Chapter 6

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Chapter six is here. Look forward to read it? Well I hope so. ;) Enjoy.


At Pavea

Salindra's (Jillian's) POV

My heart was racing..I was falling awake. This feeling was like how i always imagined the feeling of flying. So if i want to be optimistic that means now i was flying...and it was just a tiny detail that my path led me towards a river.

The falling itself felt like it lasted for years. I was falling down like the leaves from trees in autumn. And moments later my hot body fell into the the cold water. It was like i was laying naked in the winter snow. I opened my eyes which i had kept closed earlier and i saw my hair snaking around my neck. That level of the blue river which was near to the surface was full of with floating leaves...i tried to reach them but i had to leave it all behind because the river wanted to show me its deeper parts. And my clothes were to its dress was fully wet and it was so heavy like a rock which would have been tied to me. It chugged me deeper and deeper.
I sank further and soon i reached the next level. Now i could know that the world underwater was amazing. This level was the fishes'. One kind of them even came to me and danced around me in their black dresses which made me forget about the thing that i shouldn't be among them.
This level was really entertaining but i had to go again. The river had other things to show me. I was sinking even deeper to the bottom of the river....and i was more and more close to the deepest of the Hell. In this level of the blue river were almost nothing. Just seweed covered everywhere i looked to.
This level was the end of my journey. I knew i had no chance to surive. As I was near my remaining seconds my life was played in front of me. I could see my beautiful mother smiling at the baby me. The next thing i saw was a painting of her...yes that's how i knew how she looked like because i never had the chance to meet her. The next image is my father while holding my mother's hand. Lack of air made me imagine these things. I tried to reach out for them but they disappeared instantly
And i was at the green grassy field of Hatsby trying to catch Jane. I already got her...i reached out for her, too but she also disappeared. She also left me alone.
I heard the voice of somebody: i tried to concentrate on it and i could identify the owner: it was Beth. She told me something  which i couldn't hear.

"What did you say Beth? I couldn't hear you. Repeat it." - I told her in my imagination. 

She said that something again and i hadn't heard it again. She just kept on talking to me and i couldn't even get a word from what she said. I looked at her mouth trying to read from it...and it was a success. She said:

"Open up your eyes!" - Open up my eyes?

"Open up your eyes!" - She repeated.

"Why Beth? I won't be alive if i do so." - I replied to her.


Then she faded away. I opened up my eyes as she told me and i was back in the deep dark river. I tried to untie myself but i just lost more and more air.
I can't give it up. Beth's right. I have to fight against this. But how?

In the next instant i felt somebody grabbing my arms and i was rising. Lack of air did its duty because i already passed out when we reched the surface.

Robert's POV

After everyone left the inn i tried to brace myself up. I couldn't believe what they had told me about Salindra. It must have been all a lie. I don't have time for this...i have to save her before they do something bad to her.

I got onto my feet and ran as fast as i could to reach the river. As i ran i knocked the product of the traders over and i didn't even said sorry which was uncommon of me. People were watching at me wtih a strange look and they tried to guess what was wrong with me. 

I finally reached the end of the huge crowd. Many people joined them from the village just to see what was going on. I I ran through them and i saw Mina standing on a rock shouting to the crowd:

"After she gets to the surface she won't be able to run away." - She shouted and the crowd gave a cheer.

"And then we'll take her to the King." - Shouted Victor, Mina's lover. 

"Where's Salindra?" - I shouted at them while i was standing at the riverbank. 

"Oh Robert. Here you are. Did you come to enjoy her punishment, too?"

"Where is she....wait..don't tell me..." - My heart skipped a beat and Mina's scronful voice continued my sentence.

"Her punishment is clear. We threw her to the river so that she won't have strenght to fight against us. How long is she sinking? " - She asked Albert

"About three minutes i guess." - He replied

Three minutes is not so much. I can save her.

"You bastard! I told you to leave her." - And with that i threw my jacket onto the grass and i jumped into the river.

I couldn't see her instantly but as i swam deeper i saw her hair tightening around her neck. As i got closer to her she closed her eyes and she lost consiousness. I grabbed her arms and pulled her up to the surface. I took her up into my arms and i swam  towards the riverbank. Her body lost its warmth and she barely breathed. I layed her down onto the grass and the crowd was gathering around us, too.


"Wake up you bastard. You're my key to the King's gratitude!" - Mina said
How can somebody be so selfish?

"Salindra your eyes." - I was holding her in my arms...she didn't even moved. I decided to give her artificial respiration. 
I leaned closer and before i could start it she coughed and she came back to us.

"Salindra. Are you alright?" - I asked her

"Despite the fact that i was thrown into the river..yes." - She was shivering so i went to get my jacket from the ground and i layed it on her.

"Thank you." - She said slowly.

"I can't believe it. You came to rescue me...that's why Beth told me to open up my eyes." - She whispered

"Who is Beth?" - I asked her while i raised one of my eyebrows.

"Nobody." - She answered

"Now that we have her back...we should take her back to the inn until the Soldiers come for her." - Mina said

"The Soldiers? Did YOU call them?" - I asked her angrily.

"Of course Robbie." - She chuckled.

"You don't have the right to do this. You can't even prove that she is the girl that they're looking for." - I said

"She wanted to escape in the middle of the night and she doesn't tell us anything about it. And the Soldiers will decide whether she is that they're looking for or not."

"Just because she has secrets doesn't mean that she's bad or she's being chased. But if the Soldiers will find out that she's not their target they'll punish you, don't you think?" - I asked her feeling superior. I saw fear in her eyes but she tried to mask it.

"I'm not being chased..." - Salindra said and coughed. I pulled her closer to me into an embrace to warm her up a little.

"I know Salindra...I know." - I told her and kissed her forehead.

At Adrastos

Anne's POV

After i dressd up i went back to the hall to the Soldiers and Lia. The girl was sitting in the chair staring in front of her without blinking. The two Soldiers were standing behind her holding their rifles. It was amazing how they looked the same in their uniforms. They wore brown ducks with a huge brown belt which was visible to everyone. They wore knee-length black tunics and under them there were white shirts. Their boots were also black and they looked so old that i bet that the former general also wore these but donated those to them.

"I'm ready. We can go." - I told turning to Lia.

"Oh okay. Show us the way, please." - She said looking down.

We left my house and were walking on the street. Everybody looked at me with a frightened look. Well of course...because if one was accompanied by the Black Soldiers at that time that couldn't mean good. 
Lia didn't speak to me and i looked up to the sky to see what weather will we have today. Huge grey clouds were on it. 
So it's gonna rain today as well?
As we walked down the street people hid away from the Soldiers, closed their windows and waited for something to happen. Moments later the whole street was as quiet that i heard the pounding of my heart....wel until the wind started to blow. I felt the need to talk to somebody in this awkward silence.

"Tell me...wasn't Princess Meriem against fortune-telling?" - I turned to Lia and asked.

"Yes she was. But now she feels...." - One of the Soldiers coughed to warn her not to continue.

"I can't tell you the details. Even now you know too much. My mistress told me to speak only with Amie about this." - She lowered her voice: "So you know nothing"

I winked at her and looked in front of me. From that conversation we didn't speak to each other again.  We went from street to street and were greeted by the same expressions on people's faces like at my street. 
When we reached Amie's street it started to rain. Soon i heard the sounds of horses galloping from behind and somebody shouted:

"HEY!!! I HAVE GOOD NEWS!!!! HEY!!!" - We all turned round. It was another Black Soldier waving with a letter in his hand.

"Hey! What is it?" - Asked the Soldier who was walking excatly behind me.
The newcomer got down to the ground and replied:

"I've just got a letter from Tacitus." - He said

"From our General?" - Asked the one next to Lia. I waited for more information to come like the newcomer was talking to me.

"Yes. He writes:
'Everybody get ready. We soon will be back at Naiad with our trophy. I got an information from a woman called Mina that our target is in Pavea...which is a higly possibility because Hartridge is not that far from there. I'm on my way with some of my best Soldiers to catch her. Cheer up everbody. It's already the end.
General Tacitus' 
He read out the letter loud.

"We have to celebrate it soon." - Said one

"The time has come" - Said the other.

"Maybe we can get her to ourselves as well." - Chuckled the third.

"That would be great" - Replied the fourth.
Can't believe you would rape a twenty year-old girl yoiu bastards.  - Their words made me angry but i tried to remain calm.

"Can we go? I guess you don't have time to waste then." - I asked them

"Yes. Let's go and make our buisness." - Said the fifth

"Then I'm going. I have a place to destroy yet. Bye." - Said the newcomer while roding his horse away and waving his hands from afar. Five minutes later we reached Amie's home. I went to the door and knocked on it.

"Amie. Are you awake? It's important." - The door opened and it wasn't Amie who was standing there.

"What is it Anne. Amie doesn't feel okay. Is it so important?" - Her husband Desmond asked me

"Well...yes" - I replied as i stepped aside. When he saw the Soldiers standing there he said:

"Oh i see. I'll wake her up instantly." - He said confused.
"Until that come in."  - He led us to the hall of their house and we sat down.

"Then I'll wake my wife up." - Desmond said as he left.
Poor guy. I guess now he thinks that Amie did something bad and the Soldiers came for her. 
While we were waiting for them to come back Lia looked around in the hall from her chair. 

"Those paintings are amazing. Where did she get it from?" - She asked me

"There are many traders in this village. What do you think?" - One of the Soldiers asked her scorfully.

"No that's not true. Amie can paint amazingly. These are all of her works." - I replied to Lia and then i looked at the Soldier scornfully. He avoided the eye-contact and looked onto the ground.
Why do you have to be so comtemptuous with her? - I thought.

"That's amazing. If she wouldn't be a fortune-teller she could be a great painter.It's good that she can do whatever she wants." - Lia said. For the first time i saw something in her face the need to be free.

"Good morning. I'm Amie." - So she finally arrived.

"Good morning Miss Amie." - Lia said

"Good morning  Amie" - I told her and smiled.

"So...." - She started

"We can in the name of Miss Meriem. I'll tell the details but just for you."- Lia said quickly

"Okay..Is it about fortune-telling?" - Amie asked

"Yes." - Lia replied

"Then you should come into this room with me." - Amie showed a door to her and two of the Soldiers wanted to go as well.

"Oh you don't need to come. Why do you think that Miss Meriem would want you to hear her future? She will be angry with you." - Amie told the Soldiers.

"But it's our General's command..." - Said one of them.

"Trying to make her angry at you right? Well okay if you want so." - Amie told them leeding the way.

"I guess it's okay if we stay outside." - Said the old-shoed Soldier.

Amie and Lia went into the room and I stayed there with the Soldiers. Soon Desmond came and i said:

"Now i should go. I have no more buisness in here. Say goodbye to Amie for me" - I told Desmond

"No....Anne. Please wait." - He grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. She whispered to my ear:

"Don't leave me alone with them. You know how much i hate the Black Army...i don't want to get arrested because i tried to attack one of them."

I gave a big sight and said:

"Alright. I stay. But you owe me a lot." - I told him and i sat down to the chair again.

At Pavea

Salindra's (Jillian's) POV

I was wondering about my possibilities. I had to escape before the Soldiers reached Pavea or else i would have no other chance to survive.
What should I do? Beth. You saved my life. Can't you help me again?

Robert was holding me in his embrace. It felt so good. His body was hot and i leaned closer to him. I didn't knew why he thought that i didn't have anything to do with this case. He tried to save me so desperately from these idiots. 

"So do you want to tell us the truth Salindra? Or whatever your name is." - Mina said scornfully.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I already told the reason why I'm here. I'm a crystal-gazer and i visited my grandparents at Lux and now I would like to go home to Adrastos. Of course if you would let me." - I told not just to Mina but to everybody who was standing there. 

"Don't worry Salindra. I'll accompany you back to the Inn and you can get dry clothes on. You'll relax a bit and then you can go if you want to." - Robert told me as he held me in his arms. 

"No Robbie. I'm afraid you can't do that. Don't be against us Robbie. You don't even know her. What about if she killed somebody and that's why the King is after her? She could kill you as well." - Mina grabbed Robert's arm and made him stand up. I fell onto the ground and was waiting for my chance to come.

"You're crazy." - Robert replied and she grabbed my arm. I stood up and he pulled me towards the Inn. 

"Robert. You traitor."

"Don't help her."

"The King will punich you too Robert." 

People were shouting at him but he didn't care. He just tried to go through the crowd. People were hustling us and one of them even hit my right side which hurt very much.
In the next instant the crowd divided in two and a horse was riding through the field.

"THEY'RE HERE. THE SOLDIERS REACHED PAVEA." - A man shouted from the horse.
My heart skipped a beat. They're here...i have to run.

"Now the truth will be revealed." - Mina said while looking at me with an evil smile on her face.
I have to play my cards well. And Robert is my trump card.

"Robert. Don't let them hurt me please." - I  told him as i embraced his right arm. 

"Don't worry. They will not have the chance to." - He replied.

"What do you mean?" 

"Hurry up Salindra. She is waiting for you." - He said still pulling me. Now we were running but before we could have reached the inn we turned to the left.

"Robert? Where are we going? Who is waiting for me?"

"We have no time for explaining. Just run!"

We reached a small hut at the back of the inn. I heard the crowd shouting and running after us. At the hut there were two horses. On one of them was sitting Rosie. 

"What are you planing?" - Asked Rosie as she heard the shouting and saw us running towards her. Her face was dumbfounded. 

"We will leave this village." - Replied Robert who was trying to help to get on top of the horse.

"Why would you? Is something wrong?" - Rosie asked worriedly.

"Yes. The Black Army is coming. You should go as well. When they'll find out that Mina gave them wrong information they'll destroy this place." - Robert got on top of an other horse

"Okay Robert. I trust in you. Good luck on your journey." - Rosie said

"IS THIS WHAT YOU'VE PLANNED? TO RUN AWAY WITH ME ROBERT? MINA'S RIGHT...YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME" - I shouted from anger and i rode my horse as fast as I could.

"Salindra wait!"

I didn't care anymore...I just wanted to get away. I knew he helped me much but i didn't need his help anymore. He would just slowed me down. 

"SALINDRA!!!!!!!!" - I heard him shouting. 

"Here they are. The Soldiers are here." - People shouted as i rode my horse next to them. All of them didn't even knew about the happenings of the morning. I rode faster and faster and faster until i reached the end of this village. A man who I identified as Alfred jumped in front of my horse tryong to catch it. But Robert appeared next to me and he pushed him into the river next to us.

"It's true that i don't know much about you. And it's also a fact that you're not who you act to be. But i feel in my heart that whatever your aim is you cannot be a bad person. Your reasons must be good for doing this." - He told me smiling.

"Robert. From what you said you're very blind or an amazing friend." - I replied and kissed his forehead.

"Maybe both of them." - He was still smiling.

"Then we should go." - I said

"Do you want me to go with you?" - He asked and i could see that hope filled his heart.

"I guess so. How could i leave behind the person who saved my life two times?"

The crowd from before were coming closer and closer...I could hear their shouts.

"But now i have to save you again. Go ahead and if you won't stop you'll reach Athos in about a day. I'll tell them that you've gone that way." - He pointed to the path in the opposite way.

"Just when I decided that you should come..." - I answered sadly

"I'll come Salindra. We'll meet in Athos tommorrow evening. Don't worry. I'll be alright." 

"Thank you Robert. Bye." - I said as i rode my horse and was waving back to him.

"Take care Salindra. Take care." 

Robert's POV

After she left I went back to find the crowd which did all of this. When i reached them the Black Army was already with them. 

"MINA!!! COME ON. SHE WENT THIS WAY." - I pointed out my finger to the street which led to Brylon. 

"What is it Robert? Trying to cover your little girlfriend?" - She asked scornfully.

"Come on Mina. You should know me. You know that i just wanted to gain her trust in order for us to catch her more easily. But you weren't there in time so she got away when she found out my true intentions." - I told her. She was looking at me for some minutes trying to see if i told her the truth.

"Alright. Let's go that way." - And she led the Soldiers to the path of Brylon.
It was close.

As they left Rosie ran towards me and whispered:

"Won't you go with her?"

"I can't go yet. I'll wait for the Soldiers to go further and after that I'll go."

"You're very smart Robert." - She smiled.

"No. I just know how to manipulate Mina...that's it."

I went back to the Inn to get ready for all of the possibilities.


Okay so here is the end. Wait for next part and keep on reading. 
Bye bye. :)

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