Chapter 9

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Hi guys :)

It took me a while to update this part :D But i'm here and so is the next part soooo...... 

Enjoy ;) 


Salindra's (Jillian's) POV

After a little rest in Foxton we departed from there. Oziris told us to hurry because of my hunters and he was right.  

As we travelled we heard rumors that the Soldiers were still looking for me and that they found a trace to Foxton.

That's why we decided to change our way and instead of going directly towards Adrastos we made a little by-pass. We decided to go through Actros and Dixon before we catch up with our earlier path.

It was late afternoon when we arrived in Actros. It was a beautiful city. I've never thought that the city of truth is also the city of beauties and desires. 

Actros was the only city in the last war who decided not to participate. It was against the King's plans so he send his Soldiers to destroy it but the habitants saved it. The day they rebelled against the King was known as the Night of Truth. That's why it became the City of Truth.

We didn't have much time to look around in the city because we decided not to stop until we reach Kingshead.

Dixon was only an hour away on horse. 

We were rather quiet this time. Nobody said anything on our journey..I guess it was okay.

Before we could reach the main street of Dixon we heard a quiet voice:

"Should we stop a bit?" - Salomé asked from behind, sitting on her horse.

"I think we should keep going." - I replied.

"But i'm not feeeling too well..." - She said and she fell from the horse.

"SALOMÉ!!!" - Oziris shouted and we all got down from our horses and ran towards her.

You should have told this first...

"We have to find a place where she can relax." - Silnius told us and he looked around.

"But where?? If we stay here..." - Oziris started but he was cut off by a harsh voice:

"Are you from Naiad??"

We looked towards the voice and we saw a short man standing there. 

He looked a bit scary with his long black beard and especially with his extremely harsh voice but the way he spoke was kinda relaxing. Somehow i felt that i've already met him.
Those mesmerizing emerald green eyes.

"Who are you?" - I asked in astonishment.

"My name is Evan..Evan Reed. And if that Lady over there is not right then you should bring her to my house." - He said and now i knew where i've seen those eyes.

Oziris looked at Silnius and i saw that they were not sure about what to do. So i said out loudly:

"Alright..Let's get going then." - I went to Salomé and grabbed her arm.

Silnius and Oziris were shocked first but then they helped me as well. Mr. Reed led us to his home which was excatly next to the house where Salomé fainted.

As we entered the house a short Lady with a cane in her hands came to us.

"Ah..I saw the Lady falling onto the ground from the window. That's why i sent my husband 

to get you all here." - She said and she pointed to a door:

"You can take her down in that room."

"Thank you.." - Silnius said and he went to that room with Oziris.

As they were out of sight i asked from Mr.Reed:

"Tell me please.. Are you the grandparents of Robert.. Robert Reed who lived in Pavea?"

They looked at each other and then the old man went towards the kitchen, followed by his wife and they waved me to follow them. 

We sat down onto the chairs at the table and the old lady said:

"I guess you won't be leaving for a few hours until that Lady will recover."

" do you know our grandson?" - Evan Reed asked.

"I had been in Pavea a few days ago and that's when i met him. He helped me a lot." - I replied.

"We don't want to bother you so if you could show us an inn we could leave..." - Oziris came to us, disturbing our conversation.

"Oh my dear..You're not disturbing us. To tell the truth i'm glad that we have some company." - The old Lady said and she smiled.

"Sit down here.." - Mr.Reed said and showed them two chairs. Oziris and Silnius sat down.

"We should call Helena here to check what happened to her." - Mrs. Reed said and she stood up.

Silnius wanted to protest but he was cut off by Mr.Reed:

"Don't worry. She's our neighbour now who comes here often to check up on us. She's a doctor."

We nodded and silence filled the room. After some moments Mr. Reed spoke up:

"And how is my grandson doing? I haven't seen him for a year or more."

My heart started to ache from this question. Memories of that day filled my mind and i felt guilt running up in my nerves. 

I looked down and remained quiet.

"Is something wrong Salindra?" - Oziris asked me, holding my hand.

"I promised..." - I said and they were only listening to me.

Then after i gathered my strength i looked up and I told Mr.Reed, looking into his eyes.

"I made a promise to revenge his soul in time.."

He smiled at me to my biggest surprise. Then he looked down.

"I've always known that he would get himself into trouble. But i didn't expect it to be so soon."

"He saved my life...He saved me from the Army..." - I tried to cheer him up a bit. 

I saw in the corner of my eye that Oziris and Silnius were watching me with widened eyes.

"He was always a brave man. I hope he will rest in peace.." - He said but was cut off by a woman who ran into the room.

"Where is she?" - She asked and we identified her as Helena. 

She was an expecially tall woman with grey hair and green eyes.

"She's in our room." - Mr.Reed answered and Helena ran away to check Salomé.

Mrs. Reed came back, too and we started to talk about our Kingdom and other things.

 Amie's POV

After a very long journey i finally arrived in Kingshead. My first task was to go to Mercedes's home.

When i arrived i was greeted by Holly.

"Miss Amie.. You've finally arrived." - She exclaimed and she opened the door fully to let me in.

"Miss Mercedes is in her room. That way..." - She showed me her room.

As i entered i saw my friend lying on her bed, breathing heavily. I went next to her bed and i sat onto the chair next to it.

"Mercedes..I'm Amie.." - I told her slowly.

"A..mie.." - She tried to sit up but failed.

"Amie.. I...have to...." - She grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to her.

"I saw you...I saw you in my dreams. Do you know..somebody...with the name of...of..." -  She started to cough and she tightened her grip at my hand.

"It's alright Mercedes..." - I said.

"No...Do you know....Anne in...Adrastos???" - She asked and i was shocked.

How does she know about her? 

"Yeah..She's my friend in Adrastos." - I replied.


"Miss Mercedes had a dream some days ago." - Holly came to us and she helped Mercedes to lie back onto her bed.

"Was it about Anne?" - I asked in amazement. 

Mercedes had dreams like mines..all of them came true. So i knew that whatever she had dreamt about it would come true this time, too.

"Yes..She was a girl in her dream who was against the King. She rebelled against him and she had a partner..That was Anne." - Holly told me and i couldn't believe what I've just heard.

"That girl..who will take Meriem's place??" - I asked, trying to recover from the shock.

"Yes..Anne will help her. Miss Mercedes just wanted to warn you.. She wanted to tell you..."

"You shouldn't be amongst her company." - Mercedes continued her sentence.

"Miss Mercedes said that she doesn't want you to be in danger. The Army will catch her and..." - Holly said.

"Thank you for worrying about me Mercedes...But i'll be alright." - I told her and held her hand tightly.

But then she suddenly started to breathe faster and faster and next thing i knew that i was dragged out of the room.

Some minutes later Holly came out to me. She shook her head horizontally and i knew..

My friend...who was worried about me even in her last time in this life..died. 

Sadness filled my heart and some tears fell down on my cheeks.

"I gotta go now..." - I told Holly who just nodded as a response and she went back to Mercedes's room.

I ran out of her home and went towards an inn which i had seen when i got here.

Salindra's (Jillian's) POV

Helena came back to us with Mrs. Reed and they sat down at the opposite side of the table.

"Helena...How is she?" - Mr. Reed asked from her and she looked at me.

"You don't have to worry about her. She just fainted due to lack of sleep. Anyway, I'm Helena. What is your name?"

I sighed..i was relieved.

"My name is Salindra. Thank you for your help."

"It's nothing.." - She replied and she smiled at me. 

She looked rather friendly to me. Her short ebony hair was like Beth's.
Even the way she smiled. But she didn't look like a doctor. Her hands were rough and there were scars on it.

I had been looking at her hand for a long time but i didn't realize she had noticed it.

"Oh..this?" - She took her hands away from where they were before.

"I'm sorry..I didn't mean to..."

"I have been living here for six months now. My hometown is Actros. I was sold to be a maid in the house next to this one. But my mother was a doctor and i learnt a few things from her." - She cut me off and i stared at her. 

After some moments she continued:

"They are cruel master i mean. But i got to know Mr. and Mrs. Reed and that's the only thing that is keeping me here. Otherwise, i would have escaped from here."

"It's really kind of you that you help them." - I told her and she looked up at me and smiled.

"Actros is not so far from here so i guess you can visit your hometown anytime." - Silnius broke the silence that filled the room minutes ago.

"I don't have time for it..i'm working all day and all night." - She replied.

"So...Silnius and i right?" - Mr.Reed asked from them and they nodded as a response - Where are you from?"

"I'm from Avea." - Oziris replied and Mr. Reed looked at Silnius:

"Naiad." - Was his only answer.

"And what about Salomé?" - Mrs. Reed asked.

"She's from Kingshead." - Silnius replied.

"And you Salindra? Did you live in Naiad, too?" - Helena asked, smiling at me.

"No...I'm from..well i lived in many towns. But Hartridge could be where i lived the most." - I answered.

"Are you from Hartridge? What a coincidence!! My father also lived there." - Helena exclaimed.

"Why did he live in a different towns as you?" - Oziris asked.

"He left me with my mother when i was about seven years old." - She replied.

"What is his name? Maybe i know him."

"Tom. So..did you know him?"

Oh God..i can't believe this. Tom?? That Tom who was Beth's love? 

"I don't think so..." - I answered and i looked away to hide the signs of lying on my face.

"Is your family alright there? Have you heard anything about them after the Soldiers went there to destroy it? Or were you still there at that time?"

Everybody looked at me, waiting for an answer.  

After a while i gathered my strength to answer her question:

"No..I wasn't there. And i haven't heard about them until then." - I replied sadly as i looked down.

They all remained silent when it reached my mind:  

The way she asked..

"Do you know something about them?" - I asked loudly and i took my hand onto the table as i stood up.

"Well...Hartridge was destroyed. My father died. I heard that there were people who remained alive but not many." - She replied, a bit confused.

"Isn't Hartridge that village which was attacked because of that girl?" - Oziris asked and i felt my heart bleeding.

"Yeah..What is her name??" - Silnius asked.

"Jillian, i think" - Mr. Reed said.

"Where are we??" - We heard a familiar voice from behind us and we turned towards it.

"Salomé!!!!!!!!!" - Silnius exclaimed as he ran up to her and he hugged her tightly.

"Silnius..take me down." - She said slowly. 

We could tell that she was still tired.

"Then let's get going." - I said quickly and i went towards them but Oziris grabbed my upper-arm.

"We shouldn't..." - He started but he was cut off by Salomé's voice:

"She's right. We should go now. We can't stay longer.."

I turned to look at her and she was smiling at me. I knew that she still wasn't feeling well but we had to move.

"Then let's go." - Silnius exclaimed as he put Salomé down.

We packed our things and went outside to our horses.

"Thank you for everything." - I said as i hugged the old couple.

"Thanks for taking care of me.." - I heard Salomé's voice as she thanked Helena.

"I hope we will see each other soon." - Mr.Reed said.

"Me too. And i will make that promise come true." - I whispered to him and he nodded.

"Then...let's go.." - Silnius shouted and we got onto our horses and departed.

Meriem's POV

I decided to depart earlier than we arranged. 

I went to look for my maid, Lia. She was washing clothes in the laundry.

"Lia..Come here." - I told her and she did as i told her.

"Yes Madam?"

I went closer to her and whispered into her ear:

"I hope your packed our things because we're going now."

"NOW?" - She shouted and i looked at her with an angry expression. Then she lowered her voice again and asked:

"Are you sure Miss Meriem? We could..." - I cut her off.

"Don't worry about unnecessary things. Go ahead and bring our horses to my secret path."

She nodded and she ran away to do what i commanded her to.

"Hey!!! LIA!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED..." - The maid of the Prince's fiancé shouted.

"I ordered her to go. You'll finish this instead of her..Am i right?" - I asked as i kicked a basket of clothes towards her.

"Ye..Yes Miss Meriem.." - She replied and she lowered her head.


I looked at the maids who were looking at me with stange expressions on their faces.

"What is it now? Don't you have something to do?" - I asked and they all went back to their own work.

I turned round and i started to walk away when i heard one of them saying:

"She's trying to act as the queen of this palace..We all know that she'll never have that chance."

I got angry but i decided to let it go..however it wasn't my strength to do so. 

I was walking towards our arranged place with Lia.

On my way i saw many servants running in and out of the palace. They were working hard to organize the best wedding to the Prince.

The smell of flowers caught my nose as i walked down the stairs. There were roses everywhere which reminded me to my sister's rose garden. She loved them. 

I wonder what is with her is she doing? 

"Meriem!" - I heard Prince James and then he tapped my shoulder. 

I turned round and put a fake smile onto my face.

How could i have been happy? This was supposed to be my wedding.

"Yes..Prince James?" - I asked as i looked onto the ground as it was the habit.

"I just wanted to ask you if you have seen... - he asked but i cut him off:

"I don't know where she is. Probably trying on her wedding dress. You shouldn't disturb her." - I said, still with the fake smile on my face.

"Oh..okay. Thank you." - He replied and i nodded.

"James!!" - We turned to see my fiancé, Prince Edward.

He was rather a straightforward man. He always said out loud what he had thought. 

That's why i believed that he was more capable for being the King. But unfortunately, he was the younger one so the King had to put James onto the throne.

"Edward! What is it?" - James asked.

"Ah..Meriem. You're here." - Edward said as he ran up to us.

"Yes. But i have to go now. I won't be here until tomorrow so don't wait for me." - I said.

"Why? Where are you going?" - Edward asked, which annoyed me a lot. Why did he want to know it? 

He was never interested in what i did.

"I have to visit...somebody. But now i have to go." - I replied and i  started to run away.

I heard James as he asked Edward wheteher he wanted him to send Soldiers after me or not. 

I could clearly hear Edward's nonchalant answer. He replied no.

That's what i thought, too. Don't ever try to.. 

I ran to my secret path to my pavilion. That was the only place i could be alone with my thoughts. 

It was behind a huge bush. The path itself was surrounded by flowers and at the end of it was the pavilion.

But this time i didn't go through the bush to the pavilion because i told Lia to wait in front of the  path with our horses. 

And that's what she did. As i got closer i saw that she did everything i commanded her to.

 "I see that you did a good job. Now..let1s go." - I told her as i got onto my horse.

"Yes." - She did the same and went towards the gates to depart to Kingshead.

Amie's POV

After i left Mercedes' home i went towards an inn. It was not a good one but i had nowhere to sleep so i decided to stay there. 

I went inside and i saw that only the outside was a bit old. On the inside this inn was an amazing place.

People were sitting at the tables with their families which was a bit strange for me...until i looked at the poster on the wall. 'Family weekend' was written on it. 

Oh yeah..that's what i heard about then. On some weekends an inn in Kingshead organizes family programmes to the habitants. It's amazing..

"Can i help you, Miss?" - A woman asked from the counter which was on my right as i entered.

"Yes..I would like a room for tonight..If it's possible" - I said as i looked at the huge amount of people in the inn.

"Of course. They're not staying here. The program ends at nine o'clock." - She replied. 

She was a very short woman. The counter almost covered her fully but her yellowish hair excelled.

"Here is your key." - She said and i took the key from her extremely smooth hand.

"Thank you." - I turned round and i went to look for my room.

Children were playing ball games which made every move harder in the inn.

Somehow i managed to get out from the crowd and i was at a long aisle.

I looked at the number of my key and i searched for the same number on the doors. It was on the other side of the aisle and when i entered i didn't bother to look around. 

I just threw my backpack onto the bed and i ran back to the counter where i was before.

" came back.." - The woman from earlier said.

"Yes. Could you give me something to drink, please?"

"Of course.." - She replied and started to look for a glass.  

Somehow she managed to find one in the cupboard behind her. It was a bit dirty so she washed it for me and while she was doing so she asked:

"Bad day, isn't it?"

I looked at her with a sad expression and answered:

"And i feel that it will be worse." - She chuckled a bit and she continued what she did before.

Meriem's POV

Kingshead was not far from Naiad so we got there in about three hours.

There were so many people on the streets that we had to get down from our horses.

"Why are there so many people?" - I asked, looking at Lia expecting her to know the answer.

"I think it's the week of festivals." - I was right. She knew the answer. I was impressed. 

She had learnt that she had to know a lot of things if she had wanted to remain my maid.

"James told us that Adrian has an inn in the suburbs, am i right?" - I asked.

"Yes. To tell the truth he wasn't so accurate. There are so many inns here in the suburbs." - She replied.

"You're right. But we should check out that one first. Let's try." - I told her as i pointed to an inn in the distance.

She looked towards where i pointed and she nodded.

Five minutes later we reached that inn and we went inside. I went to the counter to ask the woman standing there.

"I'm looking for Adrian. Is he here?" - I asked not even bothering to look around.

"Adrian? Oh, no..he's not.." - She wanted to reply or should i say she wanted to lie but i cut her off. I knew very well when a person lied to me.

"Call him here."

"I can't.." - She said

"Then give him this - i said as i gave her a bag of gold coin - i'm sure he will come here."

She looked at the coins in her hand and she nodded.

"That's how things work here." - I told Lia as i sat onto a chair. She did the same.

"Miss Meriem?" - I heard a quiet voice from next to me.  

I looked aside to see an old woman sitting there.

"What are you talking about?" - I asked her quickly and i covered my face with my scarf.

"Don't worry..I won't tell anyone who you are. Look at me. You can trust in me. My name is Amie." - I looked at Lia as she stood up and went towards her to check if she was telling the truth.

"This is really Miss Amie. I talked to her in Adrastos." - Lia exclaimed and i hushed her.

"Why are you at such a place Miss Meriem?" - The woman called Amie asked me.

"Are you the one who sent me this?" - I heard a harsh voice from behind and i saw the bag of coins falling onto the table.

I stood up and turned round.

"Yes. For your duties. But let's not talk about this here." - I replied and he raised one of his eyebrows but then he garbbed my wrist and pulled me to a room.

He made me sit down onto a chair and he sat onto one as well, but at the other side of the room.

"Who are you?" - He asked.

"Princess Meriem." - He remained silent and in the next instant he stood up quickly.

He came to me, grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"I'm so sorry Miss Meriem. I didn't know." - He said. 

I pulled my hand away and he stood up.

"Let's get to our buisness." - I said and he went back to his chair but he didn't sit down.

"And what would that be?" - He asked while he was stroking his black beard.

"I want you to protect me from anybody who appears to be a threat to me. Of course.. I'll pay well for your job."

"How did you know that i do this kind of job?" - He asked, showing his back to me.

"I heard it from Prince James." - I replied and he remained silent.

After some moments he said:

"Alright Miss.. I'll do it. Do you wantme to protect anyone else around you or?"

"No..just me. That's your task." - i replied.

"Alright. Could you wait an hour for me? Then i'll be able to go with you."

"Of course. I'm going to wait at the counter." - I said as i left the room and went back to where Lia were.

"Is it okay Miss?" - Lia asked and i nodded.

Then i sat down onto the chair next to Amie.

"So Amie..What brings you here?" - I asked her.

"My friend was dying so i came here." - She replied and looked down.

"And how is..." - Lia started.

"She died a few hours ago."

"I'm awfully sorry Miss Amie." - Lia tapped her shoulder and she didn't answer.

"Tell me Amie..Is it true what you wrote to me?"

I know i was rude...her friend had just died. But i had the right to do this. I was the Princess of Edward. She took a sip from her glass and she replied:

"Yes. I'm sorry that..." - I cut her off:

"It's okay. I'm trying to do something against it. Don't you know any person who will be against me? Have you seen somebody in your dream?" - I asked.

She didn't answer for a few moments and i knew that he was hesitating.

So you know something else..Let it out, Amie...Just let it out. (thoughts)

"No...I didn't see anyone." - She replied.

I remembered that i had brought an elixir with myself. It was from Avea.
If somebody drank it he or she would tell the truth about everything.

While Amie wasn't paying attention to me i put it into her glass and then she drank it.
We had to wait fifteen minutes for the elixir to take effect. But it was worth:

"So you know somebody that will help that girl..." - She cut me off:

"I've heard it from my dying friend. She has the same ability as me. She was her..she saw her.."

"Who? Who is it, Amie? You can tell me you know.." - I told her.

She was totally out of her thoughts. She didn't even know where she was. 

Lia looked at me and i bowed to her, signing that it was alright.

"Her name is..her Anne." - She said it out finally.

"Does this Anne live in Adrastos, too?" - Lia asked from her and i was very proud that she was on my side.


"Lia. Go and ask whether Adrian is ready to go or not. We have to hurry.. I have things to do..." -  

A huge smile was on my face.

If i eliminate that woman..then the girl will not have a partner. She won't have the chance to take my Edward. 

Lia went and did as i commanded her.

Ten minutes later Adrian was there, ready to go. We went outside, leaving Amie behind. 

We got onto our horses and departed to Naiad.


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Bye guys :)

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