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      "I'm Jenny Stevens. And no, she and I are not twins."

       "It's lovely to meet you, Jenny."

        Jenny Stevens grew up a happy child. She believed in fairytales and finding her Disney Prince Charming. And she got exactly what she wanted except real fairytales (that they don't read to children) are quite dark.

           In darkness was where Jenny was and she was sure it was where her ending was.




The two of them never said goodbye to each other. Their endings were always filled with the promise of more beginnings. They always kept the belief that there was another day. It was something that would never change.

           Even if it was tragic, there were still tomorrows between Jenny and Elijah. The veil between the living and the dead separated them. Jenny watched Elijah and Elijah went on with his life (thinking about her).

            Today was no different.

             It was the funeral for Father Kieran. New Orleans was different and there was a party in the streets in celebration of his life.

Jenny was walking right next to Elijah on his left while Hayley was on his right. Torn between the living and the dead.

Elijah thought that Jenny would've loved a festive funeral like this; something to make people happy like she did. And Elijah was right.

Jenny was smiling while she watched it all (a rare smile nowadays). She thought a funeral should be a celebration instead of a reckoning.

Then she looked up at Elijah and frowned. Although, it seemed like death was always a reckoning.

"I love you," she uttered even though she knew he couldn't hear it.

But his chest tightened painfully out of the blue. He ignored it though. It was normal to him. He felt it so much from missing Jenny that he didn't think anything of it.

Jenny did, though. Elijah smiled slightly like he received a warm feeling and she started to wonder if maybe the living and the dead weren't so separate. Maybe her presence was the one causing him so much grief.


        "You know when I said I didn't want you to take a step back....I meant that forever."

"Forever? Forever would be a blessing with you, Jenny Stevens."

After the parade, something was wrong with Hayley. The girl's body was laying on a table as her life was hanging by a thread. Klaus had attempted to heal her with his blood but it didn't work. It only created a mess.

               Trauma haunted Elijah's mind. Bloody. The blood that had covered him from Jenny's body resonated in his mind. Broken. Images flashed of limbs twisted in the wrong places. Pale. He remembered how he held her body for so long that her blood ran cold and the color in her skin faded, signifying that she was well and truly gone.

                 Gone. That was the word that both Elijah and Jenny had trouble with. Elijah couldn't accept it when he still saw her smile in his dreams and Jenny didn't want to face the reality that she'd never feel the warmth of his embrace and get butterflies from the way he looked at her; she didn't want to face the reality that their future was only the past now.


             And Hayley was going to be if someone didn't help her and help her soon. They had the traitorous witch, Genevieve, doing some spell.

              But then something magical happened.

              Jenny no longer looked through a wormhole view. The shadows were gone. No, instead she was in a empty version of the Abattoir that had a blue tint to it. 

             (The Other Side was disintegrating. Since it was affecting a person in the room, Hayley, and with Elijah thinking of Jenny, the two planes of the dead collided)

Jenny now saw Hayley fighting some person. The gone girl remembered the man from the flashbacks Elijah showed her when he was explaining his past to her.

It was Mikael.

              The man held her in chokehold from behind and Jenny quickly grabbed a tall iron candelabra and appeared behind him. She swung it with all her might over the top of his head. It stunned him for a moment and allowed Hayley to get free to turn around and stab him in the chest with the piece of the wooden staircase railing.

              Mikael fell to ground and Hayley finally saw who helped her out. Her eyes widened as she recalled Jenny from Elijah's haunted memories out in the bayou.

              "Hello, Hayley," Jenny greeted with a small smile.

              "Oh my god," Hayley uttered.

            Hayley's ghostly form started to flicker and she knew she didn't have long. "Can you tell Elijah..."

            Jenny frowned and shook her head as she thought of the classic Tell him I love him. But that was just painful and if there was anything she wanted, it was to spare him pain while bearing her own. Tears gathered in her eyes, "Just tell him I'm okay."

             "Please, tell him for me."

              Hayley didn't have time to respond before she was gone. Gone, just like everything else. And Jenny went back to her land of shadows and darkness.


           It was a moment between them that only the moon witnessed that spoke of love without speaking. (And perhaps the moonlight shined a little more or perhaps it was the stars but they both looked at each other like everything was a bit brighter then.)

It was later that day.

Hayley watched the party winding down from her balcony when Elijah entered the room behind her. Hayley smiled, "If I died and someone threw a party, I would be so pissed."

"You almost did," Elijah walked closer to her and thought about how different Hayley and Jenny were; perhaps he gravitated to differences because he knew no one could smile like Jenny. "I...I was afraid to lose you. I hadn't felt that since..."

Elijah couldn't say he was as scared as the thought of losing Jenny was. Nothing compared to her and it was difficult trying to dissociate his memories from his feelings. But he thought he did well enough to know that...there was something there with Hayley even if it was small.

Elijah started to walk away but Hayley called out for him, "Elijah...you aren't betraying her."

Hayley frowned. She knew she should say something about Jenny but she knew Elijah would hold on to her forever then. And what kind of life was that, holding on to a ghost? It wasn't one that Elijah deserved.

And maybe a part of Hayley was being selfish. Perhaps she wanted him to move on not only for himself but to move on, with her.

So she said nothing and after hesitating for a moment, she quickly went to him and kissed him before he had a chance to protest. It was a passionate kiss that only the moonlight witnessed and Jenny.

Once the kiss broke, Elijah vanished before Hayley opened her eyes. Hayley gained a small smile while Jenny had tears gather watching the moment that was so similar to the one she shared with Elijah.


        "You. You are what's wrong. I can't sleep because I'm too afraid to tell you, because if I tell you it'll be real then."

             "Tell me what?"

             "I love you. I'm not going to defend you and say you're not a monster; you've probably killed thousands, maybe millions. But I don't know how to look at you and not be in love with you. I'm damned because of it. But I'd rather be in Hell than without you.

"I love you, Elijah Mikaelson, monster and all."

Jenny appeared in the room Elijah vanished to. His room. There were tears in his eyes...because he did feel like he was betraying Jenny. It wasn't like with Katherine where it was just one time and there was no future. He could see one with Hayley. He just didn't know if he was ready to give Jenny up yet.

Jenny was crying. She didn't blame Hayley for not telling him. She didn't want Elijah to be in pain and cling to her either. And that was why she was going to let him go.

"I love you so much," Jenny sobbed. "And it kills me...it kills me that one day you won't know that. Or that one day you'll love someone else and you won't think of me."

"But it's okay, Elijah," Jenny continued. "Because if you're in pain then I'm in pain."

"I always got the sense that your family stole your happiness despite how much you loved them. And maybe - maybe this time you can be happy."


"You're smiling."

"Yes, I do that. It's apparently what I'm known for," Jenny stated.

"I missed that...you being happy. That's all I ever want for you."

"I only want that for you, too, you know."

"Well, you don't need to worry about that. I'm happy as long as I have you, Jenny."

"I'm sorry I can't be your happiness anymore. I'm sorry we didn't have more time. I'm sorry I caused you this much grief. I'm sorry about everything."

"I love you. I'll love you until this world I'm in fades to white and even then," Jenny stopped wiping her tears away knowing it was useless. "But I won't let you love me. I don't know if you can somehow feel me someway. But I need you to now."

"I suppose I'm not a very good ghost if it makes me sick to haunt you and cause you grief," she bitterly laughed. "But I always wanted to make people happy, most of all, you."

Elijah felt a suffocating feeling and he loosened his tie. He didn't understand the tsunami of emotions.

"God, I wish you knew that," Jenny uttered. "I wish you knew so many things. But right now, I don't want my presence to get in the way of anything...if it even does. I'm letting you go so that you can..."

"Goodbye, Elijah Mikaelson."

And Jenny Stevens walked away from her wormhole view and the one she loved the most. She walked into the shadows once more and planned to never come back.

As she left, Elijah felt the briefest moment of relief. And he had a dream that night about Jenny telling him to let go.


          "Have you thought about forever?"

          "Moments, Elijah, go on forever."

So no is your answer."

"I will love you for all of my tomorrows. That's my forever."

"Then I will take what I can get, Jenny Stevens. But know I will love you for the rest of mine."

  Moments go on forever but love, love could die. After Jenny left Elijah, a cold wind blew a candle out and like the flame burning out, perhaps their love did, too.

AN: i tried to make this really sad and idk if I succeeded. I feel like it was a mess but whatever.

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