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          Jenny never thought she'd ever die and get to come back. So she never even thought of the possibly of dying twice. She thought because she came back that she was immune to death; because what God would separate two lovers again, forever? But that was the thing about karma: it would put one in the grave. Except, it just wasn't her karma that sent her there.


         Klaus was daggered.

         After confessing to killing the werewolf, Aidan, and still not cooperating with everyone, Elijah daggered his brother with the gold dagger that Kol and Davina had made to work on the hybrid.

                 Now, Hayley was out in the bayou with Hope and her pack while the rest of them figured out how to stop Dahlia before she came. Elijah had figured out that Klaus put the ashes of Mikael in the painting so now they only needed to get the rest of the ample ingredients to forge the weapon that would kill Dahlia.

             It had only been a short while after Klaus being daggered. She joined Elijah on the balcony who looked forlorn and she placed her hand on his arm.

             "Are you okay?" she asked quietly before she blinked with an apologetic smile. "Wait, I'm sorry. That was stupid."

                  Her nervous antics caused Elijah to gain a small smile. She noticed and she furrowed her eyebrows, "What?"

             He grabbed the hand that rested on his arm and entwined it with his while his thumb rubbed circles on the back of her hand. His soft touch created goosebumps and electric feels.

"Somehow," his smile only grew as he laid a delicate kiss on her knuckles. "I find new ways to love you, Jenny Stevens."

Her heart seemed to stop and then speed up. A toothed smile appeared on her lips; a rare one. One of the few nowadays that only Elijah could bring about; the rest were fake or just her trying.

Elijah reached out and traced that gorgeous smile that he was in love with. She reached up and delicately kissed him; like she was afraid it would be their last.

             It was a short, sweet kiss that left them breathless. Their foreheads rested against the other as she uttered, "I love you."

              Jenny said it like a prayer, like it would save them. But it wouldn't because she knew exactly what she was going to do when Dahlia was dealt with. It broke her heart but she had a broken mind.

               After all, she went a bit mad about Elijah in death. But in life, well, madness was no way to live even if all the songs said it was nice; it wasn't.


           In the morning, she went with Rebekah and Marcel to the safe-house where no magic could be done. Elijah didn't want to have to worry about them while finding a way to save Hope. Although, Rebekah didn't exactly come willingly as Marcel had to drag her into the place.

"I'm not sitting out the fight in some musty club," Rebekah complained. "Elijah needs me."

"Elijah can't worry about keeping you and Hope safe," Marcel explained. "We discussed it."

Jenny muttered to Rebekah as they sat at the bar, "He's just trying to help."

Rebekah looked at her before sighing, "Well, I'll sit here if I'm actually being useful."

"Thanks to Eva Sinclair, you are linked to 8 teenage witches, remember? If you get hurt, so do they, including Davina," Marcel reminded. "I know you don't want that."

Rebekah exhaled, "No, but I can't live like a porcelain doll, and I have no clue how to undo the damn spell."

"That's why he's here," Marcel said as Vincent Griffith got dragged into the place.

"Could've just sent me a text," Vincent clenched his jaw.

"Well, Marcel's in a very kidnappy mood this morning," Rebekah said which got a slight smile out of her. "But since you're here, unlink me. I've got a thousand places I'd rather be."

"Whoa, this kind of dark magic, mm, it's tricky. All right. I can reverse-engineer Eva's work, but it's gonna take some time, and you're gonna have to do your own magic."

"She's not exactly a pro," Marcel stated.

"Well, she is exactly in the host body that's at the center of the link. Besides, I've done my last bit of magic. Now, I want to help the kids, but after that, I'm done, no more witch business."

"Fine," Marcel agreed. "Get it done. I'll touch base later."

"And when we're done, we're all done," Vincent said. "I'm not your witch for hire."


While Marcel was gone, they went through witch spell books but Jenny had no idea what she was looking at. It was all symbols that she didn't understand.

"How do you even read all this stuff?" Jenny frowned.

Vincent chuckled and grabbed the book in front of her that was now useless to her, "I was raised a witch. You get used to it."

"How do you not know how to read any spells?" Vincent asked in confusion as he stared at the space around her like he could sense something. "'Cause you are just loaded with magic."

"Because Jenny was born not a witch," Rebekah answered.

"What she said," Jenny agreed.

"I heard you were brought back to life," Vincent said. "So as someone who's been dead, what's that like? Peaceful? Nice?"

Jenny frowned in remembrance and she shivered as she felt the cold darkness, "It's like Hell."

"Is that...where you took Eva?" Vincent asked.

"Yes," Jenny said honestly. "But she has chance to move on and then...it's peaceful."

Jenny attempted to smile at Vincent reassuringly. Rebekah frowned as she looked at Jenny. The way she said it with such melancholy; it was unlike Jenny.

Peaceful. Jenny never got a chance at peaceful. She still didn't. Because what was peace to someone who had been a ghost?


Elijah and Camille arrived to the safe-house or bar. Elijah wanted them to focus on saving Hope instead of the link.

Camille set down a box and Rebekah asked, "What's all this?"

"Dark objects, because, apparently, now I'm a dispensary."

"It seems that Niklaus' distrust of Freya was not entirely misplaced," Elijah said. "Our sister wants to use Hope to lure Dahlia into a trap."

"And I assume you told her she's out of her lunatic mind," Rebekah stated.

"I have another idea," Elijah explained as Vincent tried to leave. "Hope is something of a beacon for this new terror, and now that she's been cloaked, perhaps we could use something else to ensnare Dahlia. These enchanted objects should generate enough power to create a decoy of some kind."

"Mr. Griffith, where do you think you're going?" Elijah asked.

"I agreed to help Rebekah break her bond with them 8 kids. When you want to get back to that, um, text me," Vincent turned his back to leave.

Elijah vamp sped in front of the man before he could leave, "Right now, I need the best minds and the most formidable witches in this city. Mr. Griffith, do you have any idea the danger my niece now faces?"

"I wish her well... I really do...But I'm done with magic, and this ain't my fight."

Elijah suddenly grabbed Vincent by the throat and held him up against the wall. Her lips parted in surprise.

"Elijah," Rebekah scolded.

"Elijah!" Jenny called.

As soon as she called his name and he saw that slight fearful look, he dropped Vincent. The witch left before he'd get pulled back again.

Camille backed them up, "I can call Davina. I'm sure she'd be happy to help."

"Dahlia demanded Hope by nightfall. Time is of the essence," Elijah set them to their task as he went to leave.

But not before stopping right in front of her and placing his hands on her cheeks as he said, "I want you back before nightfall."

"Okay," she agreed automatically as she was captivated by those brown eyes.

Then he kissed her forehead quickly before leaving. As he did, she sighed breathlessly.

Rebekah teased, "Someone has a curfew."

Jenny glared at Rebekah with a slight blush as Camille commented, "Wow, Klaus wasn't kidding when he said Elijah was crazy about you. I'm Camille, by the way."

"Jenny," she smiled slightly. "And I heard all about you."

"You have?"

"Oh, yeah," Jenny shared a look with Rebekah. Rebekah liked to gossip that Klaus had a thing for his therapist but she already knew that...from being a ghost.


             The three of them all went to Davina. They found the girl in the cemetery and inside a tomb that housed a witch working area.

              "Who's she?" Davina asked as she stared at Jenny.

                "Jenny, Davina," Rebekah introduced. "Davina, Jenny."

                 "You two should get along quite swell," Rebekah stated with a small smirk. "After all, you two have something in common. You'll both become my sisters-in-law."

              Jenny nearly choked. That would mean she'd marry Elijah. Of course, she would want that but the thought made her head fuzzy.

                Davina analyzed her before frowning, "You're with Klaus?"

               Camille frowned.

              Jenny gained a look of disgust, "No. Never. Elijah."

                 Davina nodded, "Oh, you're that girl that came back to life. How did you do that?"

                  "Uh...luck," Jenny answered hesitantly. She did get lucky; she was able to travel to the prison world (because Damon was there) which only lost souls could do and Bonnie got them out.

                  Davina sighed, "Well, luck won't help me bring back Kol."

                 "Please," Jenny gave the girl a small encouraging smile. "Luck helps everyone; one day luck will help you find the right spell."

                 Her smile was just Jenny trying to be herself again but even on trying days, her smile could light up a room. Davina couldn't help but smile, too, "Thanks."

                 "So, what do you guys need help with?" Davina asked.


               They eventually found a way to lure Dahlia to them after many hours. By injecting Hope's blood into Freya, Dahlia would be drawn to the oldest Mikaelson sibling. That had already been enacted as she stood back at the Abbatoir.

            She was upstairs with Elijah and Rebekah. They were listening to the voicemail Hayley left.

           "Elijah, I'm calling to say goodbye. Hope and I, we can't be part of your family anymore. All Hope's life, her family has tried to destroy her. That can't be my little girl's story."

         "Family is supposed to love you. Even if she is free of Dahlia's firstborn curse, Hope would still be Klaus' daughter. She'd inherit 1,000 years of enemies, all his anger and rage. I don't want Hope to be a Mikaelson. All the pain that comes with that name, she doesn't deserve that. So...goodbye."

             The voicemail ended and Rebekah sighed sadly, "She's right, Elijah."

"It doesn't matter if she's right," Jenny said. "Hope is a Mikaelson and no father should have to lose their kid."

Elijah and Rebekah looked at her in surprise. Even though they didn't know it, Klaus had woken up from the effects of the dagger due to Dahlia. He'd formed a small smile that Jenny had defended him when the rest of his family forsook him.

"Plus, what are you going to tell Klaus when you wake him? That he'll never see his daughter again?" Jenny questioned. It was a bleak future and she didn't wish it on any parent.

Elijah considered her for a moment before he spoke. He always took her words to heart.

"That we'll get her back."



A terrible storm started up that night. They all thought that Dahlia had something planned. It was why Elijah was sending her back to their home across the river; he didn't want her here when Dahlia came.

Safe. If only he knew the storm that was really coming.

"Go," Elijah pleaded as they stood at the exit. "You shouldn't be here when Dahlia comes."

She nodded and he crossed over, kissing her delicately on the forehead. She breathed in his scent and everything she loved about him before he went to part with her.

"Elijah..." she muttered as she gripped his sleeve. "I know you want me safe but...I need you safe, too. Please, be careful."

Both of their lives depended on it. If he was fallen, then so was she.

He nodded as he began to smile slightly, "You think I'd miss any of our tomorrows?"

She stared into those brown eyes as she bit her lip and shook her head softly, "No."

"Then you have nothing to worry about," he reassured.

She nodded before she placed her hands on either side of his face and tilted it down before she kissed him. Elijah became lost in the moment and she became found; their two hearts, one mortal and the other immortal, sped up but beat in tune with the other like their two souls were one.

Perhaps, they were. Elijah Mikaelson didn't care much for his soul; she could take it. Just as long as he remained tied to his Jenny.

Their breaths mingled together when their lips parted and their foreheads touched. She uttered breathlessly, "That better not be our last kiss."

"Never," he promised.


Jenny was in the home across the river. The storm had stopped. She paced the floors of the place. Although, she couldn't feel much since Elijah wasn't with her, she still had worry plaguing her mind.

"I think you need this," Gia handed her a glass of wine.

Gia was sent over here with her for extra protection. It was nice to have the company.

"I'm not much of a wine person but I'm pretty sure you are," Gia continued.

Jenny grabbed it and downed the glass. Gia mouthed in surprise, Wow.

"You guessed correctly," Jenny stated before giving her a grateful smile. "Thanks. And next time, I'll bring the beer if you bring the wine."

Gia smiled, "Deal."

Suddenly, there was whooshing sound and Gia had her neck snapped. As her body fell to the ground, it revealed the person who had done it.

"Hello, Jenny," Klaus said with a deadly smirk.

Say hello to karma.

Her eyes widened and she was silent for a moment as her mind worked through why he was here. And then it hit her.

"You're going to use me to get at Elijah, aren't you?" she said sadly. Elijah daggered him and Klaus wanted revenge.

               "Very perceptive, this one," Dahlia made herself known as she stepped into the room.

               "Isn't she?" Klaus agreed.

              "Now, it's nothing personal, sweetheart," Klaus said before eyeing her necklace that contained vervain. "Let's get rid of that."

              Klaus ripped the necklace from her neck before he asked, "I know you also take vervain, Jenny. When was the last time you took it? Be honest."

                "Yesterday," Jenny clenched her jaw. The worry over Elijah made her forget to take it again but she supposed it wouldn't have mattered; Klaus would waited for it to pass out of her system.

                "Well, let's just make sure, shall we?" Klaus smirked wickedly before grabbing her wrist and then biting into it which made her wince. "Not a touch of vervain. Excellent."

            Klaus let go of her wrist before stepping forward and looking into her eyes, compelling her, "You're going to do everything I say, Jenny."

             "I'll do everything you say," she repeated in a trance as tears fell from her eyes.


           Klaus fought Elijah after coming to the Abbatoir with Dahlia. She was lured into the trap that wouldn't have worked.

         Elijah attempted to reason with Niklaus as he fought him, "She will take...everything from us."

          "You took everything when you broke our vow," Klaus said spitefully before he was able to pin Elijah down on his knees on the balcony. "Perhaps, I'll take something from you."

              "Jenny, be a dear and come out here, will you?" Klaus smirked.

              Jenny walked out into the courtyard with a knife in her hands. She stared up at them, ready to do as compelled to do.

              "Niklaus, I beg you," Elijah pleaded as tears stung his eyes. "Your ire is with me. Not her. Please, not Jenny."

              "Too late, brother."

               She was crying as she stared up at the balcony, "Elijah, I'm so sorry."

           She wanted to spare him what was going to come next. But she couldn't. No one ever could.

            Jenny slit her own throat.

AN: ha ha, just wait till the next chapter

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