Chapter 5

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Hi guys...So here's the next part. Feel free to share you opinions. ;) Enjoy

From this chapter there will be some sentences which are from the songs of Within those aren't mine ;) 


At pavea

Salindra's (Jillian's) POV

It was three hours ago since i have left Robert to get himself sober. It was very late at night. I tried to sleep but I just could not. I was thinking hardly to figure out the biggest question of my life: Why did the King want to have me? Why was I so important to him?

I wanted to know the answer so desperately. I turned to my left and continued thinking. But minutes later my anger turned off my self-control and I got out of the bed hurried to the wardrobe.

I don't have time to sleep and wait for the truth to reveal itself. I have no time to waste. I must go and find my answers as soon as possible. 

With that I took up my dress and I went to the basin next to the window to wash my face. The moon was shining through the window. It was like a huge diamond in the huge everlasting sky. I always loved the sight of the full-moon. But now it only reminded me that how small i was compared to it. I was like a small star in its huge sky wathcing and admiring it from afar.

I went to the desk to pack my dresses and my other belongings when I heard noises from downstairs so I fastened my movements.

I have to get away from here without them noicing. If they saw me leaving in the middle of the night they would suspect me. I can't let that happen.

I was finally over with packing and I went to the door. But when I tried to open it I heard loud noises coming from the aisle. I heard some women shout: "Get her!" and "Don't let her go!". 

Don't worry Jillian. They're not talking about you. How could they have known about your true identity?

I sit down onto the bed to calm myself down a bit. I decided to wait in silence to see what was gonna happen. I was scared a little that they might have been talking about me and their next movement didn't calm me down neither.  They were banging on the door next my room and were shouting: "Let us come in!" and "We"ll break in!" And they did. After some minutes I heard the door break and they were still shouting.  However, I heard a familiar voice from the end of the aisle. 

"Hey guys! Don't be so harsh. Let's go downstairs and celebrate there. We sould let sleep these people." - It was Robert. His voice sounded like he was totally sober now. After what he said I heard the crowd was slowly crawling back downstairs. I was ready to leave and was about to open the door when I heard the sound of a knock from the other side. 

"Salindra. Are you awake? Please answer me Salindra." - Robert was calling me. I hurried to the bed and covered myself with the blanket to seem as if i was sleeping and i was shivering.

"Salindra!!" - She called my name again and I gathered all my strength to play the sleepy role. And then I went to the door and opened it. 

"What is it so late at night Robert?" - I asked and faked a yawn 

"Oh, sorry. I didn't want to wake you up. But I just wanted to know...."

"If you didn't want to wake me up then why were you shouting my name in front of my door?" - I asked him 

"Okay you got me here. I just wanted to know if you are alright. I guess you heard these idiots banging the door next to yours, too. I wanted to see if they didn't do anything bad to you." - He said as he looked down

"I heard them. But i was so sleepy that when I woke up i was already sleeping in the next moment. But tell me Robert. Are you so kind to every of your guests here?"

I saw his face turning into red. He was like a tomato.

"Uhhmm....well....yess...I just worry a lot...hehehhh..." - and he laughed nervously. 

"Well I will recommend this inn to my friends too. Now if you don't mind..." - I was about to shut the door when he said:

"Salindra. I'm sorry about what I said or tried to do to you earlier. I'm not this kind of person but i was drunk...."

"It's okay Robert. Good night."

"Good night." - With that he started to walk away at the aisle but i shouted after him and he turned towards me:

"Robert! Thank you." - I saw him blush even more than before and he turned away and went downstairs without saying a single word.

I closed the door and layed down onto my bed. I knew that it was useless now to try to get away without getting caught so I decided to wait at least half an hour. As i layed on my bed the moon lit my face and it felt like i was had been called by Heaven...but I knew i could come. I turned to my side and I sank into the deep ocean of my memories of the past for the hundredth time that night. 

At Naiad

Diana's POV

I can't believe this woman. She dares to wake up her servants in the middle of the night just to bring her a bottle of water. It's obvious that she can and she will do it. She feels superior now that she's engaged with Prince James. That would be my part anyway if i had been much more cruel...just like her. But i cannot i lost the game. Instead of being the future-queen i have to be a servant. And they separated me from my family and taught me cruel tactics just because of this? Unbelievable!

I was walking towards the kitchen with a candle in my hands. It was so dark that even a candle couldn't light the way. I was in my night-clothes and i was shivering...icy winds were blowing. The wind blew my long brown hair.  I walked pass the bridge that led to the main part of the castle and i entered the long aisle in it. I was scared stiff. I was always frightened by walking alone in the labyrinth-like castle even at daytime. This aisle was full of doors and the best part is that some of them were unknown to everybody in the castle. I heard some 'legend' that the former royal family's corpses were there. The thought itself made chills run down my spine. The aisle's floor was covered with a long red carpet and on the walls there were paintings of the former royal couples. I always felt like they were following my moves with their eyes but i had no courage to look back. I was going faster and faster and in the end i was runing. 

At the end of this long long aisle were the King's room. As i passed it i heard that somebody was pacing up and down in the room. I stopped next to the door when i heard Queen Evelyn's voice:

"My dear! Why are you up so late in the night? Why aren't you sleeping?" -She asked worriedly

" I cannot."

"Why not my dear?"

"I can't sleep until i get her." - I went extremely close to the door because i thought that it might be an interesting topic.

"By 'her' mean.." -King Charles cut off his queen's sentence:

"Yes. I can't believe that she's nowhere to be found. There's no trace to be found." 
Who? Who are you after? - I wondered

"You shouldn't worry. She was young when those things happened and i bet she doesn't even known about her own past." - Queen Evely tried to calm the King down

"BUT WHAT IF SHE"LL FIND OUT??" - The King shouted.

"Calm down my dear..."

"Diana! Where are you Diana? What's taking you so long? Where's my water?" - I heard my mistress' voice and i was scared to death so I stepped away from the door.
If she finds me here....she will punish me...oh what should i do? - I looked around and then i saw an armour and I hid behind it. I saw her coming towards mebut the sound of an opening door saved my life.  

"Why are you here so late? You should sleep." - Told her the King.

"I know sir but i can't find my servant anywhere. I sent her to bring me a bottle of water but now i can see that she's useless." - said my mistress 
Useless? Useless? will take that back one day

"What is her name?" - The King asked


"Oh, she was your opponent in the engagement game, right?"

"Yes...But now you can see that it is better taht i won."

"That's true. Now go and find her. Good night."

"Good night sir!" 

The door slummed shut and my mistress was going back to her room. 

It was close. But it was i know that our King is not fearless...and what's more...he's afraid of a girl. I will make an advantage out of this one day, I swear. 

At Pavea

Salindra's (Jillian's) POV

An hour has passed and i heard nothing from the outside of the room. I decided to remain silent for a few more minutes and wait for any noise to come. I was sitting on my bed and was watching into the direction of the door. The room was especially dark and the whole inn was especially quiet. It was a little bit suspicious but i couldn't wait for more.

I stood up from the bed and went towards the chair in front of it. I grabbed my bag and put it onto my back. Then i went to the door and touched the handle of it. I stayed silent again and waited there while holding the door handle....I hesitated a little. As I was standing at the door i heard a low voice behind my back. I slowly turned around and the next thing i knew that somehing flew to my face. I got scared and i wanted to shout but i realized that it was just a bat.

How the hell did it get here?

After a moment of shock I was ready to go again. I opened the door which was creaking badly. 
Oh i can't believe that this door is against me, too.

As i stepped onto the aisle i looked around to see if anybody had wanted to ruin my escape again. But the inn was as quiet as the forest. I finnaly went to the end of the aisle but before i went down i looked around again but luckily I saw nobody. So i slowly walked down the stairs and still heard not even a small sound. My heart was racing but i calmed mysel down. I knew i had nothing to worry about. 
At downstairs i looked around again and then i wanted to go to the counter. I had to get through the bottles on the floor and who knows what else was there. As i reached the desk i put the money for the room onto the counter. Then i went to the front door and my heart started racing again. Before i opened it i looked back to the hall. It was a quiet place now that all of the drunk went to sleep. But there were obvious traces left behind which reffered to them. Broken cups and bottles were on the floor, all of the furnitures were upside-down. There was food on the walls. It was like a battlefield.
I took a big breath and i put my hands onto the handle of the door. But before i could go i heard somebody coming down from upstairs. In that moment i fastened my moves and before i could have been caught i opened the door and quickly closed it behind me.  I was standing there face down. 

When i raised my head i realized that i wasn't the only one who was outside of the building. Now I could understand why i could leave so easily. My heart started its racing game again and i just stood there without blinking...i froze.

"Now look who we have here. Where are you going....Salindra?" - Her sarcasm hurted my soul. It was Mina who was standing in front of me only a few meters away while folding her arms. She was wearing those clothes she had wore earlier at night. 
So they didn't even went to sleep....all this time..they were waiting for the chance to....

"Well what now? Can't you speak? I asked you: where are you going?" - She put me off of my thoughts. I slowly opened my mouth to say something that could save me from this situation when the door opened behind my back and two arms were holding mines. I started to panic and my limbs were moving without my permission. I hit the stomach of the man behind me with my elbow and i ran away. 
I was almost out of the town when i fell apart by somebody's legs. Unfortunately i fell onto a rock and everything went black. Only some words reached my mind:

"Get her...."

"We have no time.."

"So she's really...."

And i couldn't feel my senses anymore. 


At Adrastos

Anne's POV:

I woke of from the sound of a knock which came from the front door. I slowly opened my eyes and i realized that the sun was already up. I was very tired because i couldn't sleep well at night. Something kept haunting my mind about that girl Amie told me. I heard another knock and i got out of the bed. 

"I'm coming." - I shouted and i put my gown onto myself and i went to the hall to get to the front door. I was so tired that i couldn't even see properly. 
I put my hands onto the handle and i slowly opened the door. 

"Who's there?" - I asked 

A girl was standing in front of me. She was in her twenties but her clothes made her look like and old lady. She was wearing a dress which was raven black and she was also wearing black boots. Her hair fitted her was also black but was in a knot. Her skin was extremely pale which meant that she had a job in which she had to stay indoors and that she didn't get enough food. 

She was holding something in her hands. As i looked at them i could see some bruises. 
I she's a servant-girl. She must have been punished by her master because of doing something 'unacceptable'.

"Good morning." - She finally spoke

"Good morning." - I replied. "Can I help you?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt you so early in the morning but i had had a command from my mistress to come to you instantly." - And she raised her hands i could now see what was in them. It was a letter....and not an ordinary letter from a nobleman. Nooo....It had the sigil of the Royal Family on it. 

"You shouldn't speak outside. Could you go in?" - A voice came behind her back. Now i realized that five soldiers were standing there and was guarding her. 

"Oh, I'm sorry for being rude. Of course you can. Come in please." - I stood away from the door and invited them inside. Only two soldiers came in with the girl.

I led them to the hall and offered chairs to sit down. As i suspected the soldiers dindn't sit down..only the girl.

"Can i bring you something? - I asked them and i saw that i surprised the girl. It's obvious that as a servant she wasn't used to offers like this. She was looking down while she replied.

"No..thank you. We should get down to the facts."

"Yes, we should." I told her as i sat down to the chair in front of her.

" name's Lia. I'm the servant of Princess Meriem. She gave me a command to look for the best fortune-teller in Divarah and i got to know that the best lives here in Adrastos...the home of magic. You are that woman. Miss Meriem wishes you to predict her future to her as she's standing in front of an important deal. She wishes..."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not a fortune-teller. I don't know where you got the information from that i'm the best. I don't even know about predicting somebody's future."

"Aren't you Amie?"  - She looked at me confused

"No. I'm Anne. Nice to meet you anyway." - And I smiled at her. But she wasn't smiling back. She became even more pale and she looked down. I knew that she saw in front of herself her punishment or this by 'Miss Meriem'.

The soldiers looked confused, too. They looked at each other waiting for the other to come up with an idea. After that they looked at the girl called Lia. As i looked at her depressed face my heart was filled with guilt and I said:

"Look. I'm not Amie. But you din't have to worry. I know her well enough. She's really the best. Do you want me to show the way to her house?" 

"Really? You can?" - She asked looking straight into my eyes. I could cheer her up a bit.

"Well yes. But you have to wait until i get dressed." - I told her as i sat up from the chair.

"We're gonna wait here."

And i went to my room to get dressed. My mind was on the reason why Meriem wanted to know her future now? Wasn't she an unbeliever towards these things?

At Pavea

Salindra's (Jillian's) POV

I heard it reality? Or just a part of the dream? I am it really was a dream.

"She's unblahblah..." - What was this voice? Who's that?

Now i was underwater. I saw some figures...they reached for me and I reached my hands to them as well. Then they grabbed me and....

"Wake up!" - I opened my eyes and saw the figures from before. These were three men from the inn. Oh really...i got caught.- I tried to move but i couldn' hands were tied backwards to something. The sun was already was already morning. As i fully returned to reality i saw so many people standing in front of me. They were shouting:


"You bring bad luck."

"It's good that we realized it before the Soldiers could."

This last sentence told me everything. So they knew that i was the girl that has been chased by the Black Soldiers. 

"Everybody calm down. She'll get her punishment when we take her to the King." - It was Mina's voice again. It came from the back. I had to save myself..

"What are you talking about? Take me to the King? What wrong did i do to you?" - I asked innocently

"What wrong? Oh you don't know? Then we'll tell you." - She was holding a knife i her right hand and was about to cut me with it when a voice disturbed her

"What are you doing? Why are you hurting Salindra?" - Robert was standing where the crown was.

"Oh Robert. It's good to see you're here. Well about her - she looked at me and came closer to me with the knife- she's not Salindra. She's a cheater." - She told him as she cut my forearm.

"What the hell are you talking about Mina? Are you crazy? Do you know what can you get if the King finds out that you hurt innocent people?" - Robert came to me and tried to unbound me.

"DON'T DO IT ROBERT!" - Mina shouted.

"Why not? You're all crazy." - Robert continued. me from here...i guess i'l owe you a lot...Robert.

"Do you know about the girl that the King is after?" - Mina asked him

"Yes..but this has nothing to do with that..."

"It has. Because that so-called Salindra is that girl." - As she said that Robert froze. Well he wasn't the only one. I was so shocked to hear it directly from her lips. So they really knew.

Robert looked down and asked quietly: 

"Salindra. Is it true what they say?"

"It's not Robert. I don't know why do they think this way." - I replied

He finally unbounded me and he said:

"As you can see...she's not that girl.."

"Of course she won't admit it Robert." - Mina said

"Yes..How can you be so blind?" - The crowd echoed.

"I believe her" - He said confidently.

"Well...we don't. GET HER!"  - Mina shouted and i was grabbed by them again. They raised me and started to walk away with me....I couldn't get away.

Minutes later we were at the river. Mina was standing at a rock encouraging the crowd.

"Look everyone. WE have to take her to the King alive. make sure she won't try to get away..."

"Throw her in....throw her in..." - The crowd shouted.

"Truss her up." - Mina shouted and they did what she said. don't even know what my aim is.

"Okay. Let's throw her in!" - Mina shouted again.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" - I heard Robert from afar. He was late. I was already falling from the bridge above the river. I closed my eyes and i was waiting for my fate to come.


Well??? How was it? It was a bit more thrilling than the previous ones, isn't it? Don't worry, from here it'll be more and more mystical and adventurous...or i hope so. :D 
Share your opinions. ;)
And sorry if i write some expressions badly....i'm trying to develop my vocabulary. 
Bye guys. I'll be back with Chapter 6 soon. ;)

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