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      Jenny kept watching Elijah. He shared more moments with Hayley as she stood there invisible seeing it all play out. There were moments where she really thought that Elijah would move on but he kept holding on.

           There was a moment Hayley and Elijah shared after the Harvest Ritual and Davina was sacrificed. Of course, she witnessed it all.

           Elijah and Hayley walked down the streets of the Quarter on their way back from the cemetery. Both of them are quiet until Hayley finally broke the silence.

         "Are you ready to forgive me yet?" Hayley asked. She had gone through his journals and told Sophie where Celeste was buried. She not only violated his privacy but she made him break a promise.

           "You made me break my vow but, yes, Hayley, I forgive you," Elijah gave her a tense smile.

            "That's...good," Hayley breathed and gazed into his chocolate brown eyes (the eyes Jenny spent hours gazing into that they started to feel like only she could gaze into them; eyes that were her favorite even though she'd always loved blue).

Hayley started to lean towards him and perhaps Elijah even wanted her to. He didn't really know what he wanted when it came to Hayley as there was so much baggage and pain that he felt; he wasn't sure if he could be there for her like she wanted or if he was even ready for another relationship. But one thing he did know was that no one could compare to Jenny Stevens.

             Elijah took a step back and failed to meet her eyes, "Hayley, I don't want you to mistake my intentions with you."

              Hayley crossed her arms from the feeling of rejection and asked, "Is this...about that dead girl? Jenny?"

            Elijah shifted but remained silent and unable to meet her eyes.

          "You're choosing the dead over the living, Elijah," Hayley looked at him with pity. She thought it was sad that someone was that stuck in grief. "I mean, you love a ghost."

               Elijah finally met her eyes, "And I'll love her forever."

             Then he walked away from Hayley and Jenny had tears sting her eyes. Jenny thought it'd be nice to know he was thinking about her but it was just painful watching him cling to her. She couldn't bare this forever but she wasn't ready to let him go quite yet.


Time passed and Elijah had thrown a party in an attempt to bring peace to the community and bring all the factions together. The last time his family had thrown a party was in Mystic Falls and he had been there, with Jenny.

She had looked so beautiful and every time she even looked at him, he couldn't breathe. He could hardly breathe right now just standing on the balcony overlooking the party as memories assaulted him.

"Shouldn't you be down there making sure our guests don't tear each other to shreds?" Klaus asked as he approached his brother.

Elijah turned his head slowly as if waking up from a dream and he gave a tense smile, "Yes, I should."

"I suppose I lost track of time," Elijah looked confused for a moment before he stowed away his feelings. As Elijah moved past him to go downstairs, Klaus wondered how thin the line was between insanity and reality for Elijah.


At another event, Jenny thought she'd had a heart attack if that were even possible for a ghost. There was some witch festival and it involved gifts or something.

Some humans had been compelled by Marcel to slit their wrists and then the power had gone out. In the dark, Elijah quietly uttered her name while looking right at her.

She thought he saw her. And she smiled. Joy started to spread through her but then the lights came back on. Elijah shook his head like he was gaining his bearings and once Hayley shouted for him, he went to help her and walked right through her.

But of course there was no possibility that he'd ever see her. Not unless he was dead or she was alive.


Later that night, after Elijah had dealt out his vengeance on Marcel, he was standing on the balcony above the entrance when Klaus walked in. Elijah was looking at his hand that was painted in blood.

"Well, I see that you've already avenged the little wolf. But judging by your look, you're still out for blood," Klaus stated.

"I killed for her, you know," Elijah still stared at his hand and Klaus furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "And I would've killed anyone that tried to take her...but I wasn't there...I couldn't get to her."

"Elijah...." Jenny uttered.

A few tears fell down Elijah's cheeks. Klaus finally understood then. That none of this was about Hayley. But rather about all the memories of Jenny.

"I assume you avenged her," Klaus stated.

Elijah only nodded.

"Then let her go. She's of the past, Elijah. Let her stay there."

"You should listen to your brother just this once," Jenny cried. "Even if I hate it. Even if my heart will break when you forget me."

Jenny remembered the wish she threw in the fire on Christmas and what it said: Let him be okay.

She was planning to stay human and he would have forever. She wanted him to be okay without her when she eventually grew old. She just didn't know that wish would still apply even though things went terribly wrong. Where he was there and she was standing right next to him; together, but so far apart.

"Be okay, Elijah."

              Elijah answered Klaus and, in a way, answered her, too.

             "I can't."

             "Jenny Stevens, I will never forget you." His words played on repeat in his mind. Although, he didn't make a promise, his words were true and they'd remain so.

AN: so I kind of cut through a lot of episodes of the Originals. I really tried to show that yes, Elijah has feelings for Hayley but he also has these memories of Jenny that are latching onto Hayley. So I hope that's clear.

I also felt like Elijah would have a meltdown at some point. This just happened to be it.

Anyways, the next chapter *evil laugh* (ya'll gonna hate me if you don't already)

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