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         When morning came, no one noticed that Jenny and Elijah came from separate rooms. They all gathered in the dining room where Niklaus was in wonderful spirits and having a celebration of sorts.

Jenny sat across from Elijah at the table. It was something as simple as that and yet she never felt more far away; the possibility of them never felt more far away.

Elijah gave her a look before he turned his attention to Niklaus. He was not amused with the celebratory mood.

"Is something the matter, brother? Can I fix you a drink, perhaps?" Klaus smirked as he sipped on the mimosa.

Elijah rolled his eyes, "Strangely enough, Klaus, I'm not in a mimosa mood."

Jenny felt guilty when she reached for a blueberry muffin and partook in these 'celebrations'. But it looked mouth-watering and once she nibbled on it, she felt like it was Heaven.

"Fantastic! More for me," Klaus said.

Rebekah entered the room, looking tired, "Can we stop talking so loudly?"

Jenny pushed a cup of coffee towards her chair, "I figured you'd need it."

Rebekah walked quickly over to the cup to take a sip, "You are just lovely, Jenny."

Klaus smirked, "What's the matter? New witch body not up to last night's bender?"

Rebekah rolled her eyes as she sat down, "So? I had a few. It's not every day you lose your father at the hands of your brother. Again."

"Whoever said opportunity only knocks once, eh?" Klaus chuckled but Elijah and Rebekah only stare at him blankly which made Klaus scoff. "Oh, come on! We all fled Mikael's tyranny together for centuries. I would have thought the mood this morning might be a bit more jubilant."

"Under normal circumstances, the annihilation of our father would be rather commendable, Niklaus. Unfortunately, we have a greater threat to contend with," Elijah said. "Now let's discuss strategy, shall we, Niklaus? Just wondering if you actually have one. We can begin with Mikael's ashes. Given that they are the main ingredient in our weapon against Dahlia, would you care to tell me where they disappeared to?"

Jenny peered at Niklaus as she leaned back in her seat. There was never a moment without their family drama.

Klaus set his drink down in annoyance and put on a fake smile, "Elijah! I have compelled the city's finest pastry chef for your own personal edification, and yet, you ignore my efforts in favor of needless concerns."

"Well, actually, your efforts are commended because...this is really good," she gestured to all the food on the table. "Also, if this is the mood you're in after killing your father, I'm pretty sure he should be revived so you can do it again."

Klaus chuckled (and the rest of them looking amused) before looking at his brother, "I'm trading you for her. Your beloved is far more delightful than you are."

"Jenny is far more delightful than anyone, Niklaus," Elijah confessed so smoothly without even looking at her; like it was just a fact of life before going right into the next subject. "But still we have the threat of Dahlia which you call a needless concern."

It made her blush as she stared at Elijah for a moment with nothing but love in her eyes; that was all there ever would be. Rebekah paid attention to it and smirked herself a bit, thinking that the happy couple was fine, that they were okay but they weren't.

"You know, for someone who's been invited to a celebratory breakfast, you're proving quite the buzzkill," Klaus remarked.

"Well, Niklaus, if anything indeed has killed the..." Elijah made air quotes. "...buzz, as you say, perhaps it was because murdering Father alienated the one person who truly knows how to defeat Dahlia."

"If Freya wants to be part of this family, she should be willing to accept us, warts and all!"

"Elijah's right," Rebekah agreed. "Freya loved Mikael, and you've likely ruined everything."

Klaus rolled his eyes, "Pity. Whatever shall I do?"

Elijah clenched his jaw, "Whatever you please, apparently."

Klaus slammed his hand on the table angrily, "Do not mistake my high spirits for lack of clarity! I know full well the threat we face. And, I intend to deal with it... personally."

Elijah was about to say something but the conversation was interrupted by the sound of heels clacking on the floor. Klaus turned his head towards the sound as he became unnerved, "Someone's here."

Klaus quickly stood and rushed to the courtyard as they all followed behind him. She was surprised to find the older witch she knew all too well there.

"Josephine," Elijah said in confusion.

But Jenny started to see double. Josephine and...Dahlia. Her eyes widened.

Jenny tugged on the sleeve on Elijah's shirt, "That's not Josephine. That's Dahlia."

Josephine-Dahlia cocked her head at her and smiled, "Aren't you a special one?"

Elijah pulled Jenny behind him and kept his arm in front of her. Even Klaus and Rebekah seemed to step closer to leap to her defense if need be.

"Yes, I am," Josephine-Dahlia confirmed before looking at the Originals. "Although, with my family, I prefer Aunt Dahlia."

"You dare enter my home?" Klaus seethed.

Josephine-Dahlia sighed in boredom as blood started to leak out from behind the choker she wore around her throat, "I only came for what is mine. The time has come to add the child's power to my own. Though, I do not detect her here. I see you've used a spell to cloak her. No matter. Such spells will yield, as will you."

"Say your farewells. You have 'til nightfall tomorrow, and then the child shall be mine. Be a dear and inform the mother? No reason we can't be civilized about this."

Klaus smirked in anger before he chopped her head off with his hand. Jenny felt her jaw drop as the head went flying across the courtyard. She supposed it wouldn't be a Mikaelson morning without someone losing their head. Lovely.


             After everything had been cleaned up, she ran into Elijah on the balcony. He put his hands in his pockets while she fumbled with her hands.

             "I need to go see Freya," Elijah informed. "And attempt to put this distrust between Niklaus and her to rest."

                  "Okay," she uttered quietly like she didn't know how to speak to him.

                  They stared at one another full of words they wanted to say. But drama and the essence of time wouldn't allow them to say any of them.

                "Jenny..." Elijah uttered. "You know I love you."

                 "And I love you. That hasn't changed. It never will," she promised. "But I need to."

                 "When Dahlia is taken care of, we will talk," he caressed her cheek. "But, please, don't leave. Wait until then."

                  She nodded and he leaned over, laying a kiss on her forehead. Then he stared at her for a moment longer like he was memorizing her while his thumb still caressed her cheek. She stared up into those brown eyes she loved so much. But then he forced himself to walk away.


Jenny needed to go back to the house across the river. All of her stuff was there and she needed a change of clothes. But she didn't want Elijah to think she left.

Jenny stepped into the art room that belonged to Klaus while putting on her coat. The hybrid was painting away as she stepped into the room quietly.

"Hey, can you tell Elijah if he gets back before I do that I just went across the river?" Jenny asked as she looked around at all the paintings in the room.

Klaus hummed as he glanced at her, not even stopping with his painting, "Of course."

"Thanks," Jenny responded as she went to leave but one painting caught her eye. She furrowed her eyebrows as she walked towards it to inspect it more closely. "Did you...paint me?"

She went to reach for it but before she could even blink, Klaus was beside her and holding the painting away where she couldn't see it. He smirked, "Don't be preposterous, Jenny. Why would I paint you?"

His tone was mocking although his cheeks were a bit red. She furrowed her eyebrows again as she knew he was lying. It was obvious but she didn't have it in her to care; not without Elijah.

"Okay," she said slowly as she went to leave.

But his voice called her back, "I apologize if I frightened you this morning. Although, I would like to point out I refrained from making everything bloody as you so wished before."

She chuckled a bit, "Yes, you did. I suppose that's a step in the right direction. Still a terrible way to end breakfast."

He smirked, "Well, I'm a work in progress, love."

She hummed, "I'm sure you're therapist agrees. You know Elijah asked her to come over here."

Klaus rolled his eyes, "Of course he did."

"Hey, um, you know I'd use...whatever I have to help if I thought it had a chance," Jenny said; she would use her powers against Dahlia if she thought it would work, if there was a shot.

"I know," Klaus answered softly. "Although, I think my brother would prefer it if you weren't able to do anything at all."

"Yeah," she frowned before she swallowed. "Just tell Elijah I'll be back."

"Jenny," Klaus said genuinely to attempt to lift the spirits of the happy woman who now always looked so sad. "You are the best thing to happen to my brother."

She smiled sadly a bit to acknowledge his words before she turned and left. She didn't feel like that was true; not now. Not when she was damaged.

AN: y'all are going to kill me in the next chapter

Also idk what the heck I wrote with Klaus. I mean, Klaus is really fond of Jenny; he thinks she's a sweetheart. But also Jenny has Damon as a best friend who is a sarcastic asshole; Klaus is the king of that so Jenny just knows how to talk to him and therefore these two just vibe

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