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Hi everyone :)) How are you all??

So...I know I promised I'd write the ABO oneshot first, but... I just watched SEVENTEEN's new teaser today for their repackaged album, and just read an MPreg story.

I felt kinda emotional, like...I love this group so much, it's almost unfair. They're the first group that makes me feel like buying their album actually counts for something, and I support them wholeheartedly, whether by watching their videos or pre-ordering their new album.

I had this moment where I wondered: I love them so much, and I wonder if we can be like SHINHWA fans, whose favourite group has stayed together for years?

I know that as a 13-member group, the likelihood of them being together for a long time sounds very...far-fetched, but if SHINHWA did it, why not SEVENTEEN, right? And with them being under a smaller-sized agency like PLEDIS, I'm hanging onto my hope that I'll get to grow older with them like SHINHWA fans did.

This is my wanting to realize that scenario :)) With this in mind, at least the first half is like my crazy fantasies about their future. Please indulge my wistfulness and delusions. Also, a direct elongation of prompt #2. Although I think JeongCheol will be lacking a little bit, since I was too busy being emotional over SVT's future. Sorry, guys, for those who wanted to see a longer, better fleshed out version.

Thank you, as always, and I hope you'll enjoy reading this. Title taken from SVT's song "20"

As far as musical careers go in South Korea, SEVENTEEN's is considered to be on the more successful side of things.

Considered to be the group with the most members that has stayed together for the longest, SEVENTEEN celebrated their 10thanniversary last May of 2025. After roughly 6 years of successful comebacks, SEVENTEEN has established themselves as one of the most proliferate boy groups with talented members, both in the eyes of critics, and in the eyes of their own fans.

After 2021, in one of their appearances in a talk show, S.Coups stated that, instead of making an annual all-member comeback, the group would now become highly individualized, with each member focused on doing their own thing. SEVENTEEN will still comeback as a group, just not as frequent, because as the members grew up, their taste in music were then very different from each other, and so individual work gave them the space to shine, whereas normal comebacks were dedicated to their fans, who had supported and loved them as a group for a long time.

PLEDIS has, by then, grown to become one of the biggest entertainment companies in South Korea. It was nowhere near the biggest, perhaps not even in the top 3 or top 4, but still big enough compared to when SEVENTEEN debuted in 2015. During one of their comebacks in 2018, PLEDIS announced that it was going to create a sub-label for SEVENTEEN. This label, named, aptly, SHINING DIAMOND, would be in charge of the group's activities, both together, and as individuals / sub-units. Its' purpose was to accommodate SEVENTEEN and their careers of choice. This allowed for greater control of the group's image since, by then, the main producer for the label was Woozi, with other execs being S.Coups, and Hoshi, who had the main say in the group's choreo. By easing them into the job, Woozi had made sure that each member of SEVENTEEN had a chance to participate in creating their albums, and it paid off, since many of them went solo or debuted as a unit, and their confidence in composing and arranging helped them to be better in expressing themselves via music.

With their own members at the helm, SEVENTEEN grew in leaps and bounds, as a group, and individually. Jun, who had his personal studio set up in China in 2019, returned to the country to further develop himself as an actor. After landing several roles, first in typical cheesy dramas and later on in more meaty, hard-hitting roles, Jun has established himself successfully, both as an idol and an actor. The actor, satisfied the fans who needed to see him get more exposure. Whenever he makes a comeback, it's usually as a solo artist, or otherwise extensively featured in his fellow members' songs. He's also been very involved in their music production. In fact, in 2023, SEVENTEEN made an all-member comeback, and all of their songs, released in the Chinese version of the album, were written by Jun and The8.

Mingyu and Wonwoo debuted as a subunit (unsurprisingly to most Carats, since they're practically attached at the hips). Their first solo EP was released in 2018, surprising a lot of people with its combination of chilled/EDM-styles. Mingyu has grown a lot as a vocalist, and our resident bookworm Wonwoo consistently produced lyrical, poetic rap verses. Although he could write a mean diss track when he wanted. Most of the time Mingyu kept him too lazy and satisfied, especially with his cooking, for that, though.

What came as a surprise, though, was the combination of Vernon, Joshua, Dino and Hoshi as a subunit. Many fans predicted that Joshua would debut along with the vocal line as a unit, and Vernon, Dino and S.Coups would probably debut as another. But the 4 of them debuted first, in 2017. By then, Dino has matured a lot as a rapper, and Vernon, who had a lot of help from Joshua, has grown to become a much better singer, whose unique, raspy voice with a distinct flow received a lot of positive comments from fans and critics alike. Hoshi, surprisingly, was very versatile, he could sing, he could rap, plus, he made the choreography. When South Korea had its own version of "So You Think You Can Dance", Hoshi was one of the judges. He's been known, more recently, to be the main choreographer of PLEDIS, and occasionally, other companies as well. Joshua, who has overcome his weakness of having a voice that blends TOO well with loud music, served as the powerhouse vocal. His fans went crazy, of course. A side note from fans, the Gentleman has apparently taken upon himself to open an English center for idols. We still don't know if the center is successful because he's a good teacher, or because he's too handsome and everyone comes into class to see his face. Oh well. PS: Vernon drops by occasionally as a visiting teacher :)

Seungkwan and DK debuted along with The8. Having developed his beatboxing skills and gotten extensively involved in the production aspect, The8 functioned as the deep voice and the main instrument, and the main vocals of SEVENTEEN handled the higher notes. The subunit is known for their acapella-influenced albums, with stripped down instrumentations and insane vocal tricks. The8's sound was so popular that some songs in SEVENTEEN's comeback had him as the beatboxer, with a similarly stripped down style. Booyonce, as he's fondly known, along with DK and Hoshi, formed the BooSeokSoon triumvirate – a highly popular, gag-like, in-demand trio in variety shows. Boo is also a DJ on one of the radio shows, while DK has been landing roles in musicals.

Woozi and S.Coups, by now deeply involved as producers, have mostly withdrawn from the frontline. They still do a lot of featuring on their members' tracks, and each has released a solo album, but for the most part, they have established themselves, individually, and as a unit, as one of K-pop most successful producers/song-writers, having produced/composed some of Korea's best-known tracks. Woozi, in particular, has come to be very close to D.O, a member of EXO, and has produced tracks on the singer's albums. He continues to produce for Ailee today. S.Coups, on the other hand, is known for his production of rap albums, having collaborated with WINNER's Mino, and BTS's Rap Monster, the latter in particular as a production duo.

Jeonghan, defying everyone's expectations, did not go the normal route after his successful stint in SEVENTEEN. He went back to school, and graduated in 2021 with a Bachelor's in Film and Theater Production, and then went on to become PLEDIS' Visual Director. He directs most of SEVENTEEN's MVs now, and is also their main concept creator, having been known for being stylish for a long while. When asked about his decision to veer from the traditional "solo debut" track, he smiled, and said, "Honestly, I'm also a featuring guest on a lot of my members' tracks, so there's no worry that I'm not singing. If you can recall, in 2020, while in college, I also released an EP as a subunit with S.Coups. But Visual Arts has been my passion for a long, long time, and being able to take charge of our groups' images and concepts makes it even more worthwhile". Rumors are that he's also preparing for his first directorial debut in a nature documentary, since he's very passionate about the environment.

As a group, SEVENTEEN also houses some of K-pop's best-kept secrets. Like how Meanie, or JeongCheol, or JiSol, as fans have affectionately nick-named, are all real. No, please wait, let this author rephrase: SEVENTEEN houses some of K-pop's best-kept OPEN secrets. To any fans that know them well, it's clear as day that these couples exist, and have been flourishing throughout the years. But Meanie and JiSol are for another time, today, this author wants you to focus on one couple in particular – JeongCheol.

It's another busy day at work, and Seungcheol comes home exhausted. SEVENTEEN had a meeting a couple of months ago with all of the members, and everyone decided, it was time to make a comeback as a group. Since then, it's been day-in, day-out in the producing room for him and Woozi, in the practice room for Hoshi and Jun, and in the instrument room for everyone else. Except Jeonghan – he also composed, but his main duty now lies in the drawing board with PLEDIS Visual Department's staff, and everyone understood. They come together as often as possible, since they realized that some of their best songs are written as a group, when everyone bounces ideas of each other. It's tough, but very satisfying.

Anyway, this author digresses, Seungcheol's absolutely knackered when he arrives at his and Jeonghan's house. Theirs is the biggest house out of all the member's properties. Seriously, their house has, like, 10 rooms, 2 living rooms, and 5 bathrooms. Because apparently since SEVENTEEN's dorm no longer exists, the members have taken upon themselves to call this their new "home" – which is pretty much wherever Seungcheol and Jeonghan stays. After many failed attempts of having sex and being interrupted by members barging into their small condo, Seungcheol was frustrated enough to buy this huge-ass house and told everyone to leave him and their "mother" alone so they can have sex in peace. This, of course, backfired, since the members now had an even more legitimate excuse to come over and camp and whine for Jeonghan's food, despite the fact that Mingyu was basically a celebrity chef in the making. Anyway, Seuncheol has resigned himself to sharing his husband's care and doting with the other 11 annoying brats, a.k.a. his members. Can't be helped. His husband can be really caring, if he chooses to be. Most of the time, Jeonghan's just pure evil.

Thinking wistfully of an evening of uninterrupted sex, and lamenting the fact that it probably won't happen, Seungcheol opens the front door. Only to find the house completely silent.

- Hello? Anyone home? Honey? Are you home?

- ...

- How come no-one's here? Usually they're messing the whole living room up and generally being little shits, hogging my Jeonghan. Where IS everybody? – Seungcheol thinks to himself as he wanders around the house.

- Urgh, I think I can deal with them later. Let's just take a shower first. I'm beat. I'll call Jeonghan afterwards to check in with him – after a while, the leader deliberates, striding towards the bathroom.

Seungcheol undresses, and steps inside the stall for a hot shower. The hot water was truly very refreshing, and it washes away his exhaustion, although he's pretty sure he'll be tired enough for a nap later. Most of time, when dinner's ready, his husband will come in their room and gently wakes him up, like he did so long ago, when they were still fresh-faced trainees sharing a room in a cramped dorm, and he was falling head over heels for a young man who'd taken up the role as the "pack mom", so to speak.

Now that they're living comfortably, Seungcheol wants to make up for all the years that they did not. Even if his husband is not a materialistic man, Seungcheol wants to spoil him, and to make sure that everybody "knows" that they're "a thing". What can he say? He's a possessive man.

Stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist, Seungcheol walks to the sink, hands drying his hair with another towel. The leader brushes his teeth while idly looking around the bathroom. When finding nothing extraordinary, Seungcheol looks down to the sink, only to pause and veers his eyes sideways to the rubbish bin, where something bright and noticeable, something that's obviously NOT toilet paper, caught his attention...

Only for his eyes to widen and for him to choke furiously on his strawberry toothpaste (his favourite).

Because lo and behold, in all of their glorious glories, are what people would call, pregnancy tests.

His immediate reaction is: "Who knocked who up?!!!"

And then: "Oh God, did one of my members knock somebody up?!!"

And then: "Oh God, why is this thing in our house??"

And finally: "Oh GOD, is husband??"

To which he finally decides to call a halt to his overactive imagination, since, A, he isn't even sure if they're positive, and B, his husband would NEVER cheat on him, and C, he THINKS his members didn't knock anyone up, and this whole thing could be a hoax to trick him.

To which he double checks that today is not April's Fool. Just to be sure. That's all.

Anyway, he shakily (what? It's a pregnancy test! It's a must to be nervous!) picks up the tests...

He tries, and fails.

His hand just won't cooperate. It's just too shaky.

After rationalizing with his seismically active hand, he finally manages to pick up every single one of the tests, and shakily (again?) lays them on the toilet lid.

Ooh la la, what do you see?

Hm...I spy...a big, fat POSITIVE (+) sign. To be correct, I spy 8 of them!!!

This is where our leader now has to hang onto the sink to stand, since his imagination is about to run wild again.

But then a text message arrives.

Calming himself down from his (almost) seizure attack, Seungcheol picks up the phone next to the sink, and checks for the message.

It's from his husband. And all it says is:

I'm pregnant.

That's it. Nothing else. No emoticons. None whatsoever. Just a single, sparse, empty line.


Mind. Blown.

Just as Seungcheol thinks he's going to faint like a freaking damsel in distress, another text message comes from Jeonghan. He almost breaks his finger from swiping too fast to see the SMS.

Joshua said I shouldn't tell you over the phone, but oops, I already did. Sorry? Anyway, I'm at his house with Vernon and Seungkwan. Wanna come over?

Mustering all of his sanity, Seungcheol texts backs:

Yes. Stay there.

The esteemed leader, who then rushes the hell out of the bathroom, throws his beloved towels to the wind, and puts on clothing so fast it's like seeing Cinderella change clothes. Midway through, he runs back inside the bathroom because he suddenly remembers he's forgotten to wash his mouth and it's all foamy.

Hastily dressed, Mr. Choi bolts through the house, cursing himself for being so stupid as to leave his coat rack at the front door and his shoe rack at the back. In his hurry, he almost put his coat on inside out, and almost put on mis-matching shoes.

But, finally, mission complete. Choi Seungcheol flies out of the house, not forgetting to lock the door, nearly wiping the road with his face, gets inside the car, turns up the engine, and veers the hell out of the driveway and onto the road.

He'll probably get a speeding ticket. But heck, he doesn't care.

Thank you for having made this far guys!! I hoped you liked it, and please comment on your thoughts down below. Your comments are my motivation to write J

I really enjoyed writing this, so there will probably be a second part. Since, as you see, I haven't written our Cheollie's bawling yet XD

Have a nice day!

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