not together but this part of the story is really important for who Jenny is going to be.

And also, Jenny and Elijah will not reunite until part 3 of the story. But like I said part 2 is short.

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