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Hi guys!

Thank you for your comments and opinions! It makes me so happy whenever I read them, and thank you for believing that I won't be that bad with the smut even though you guys haven't ever read my "smutty" writing before... I <3 you

Anyway, obviously within the Jeongcheol community we are all thirsty for smut lol. I heard you, and here is my terrible attempt at writing ABO + SG smut smh

In light of my inexperience, I hope you guys can be tolerant, and bear with me through this...

Also, one of the commenters brought up the matter of their age. Just think of this as a society where human lifespan is doubled. If so, then 50 is nowhere near middle aged, right? =)

After this, I will probably write a Meanie one-shot since someone requested it. I'll post it here as well, and label it appropriately.

Happy reading, you guys make my day =)

PS: all terrain description here is based on my overactive imagination XD

PSS: Also, you guys need to start giving me names! First name, last names, I'm starting to run out of names for my stories! Give me more exotic ones, from different heritages / countries. I want to represent a socially and culturally diverse ethnicity.

PSSS: I hope you guys are freaking happy!!!! T3T I feel SO depraved after I wrote this...Urgh...XD I have new respect for smut authors now...I thought I was shameless after reading so many smuts, but...geez, writing one makes me blush like a 15 year old reading smut for the first

Top 10 cities in Eurasia, by Julian Nguyen-Chokusheva


Fort Delta is the second-largest military base within the Eurasian system of bases and military locations.

Ensconced between the majestic Andromeda Mountains - the largest mountain system with the third-tallest mountain peak in the Vesuvius Galaxy, Mount Ekaterina (named after its first climber) - and the dry terrains of the Xing desserts, a landscape reminiscent of the famed Sahara desserts on planet Earth many million years ago, Fort Delta is not only subjected to an extreme change in daily temperatures, but also a turbulent climate system that challenges the best of the best to adapt and to thrive.

An ideal training ground for new recruits, many of them Sentinels and Guides, at Fort Delta, officers are regularly exposed to various terrains and warfare tactics. Accessibility to mountains, desserts, swamps and savannahs, all within 2 hours of commuting, produces some of the most versatile and resilient units that have gone on to make history, both in warfare and in peacetime exploration. The base is the primary recruiting site for the Eurasian Central Intelligence Agency as well as its Navy SEAL (Sea, Air and Land) teams.

A self-sufficient base, Fort Delta consists of both military and civilian facilities. The armed forces feed new recruits into the city's public defense system as an introductory training programme, while the civilians, thriving commercially from the privatization of military demand in housing, food and entertainment, provide the services needed to make Fort Delta a bifunctional military base and city.

In an effort 300 years ago to bridge the initial gap between the people and the military, General Choi Jaehyun, Commander of EASOCOM - the highest ranking military officer in Fort Delta - and Valeria Rothschild, City Mayor, came together to establish Fort Delta University, a non-profit research University open to both civilian students and military officers.

Today, the University has an internationally-ranked War College, and the 2nd-best Doctoral programme in Sentinel - Guide Genetics in the Galaxy. Some of its' most notable alumni include:

Lee Jihoon, MD, Specialist in Alpha Sentinel alleviation drugs and Head Researcher at the Eurasian Carter - Hideyuki Sentinel-Guide LaboratoriesLady Evelyn Manners, 14th Duchess of Rutland, prominent Omega Rights' activistKatherine Yamamoto (née Spencer), Queen Consort of Seiichi Yamamoto, Emperor of the Kingdom of Eurasia, daughter of Lord Eric Spencer, the incumbent Chancellor of the Exchequer.Lieutenant General Yoon Jeonghan, Surgeon General of the Eurasian Air Forces, the only Omega Guide to have graduated summa cum laude from both the War College and the Medical School of Fort Delta University.

Today, Fort Delta remains the leading research and job market sector for Sentinels and Guides in the Vesuvius Galaxy. With strong ties to militants and civilians alike, the city is the cradle to nourish some of the most talented individuals to have ever lived.

Jeonghan isn't sure how they made it into the ship. The Labs were, thankfully, empty, which meant nobody'd been able to witness how Seungcheol and he made out like horny teenagers on practically every flat surface they found.

The Alpha would push him against the wall, in some obscure hallway, and their mouth would find each other's hungrily, their hands equally insatiable. They were so close, their breaths intermingled. Jeonghan could feel, every time they were pressed up against each other, his future mate's very prominent erection, digging into his thighs. And rather than scaring him off, it only made him even more aroused.

Somewhere inside the Omega, he knew he should have been horribly embarrassed at his wanton behavior in such a public place. Everyone would be able to smell his pheromones wafting everywhere the next day, but right then, he didn't give a damn. The only thing that mattered was the Sentinel in front of him.

They exit the Labs via its' staff entrance, where Seungcheol's ship is parked. Holding hands and laughing like mad from their behavior inside the Lab. Seungcheol will remember this place very fondly from now on. Not only did he meet his mate there, but they also made out like teenagers discovering how to kiss for the first time.

Ah...very fondly indeed.

Their hands, regretfully, separate so that they can each get in from the side doors. No sooner did Seungcheol finish buckling and closing the ship door did he realize that this might be a horrible idea.

He thought he'd sort of gotten himself under control. But in this small, enclosed space, Jeonghan's pheromones are more obvious than ever. The pheromones of a sexually mature, fertile Omega.

It screams breed me. Mate me. Knot me.

So potent, he feels like his head is swimming from the sheer desire for his mate.

Seungcheol tries desperately to calm down. He's this close to saying fuck-all and start behaving like a wild animal and mate Jeonghan right here. His body grows taut trying to restrain himself, and his traitorous mind seems hell-bent on conjuring up one erotic scenario after another of him and Jeonghan entwined together, just to taunt his barely-there control.

To his growing marvel (horror), his pheromones seem to have a mind of its own, reacting violently, and very willingly, to his Omega's own biochemical signals, pouring out of him like tidal waves. Like flames, they feed on each other to grow. Like two halves of a circuit coming into contact, they interweave back and forth, strengthening each other.

Like a pleasurable but torturous feedback cycle, they percolate under Seungcheol's skin, and make him so aroused, yet unable to do anything but sit stiffly still and ignite the ship's engine.

Beneath and around, activity bustles in the sky, on the streets, vibrantly, full of life.

Inside the aircraft - silence. The atmosphere grows thick with increasing desire.

You could slice through the sexual tension inside the flying ship with a knife.

Start of mature scenes, leading to VERY explicit sex!!! Guys, when I say EXPLICIT, I mean it!!!! Read at your own risk!!! Bring out tissues to blot your nosebleed!!!!! I WARNED YOU!!!! Read at your own peril!!!!!

A breath, exhaled. Filled with desire. A sigh from his Guide in reply.

The air fogs.

A drop of sweat runs down his face. From his temple, down and down. Disappears beneath his uniform collar.

But a glance proves to be his undoing.

A glance sideways, and he nearly loses all measure of control.

Because, next to him, writhing in his seat, is his Omega, aquamarine hair tousled, cheeks pink, lips open and letting out the breathiest little moans.

Touching himself.


His lab coat thrown aside, Jeonghan's white shirt is untucked, unbuttoned so temptingly, exposing a wide patch of milky white skin and pink nipples.

One of his hands, his fucking hands, touches the buds, and Seungcheol could see how they perk up and turns an erotic shade of dark pink. Jeonghan's other hand is set in-between his thighs, palm himself through the layer of dark brown slacks.

Noticing the Alpha's stare, the male turns to look straight back, his black eyes liquid with desire. Boldly, challengingly, his tongue flicks out, moistening his lips.

Seungcheol did not think, before he looked, it could be possible to get any harder.

He was obviously wrong.

His erection strains against his trousers, begging for relief. What he wouldn't give to bury himself in his mate's tight passage and feel that heat constrict around him.

His hands twitch, itching to touch the male beside him. What he wouldn't give to caress the skin on Jeonghan's thighs, and then pull them tightly to wound themselves around his waist while he sheathes his sex deep inside his Guide. His Omega.

The Sentinel is ruthlessly roused out of his fantasy when a foreign hand reaches down and touches his prominent erection. He hisses, aroused, and looks to his mate, who has no clue what sort of depraved fantasy his future mate is conjuring for himself.

He's about to.

With a gravelly voice, Seungcheol breaks the thick silence that has permeated the aircraft ever since the vehicle took off.

"Alexa, autopilot. Maximum speed"

"Autopilot activated. Travelling at 160 kilometers per hour. ETA 15 minutes"

And then, in one swift motion, the Alpha pulls the Omega perched next to him onto his lap, simultaneously unbuckling the younger man. Their lips crash together, desperate to meet and taste again. Their tongues entwine, giving as much as they take as the pair battles for dominance. By sheer strength, Seungcheol wins, and he invades Jeonghan's mouth hungrily, taking no prisoners.

His mate is making the most erotic of noises, these tiny whimpers that he greedily swallows down as they kiss, and when the Sentinel's hand trails down to his arse, the blue-haired male whines needily, pushing back against it. His beautiful mouth disconnects from the General's as he tilts his whole upper body back to get into more contact with the hand, exposing his white, unmarked neck, his aquamarine hair a halo around him.

The male's trousers are soaked with his slick, Seungcheol could feel it. He's suddenly overcome with this hunger.

He needs to know what his mate tastes like. If his mate's slick tastes as good as it smells.

He needs to know what his mate's little pink hole looks like, wet and open for him.

He needs to know what his mate's face looks like, on the edge of ecstasy as he comes from Seungcheol's touches.

With brute force, the Alpha rips his seatbelt off him, tearing the extremely durable material apart and throws it aside. He holds his mate up and carries them both over to the back seats, and then proceeds to turn Jeonghan around so that the pert little bum is facing him.

Finally, he could see just how wet his little mate is. For him.

Gently, he rubs at the wet patch with his finger, and pushes in a little.

The other man moans out loud, and pushes back to get more contact.

"God, you're so wet for me"

"A-ah...w-what do you expect...I'm in hea-ah...more...mmm"

With his unoccupied hand, Seungcheol reaches forward, first to tweak slightly on the erect nipples, which earns a delicious moan from Jeonghan, then to stroke his mate's erection through his slacks.

He smiles hungrily as the male writhes beneath him, both of his erogenous zones stimulated.

The General slowly unbuttons the slacks, pulling down the zipper, and slides the trousers off of his mate's legs. Depravedly, he thinks to himself, it's almost like opening a birthday present, only to be rendered breathless at seeing his mate's naked skin underneath.

Fuck, he's not wearing boxers.

"Mmm-touch me. Please. I'm so wet for you, Seungcheol. Please" - Jeonghan says as he perches one of his hands against the ship's wall, his other furiously rubbing at his own nipples. The Guide turns around and gives his mate a hungry look, biting his lips.

How could Seungcheol deny the male anything when he begs so prettily like that?

"Spread yourself for me, Jeonghan. Show me how much you want it"

Jeonghan, deep in desire, has no intention to decline, and spreads his beautiful white legs to reveal his passage, his back arching beautifully in a lordosis position.

The General lowers his head to look at it - the little hole darkened with arousal, shiny with slick slowly running down the left thigh, and opening and closing by the tiniest amount, as if inviting him to come and have a taste.

With his index, he touches the opening slightly, and pulls the appendage away, a string of slick stretches out with them. Jeonghan whines in protest.

Chuckling a little, he pushes back in, the passage taking his finger in with ease. His mate's been wet for a while, after all.

"A-ah, that's it, Seungcheol. Deeper, please. Oh God-mm....I'm so slick-I can take it, please, more-ah-mmm..."

Hearing those erotic sounds make Seungcheol wish nothing more than to unbuttons his pants and shove his erection deep inside his mate's wet hole. He's so hard, it's starting to become painful.

But this is his mate's heat. As an Alpha, he has a duty to bring his mate off once first to take off that initial edge.

Doesn't mean he can tease his Omega a little, though, so he withdraws his finger from the hole, every muscle inside the passage clenching longingly as if to keep the appendage inside a bit longer.

He rubs the sticky substance between his index and his thumb, and says "Let's see how you taste, hm, darling?"

And puts his index inside his mouth to give a thorough sampling.

It's just like, no, even better than he's ever dreamt of.

Like the sweetest of ambrosia, his mouth is dry. His throat closes up in thirst.

He needs to taste it again.

But, teasing his mate, he says "Hm...I'm not sure I can judge from this little sample. Let me taste it again and decide for myself"

Seungcheol spreads the Guide's cheeks open with his hands, and hungrily, he licks the opened hole, making Jeonghan mewl, first in surprise, then in immense pleasure.

"Seungcheol what are you-oh God! N-no, don't, it's dirt-ah-no-ah..." - The surprise turns into pleasure, Jeonghan's passage, as greedily as it's sucked in his finger, clenches around his tongue, inviting it in. Seungcheol thinks what he's tasting is the most delicious thing he's ever sampled.

As high-strung as he is, there's no way the Omega could last long. Seungcheol could hear it approaching when he moans.

"Ah...oh fuck...your tongue feels so good...Oh God, I'm so-ah-so't stop...ah...ah!!"

The ring of muscles pulsates furiously around his tongue while the bluenette climaxes, then sporadically throughout.

Seungcheol pulls away gently, panting, as the Guide props himself back up, arms shaking from the orgasm.

The Omega turns around and looks as his Alpha, the most beautiful person in Seungcheol's eyes, face still pink from pleasure, chest heaving, depravedly still clothed from waist up. Barely.

"Thank you, Alpha, for that. Allow me to return the favour. Now. Stay still"

"No, Jeonghan, we may not have enough time to-"

"Ssshh, just let me, hm?"-and then, like a graceful feline, the Guide crawls sinuously on the seat and pushes the Alpha til his back hits the wall behind him-"Don't move now, darling, or I'll stop..."

Nestled in-between the Sentinel's firm thighs, Jeonghan eyes the prominent erection in front of him appreciatively. He looks up, then, to see the General staring straight back at him, obviously torn between pleasure and indecision on whether to act on his desire or not.

No matter, Jeonghan can help him decide.

Slowly, painstakingly slowly, he undoes the remaining buttons on his white shirt, his mate's eyes following his trail of opened skin, entranced.

With one hand, he reaches for the man's hand and brings it up to rub against his own nipple.

"Mmm-touch me here, Seungcheol. I love how you touched them earlier-ahhhh...that's it"

Transfixed, the Alpha could do nothing but follow his biding, his hand tweaking the pink bud, his eyes mesmerized by the sight.

Choked by desire, he swallows, throat dry.

Smiling, Jeonghan leans down to lick the General's Adam apple, and then proceeds to place little kisses all over his neck. Trailing down, he reaches the pants, tented by Seungcheol's erection. The male kisses the bulge gently, then gives it a tiny lick, making the Sentinel buckle up in search for more stimulation.

Deftly unbuckling the black trousers, Jeonghan laves wetly at the cock silhouetted by the white boxers. It's fully erect, leaking pre-come copiously, soaking through the front of the boxers.

"You're so big, Alpha, I can't wait to have this inside me"-Seungcheol can do naught but groan in arousal and buckle up again.

A few more licks, and then the male tugs down the briefs to reveal the massive erection.

It's a dark brown, long and curved and thick with angry veins running from the testes up to the reddened mushroom head, steadily leaking pre-come. Jeonghan could feel his mouth drying from hunger. He desperately wants to taste a little.

The bluenette gives it a few tugs, and then laps the head a little, taking in the pre-come in kitten licks. He looks back up and licks his lips mischievously, very much like a devilish feline "Yummy"-and proceed to take half of the erection in his mouth.

The Alpha, unprepared for the sudden onslaught of pleasure, groans deeply, body taut -"Fuck, that's it, take it, darling-you're so fucking good, my God-"-Hissing, the black-haired man uses a hand to push his mate's aquamarine tresses back behind his ears tenderly.

The cock is warm and solid in his mouth, already a thousand times better than his dildos at home. He wishes nothing more than to deep-throat the man, but it's his Heat so he's aroused again, and both of them are too wound-up to last long.

Regretfully, he sits up slowly, unwilling to part from his mate physically even for a second, and gracefully positions himself on top of the cock, and lowers himself down, taking the erection in inch by inch.

"Fuck, look at you, Jeonghan. My hungry little Omega. You like it, hm? So greedy. That's it...take it all in-f-fuck, you feel s-so tight"

"Oh God, you feel so g-good,'s so a-amazing"-Jeonghan says, just as he bottoms out, his hole taking in all the length of his mate's cock.

And it is.

None of his plastic dildos can ever make him feel like this. He's so full, so stretched out. His Alpha is so warm, so hard inside him. The feeling is incomparable. His walls clenches hungrily for the cock inside him, his insides throbbing in anticipation at the beginning of the knot that promises to be amazing.

Just thinking of how he'll be plugged full of come later makes the Omega shivers a little, and as he moves his hips arounds sinuously, the feeling of the erection rubbing against his walls makes his breath hitches in the most erotic manner.

Jeonghan tugs at his own erection, the doubled physical sensations nearly rendering him insensible. But his Sentinel's worked so hard to give him his pleasure, it's his turn now.

"Mmmm...I feel so full, Alpha. You're bigger than anything I've taken before-ahh-oh t-there-oh-"-his hips rotate, only for the erection to hit his prostate dead on, and the Guide nearly blacks out from the sheer pleasure. Seeing his expression, Seungcheol thrusts up harshly, again and again, repeatedly rubbing that spot on his walls.

Jeonghan can't take it, he's so close now, and he wants his mate's knot in him when he comes, so he can keep all that come inside him. Hell-bent on making sure they come together, the bluenette re-doubles his efforts.

His legs cramping from the intensity, Jeonghan moves furiously up and down on Seungcheol's cock, jerking himself all the while-"O-oh, I'm so close, Alpha. C-come inside me, nipples hurts, t-touch them for me-ahh-harder-please-I want to feel your come inside m-me-mm"

"Ahhh-mother of-I'm so fucking close, Jeonghan, fuck, look at you, taking it like a good Omega-f-fuck-I'm going to pump you so full of my come, it'll leak out of your pretty little hole for days"

"Mm-that's right, Alpha, make me so full that they'll smell that I belong to you all the time. Pumped with your semen all the t-time...ah....ah-I-I'm coming-ah..."

As they climax together, Jeonghan blanks out from the best orgasm he's ever had. Eyes rolling back in pleasure, the Omega shudders when, round after round, he could feel warm come splattering deep inside him. His hole tightens, milking the ejaculation for all it's worth.

Slowly coming down from the amazing peak, Jeonghan is suddenly aware of one thing.

He wasn't knotted.

He can't feel his mate's knot inside him. It's outside. All that come wasted now.

Just as he's about to ask why, an artificial voice speaks up "We have arrived at the destination"

His Alpha slowly withdraws, tucking himself back in, and gently covers Jeonghan with his coat, and holds him up.

Trustingly, the Omega wounds his arms around the General's neck as they descend off the landing dock in front of a huge mansion.

A little disappointed, he asks "Why didn't you knot me?"

The older man blushes slightly, pink dusting his aristocratic cheekbones, so very different from the aroused Alpha earlier-"I didn't want you to be uncomfortable in the backseat. I-it's better if we do it in the comfort of our own house"

Touched by the gesture, Jeonghan pecks the man on his right cheek, one hand pushing back cropped dark locks gently -"Lead the way then, Alpha"

Smiling tenderly, Seungcheol walks inside, as the mansion doors open, and close.

(to be continued...)


I'm cringing in embarrassment right now, so hard you guys can't imagine!!!! (fans myself)

There's at least one more part, they haven't knotted, so... (why do I torture myself OMG)

Was it OK? Please comment!!! You guys KNOW I was sooo scared of writing smut...please let me know if it went ok for you T3T

Love you guys, and I hoped this didn't let you down.

PS: Dedicated to tummy_rotten (AO3) and khanshawol (AFF) and jammyxmudkip (AFF) for commenting!!!

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