Short One-shots (1 - 10)

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I want to do a 1 – 50 type of story. Each is a very short piece of story, various topics, no chronological order. Just whatever I'm inspired by.

I'm sorry for not updating lately. I've been having a really bad writer's block. Hopefully this will help some.

If there's any prompt in here that totally makes you guys squeal in fellow fangirling-ship, tell me and I'll see if I can write a longer one shot on it, kay?


Seungcheol hits his head and falls unconscious during a practice session. He wakes up and has NO idea what the hell is going on. Because Jeonghan, his Jeonghan, is taking care of him. Wiping forehead and shit.

In a pink costume. A fucking nurse costume. With lacy garter belts and a pointy hat.

Thank you, God, for whatever I did right in the last life.

If this is a dream, he never wants to wake up.


Seungcheol swears he almost had a heart attack when he came home from work and was washing up when he noticed what looked to be a pregnancy test sticking out from the rubbish bin. After shakily trying and failing to pick it up while breathing like he was going to asphyxiate for like 10 times, he finally managed. It had a "+" sign. Positive. He hated math at school, but that moment, that symbol looked like the most beautiful thing on Earth.

The fainting and bawling never happened. Nope. Never. What happened was masculine pride and...

Oh who is he kidding? It happened.


Seungcheol doesn't think there's anything that could smell as amazing as the smell of his own home. It's pack, family, home. It's the most amazing smell in the world.

That is, until, one summer day, under the sweltering heat, he smells it. Shoulder-length black hair, stunning brown eyes, tempting pink lips.

In an instant, his universe rearranges.

Mate. Mine.


It's adorable how Seungcheol would drop by the flower shop at least twice a day to see Jeonghan's face. Ever since the new florist moved to town, Seungcheol has bought flowers for his parents, his siblings and his colleagues.

He's the most awkward thing ever, but, hey, it's the thoughts that count, right? And Jeonghan always smiles every time his favourite customer comes in. They're so besotted with each other it's not even fair.

It's the talk of town these days. The long-haired, fae-like florist and the handsome, socially awkward biology professor from the town university.


There's no stopping the miffed jealousy emanating from Seungcheol when he saw Jeonghan kissing the glass in front of the camera. It's not fair that everyone gets to see how pretty those lips are. The sight belongs to him and him alone. It's also not fair that it was his first time seeing how stunning Jeonghan looked in red lipstick. He wanted to kiss that colour off him.

Sufficient enough to say, one leader was not a happy camper that day.

...alright, maybe the make-out session later on at their dorm made up for it. A little bit.

Shout out to Jeonghan being voted the idol with the prettiest kiss. Of course it would be him XD


Prince Choi Seungcheol is a very confused Prince.

He's just danced with the most stunning man in his life. The most beautiful, and the wittiest conversationalist. With an amazing smile that he half wants to kiss off, and half wants to make sure it stays there.

The clock struck midnight, however, and the man disappeared, leaving behind nothing more than a name, Cinder, and a white glove

His elusive Cinder is nowhere to be seen, and even if he wanted to find the male, how in the world would he be able to? Find someone based on their glove size? Why, that's almost as ridiculous as finding someone based on their shoe size! It's to be noted that they can always try to cut off their hands (or toes) to fit, no?

Besides, what kind of dance partner would one be if they can't even remember the face of their love, and to stoop as low as using their feet size? Because of course there can only ever be one shoe / glove size, NOT.

Meanwhile, in a dark corner somewhere.

"Yo, Angel, you sure this would work? How do you know the Prince will find you?"

"Of course I'm sure, as long as he's not an imbecile and try to find me via my glove size, he should track me down fairly quickly. Is everyone in position? Over"

"Luckynumber8 in position. Over"

"Heenim-doppel in position. Room all clear. Over"

"Woozy in position. Transportation ready. Over"

"T-rex in position. Over"

"Boodiva and LAGent reporting. All clear. Over"

"Awesome, Angel reporting. We're all set. I repeat. Cleared for action. As soon as you get the signal, truss Prinny up like a pig. We're gonna ransom the shit out of the guy. Over"

"Oh God, remind me to NEVER piss Angel off...Over"

I had sooo much fun trying to come up with nicknames for them all. Kudos if you guys can guess who I'm referring to J I love, love, love evil Jeonghan lol.


Nobody knows who came up with the title "Man.Sae" from their new album and why. Nobody even SEVENTEEN. Even they only knew it was Seungcheol who insisted on the name.

Monday to Saturday – how long it took for the leader to fall head over heels over that fresh-faced trainee with the short bob and the plump cheeks.

Monday to Saturday – the days when each of them had school in the morning and all the leader could think of during class was how many hours till he can see that new trainee again during training.

Monday to Saturday – how he hated to wait until Sunday comes so he can see him stumble into the kitchen, sleepy-eyed and mussed up strands of purple hair. His Jeonghan is the most adorable on Sundays.

He wants to repeat Monday to Saturday again and again, over and over. He will endure it. Because every Man.Sae is every precious time spent and precious memories made with Jeonghan.


He hates covert ops in brothels. It never fails to make him feel like such a cad and an arsehole. That's he's free to wander and enjoy people like one would with delicacies. Even if he knows it's all an act to make sure their target buys into it.

Tonight his op is infiltrating a sex and drug ring, hidden deep inside the Red Light district. His cover is a rich playboy who's looking for He and Mingyu were both chosen for the roles. Apparently they have the "d***head" looks. Sometimes, his teams...seriously. He's given up a long time ago.

Inside and dreading the role, he was suddenly pulled inside a nook, dark and cramped. His mouth is being covered by the softest hand, and the hot breath on his neck is more arousing than he'd like to admit.

He out-maneuvers the sinuous body behind him. His body weight is pinning the stranger against the wall, his hands pinning the slender wrists up high. At this point, he's not sure if it's out of defense, or the innate need to be near this person. All is silent but the sound of their breaths mingling, warm and moist.

The curtain covering the nook flutters, letting the tiniest light inside their corner.

Flowy, waist-length platinum hair, dark brown eyes framed by long, sooty lashes. Stretches of creamy skin, and a collar bone peeking out under the slumping sleeves of...what is he wearing???

The male is stunning.

His red, red mouth opens

"Why, hello there, stranger. I don't believe I've seen you around here before"


There's been a truce called between their warring countries. In fact, the other country is sending an envoy over in two days to negotiate and peace and trade treaty. It's been rumoured that their Second Prince, the Official High Ambassador, is amongst the mix.

"His Grace, the Grand Duke of Astoria"

"His Royal Highness, the Prince of Sidha"

"Your Grace, it's an honour"

"Please, Seungcheol is fine. And likewise, Your Highness"
"Then please, call me Jeonghan, I insist"

"Now, shall we discuss that treaty?"



Hunter Choi has been searching for the wolf for ages. The beast has been savage lately, harming a lot of innocent people. It needs to be put down. He has been looking for it to no avail. It's as if the thing evaporated off the face of the Earth.

After weeks of hopeless searching, he finally stumbled on the beast's track. It appeared to be going towards the house of the local Granny who grows delicious apples and her grandson. He's panicking now, trying to race his fastest to the house, hoping to put down the wolf and save the family in time.

Breathlessly, he pushes the front door open, cocking his rifles all the while, ready and poised to shoot the wolf down...

Only to find it trussed upside down in Granny clothes, the grandson idly sitting by picking his nails. The male raises his head, bright eyes staring at him. Hunter Choi finds himself blushing a bit. How beautiful.

"Oh, Hunter, you're here? The wolf's yours, if you want"

Alright, besides blushing like mad, Hunter Choi is also lost for words.

"Erm...I...that is...I mean...How-"

"Oh, you mean the thing? I knew it wasn't my Granny. No Grannies sound that awful, like a screeching, drowning cow. I played nice and offered it an apple, which I laced with sleeping herbs before I walked outside. When that thing wakes up, it's going to hallucinate as well. So don't worry about it escaping"

"How...I mean...Why did you have the apple with you?"

"Oh, that? One of my classmates was pissing me off, and I wanted to put him in his place. Jerk. He was trying to grope all the females in class"

Hunter Choi is rendered well and truly speechless.

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