Chapter 8

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Hi guys :) I finally made the next part.
I hope you'll like it. :)


Jillian's POV:

I was running from the Black Army. The next town which was near Athos was Onix. But I knew if I had gone that way the Soldiers would find me easily. I had to find an other option. I remembered when i was little and i came to the famous market of Woods with Beth. It was a bigger town than Onix and it was totally in the different direction. I knew that they would never suspect me to go that way because there were many bad people on the streets to that way.
I had no time t think it over once again. I had to act as soon as it was possible. And it was necessary so i turned left at the next crossroad.
The sun was still descending and it soon it darkened. Woods was not far from where i was so i got there easily and quickly. At the gates i was shocked to see that my arrival was expected.
I hid behind a tree near the gates and i was near enough to hear peolpe talking. The gate was watched over by the Black Soldiers. I listened to their convestaion.

"So...are we supposed to let somebody through this gate?" - Asked one.

"No..The command is to watch if anything strange happens and do not let anyone leave or come into the town. - Replied the other

"Is it about that girl?"- Asked the one which had just came.

"Yes. Don't you know about it?"-

"No..I was in the Army which was sent to conquer the Orionix Kingdom."

"Was it successful?"

" first we thought that it will be. But then we overlooked some important facts and lost the fight."

"But this doesn't mean that we lost the war, am i right?" - Asked the beared-one while tugging his partner's side.

"I don't know what the King wants. But if we have to work on this case we will never go to war."

"Yes. And all because of a stupid little girl. We have no chance against the Orionix Kingdom if we can't direct all the Black Army there." 
So we're losing against the Orionix? All because of me? 

Their conversation was enough for me. I knew that coming here was not a good idea so i looked around to see that nobody saw me and i began to run again.
Which way should i go? 

There was another crossroad. One street led back to Onix. It was not even a possibility to go there. The other path led to Foxton. I knew i had to hide my identity but it could wait until i would got to Foxton.
Then i heard horses coming from behind. As they got closer i ran faster and faster...  
When they got really close i hid into a cave. I looked out and saw two man with a woman on their horses. I wanted to hear their conversation in need of information of my chase. I went closer to  the entrance of the cave but without noticing i stepped on a rock and in the next moment.... it broke under my leg with a huge voice and fell onto the ground.

The problem was not that i hurt myself or things like this...but the noise itself. Reality slipped into a dream and i only saw darkness in front of me.

The next morning  
At Naiad 

Meriem's POV

I woke before the sun excitedly and got dressed as fast as i have never done it before. I quickly left the Palace and went to the main gate of it. I was waiting for my servant to arrive with the fortune teller's letter. But she was late. I slowly became stressful and angry.  
Where could she be?

"Good morning Meriem. What are you doing here so early? Waiting for someone?"- I heard a very familiar voice from behind me. It was Prince James.

"Oh..yes. Waiting. Just waiting. And what are you doing here if i can ask? Why aren't you with your precious fiancé?"

"I had things to do in Kingshead." - He answered. The wind blew his cloak. He looked so handsome. Brown hair with blue eyes...and he was very very tall and slim. Everybody wanted to be his... just like me....but i lost the fight against his fiance.

"You know.. there's an old friend there and i asked him to guard us on our wedding." - He said

"Oh really? But why should you need a guardian?"- I asked

"There are so many displeasure in our Kingdom. I'm afraid that somebody will try to  kill me or my family." - He replied looking down. When his words reached my mind i realized that i was in danger, too.

"Could you tell me who was this old friend?"

"Yes. His name is Adrian. He's a short fat man with black beard who lives in the suburbs of Kingshead. But know if you would excuse me...i would go." - And he left.  

I was standing there for another hour and the sun was already up. When i was about to leave the gate i  heard a voice.

"MISS MERIEM. WE'RE BACK." - Shouted Lia from her horse. 

When they reached my destination my fist question was:

"Where the Hell were you? I thought we arranged that you'd be here before sunset." - I said angrily.

"I'm sorry Miss Meriem..but we had a little trouble. The place where we went first wasn't Amie's home. But fortunately the Lady helped us and led the way to Amie." - She answered shyly.

"Did you do what i commanded you to?" - I whispered in her ears.

"Yes Madam." - She whispered back.

"Then let's go." - I grabbed her arm and pulled her after me. 

We reached the Palace's garden and i led us to the secret path to my pavilion.

"Give me the letter." - I commanded her as i turned round.

"Here." - She said and sat down onto the grass. 

I didn't wait..i immediately opened it.

"Dear Miss Meriem,

I'm happy to know that my name reached such a good person like you. 

I gladly did the task that you gave me. I would like to tell you the result what i saw in your future.

The thing is that i can't tell anything sure but what i saw was that you will not sit on the King's throne. I guess it's already obvious for you and you know the reason as well.

But the most important thing is that your place amongst the Royalties is also not so sure. I saw a girl about your age who went to the Palace and soon she made your Prince Edward fall for her. She took your place and to the command of the King you were banished.

I'm sorry if i couldn't tell you what you wanted to hear but i guess it's better to tell the truth because now you can work on changing your future. Because it's possible..our future can be changed in any minute.

I wish you good luck, 

Amie Clare" 

I couldn't believe what she has wrote down. But she was right. It was not late to change everything. I couldn't let some loon girl to get my Edward. Then i'll have no power in the Royal Family anymore.
I had to do something...then i remembered what James told me a while ago.

"Lia. You have another mission. You will go to Kingshead and get me...."

"Get who Miss Meriem?" - She asked as she stood up. I turned my back towards her and replied.

"No...You go and get ready for our trip to Kingshead. I will take care of these happenings myself. Pack our things. We will depart at midnight."

"Does anybody supposed to know about it?" - She asked

"Of course not. That's why we will leave at midnight. Now go.." - She ran away and i looked into the distant blue sky wondering about my future.

At Adrastos 

Anne's POV

After work i entered my house but was greeted by something unexpected.

"Hi little Anne. Did you miss me?" - She was almost lying on the chair and at first i didn't saw her...but her voice....It was very familiar. I heard it many times.

"I knew you wouldn't leave me alone.. Serena."

"Well is there something bad about wanting to see an old friend?" - She asked me while standing up.

" our situation...yes. Because we're not friends anymore." - I told her while i went closer to her.

So at last I got to see her new self. She was our friend with Thalia. But she betrayed us and told the King about Thalia's plan. That time she was just the daughter of an agriculturer but now i heard that she became 'rich' by marrying an old trader who had many contacts with The Royalties. Now she was wearing an amazingly long red dress and her hair was plaited. Her especially pale skin now was covered with brown paintings and on her mouth there was a very thick red lipstick.

"I don't get what's wrong with you..."- I cut her off.

"What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG? Really Serena? You don't know?" - I asked her while raising one of my eyebrows.

"Okay..Maybe i made some mistakes in the past but..."


"Well...she got what she deserved." - She said looking straight into my eyes and chuckling a bit. - I couldn't believe her words. Thalia would never have deserved death. She was the most patient, reliable and kind person i've ever known. I went closer to her and was trying to control my anger.
I almost whispered to her:

"Get out. Don't bother me with the past and please get out." - She looked at me and was scanning my face.

"I can't go my dear Anne. I have a will be important for you." - She replied and went to the window. Then the light of the descending sun lit her and i got to see a tiny sparkling thing on her. I looked at it. It was a huge diamond ring.
So you became really rich, don't you?

"I don't think that it will be for my use. I'm going to sleep and you shall leave." - I went towards my room when she said:

"It's about your sister. I know a person who has some information about her." - It was a sensitive spot. My sister Lamia was lost when i was young. She was kidnapped by the Black Army and I haven't heard anything about her since then.

"What kind of game do you play with me? Do you expect me to believe this excatly from you?"

"Well...I just had this information and i thought that it would be useful."

"What do you gain from this? It's just so not you."

"I have nothing rewarding from it. But if it interests you go to Kingshead and look for Drako. He has a small estate in the suburbs. I'm sure he can help you." - And she left my house. I didn't knew whether what she had told me was true or not.
I went to my bedroom to get some sleep. It was just noon but i had to relax.

Amie's POV

I was walking down the narrow streets of Adrastos. I was looking for Anne. We were always together after her work and i always went to her workplace to get her.
When I reached her workplace i entered but sisn't see Anne on her usual place.

"Does anybody know where Anne is?" - I shouted into the workshop and was waiting for an answer to come. I guessed that maybe she left earlier but it was so unsual of her.
She was very hard-working and was always staying  to work more hours than the others. She didn't do it because of payment. In fact this kind of work wasn't paid so she did voluntary job. 

She got the same salary as those people who were only working half of her working hours. When i asked her whether she mind it or not she answered that she hasn't got anybody at home waiting for her not like the others. They all had families and Anne worked so hard in order to minimalize their work. She was amazing.

"Oh, you're looking for Anne? She's not here. In fact our boss got a little bit angry at her working too much and he ordered her home to relax and get some sleep." - Told me Luke who was one of Anne's friends there at work.
He was an extremely slim and tall man. His face was covered with dust from his work and he was holding some tools in his hands.

"I see. Then i will go to her home. Thank you Luke." - I smiled and walked to the door.
I saw a man standing at the gate of the workshop. Soon I realized that it was my Desmond. He was holding a white paper in his hands..maybe it was a letter. I looked at him.. he was sweating and was breathing heavily. As he saw me he came into my direction and i did the same too.

"What's wrong Desmond? What happened to your leg?" - I asked in a worried voice.

"Don't you worry Amie. Now it's not the most important matter. But if you want to know i fell while i was runing to get you." - He asnwered.

"Why did you look for me? Didn't you have to meet with your boss at lunchtime?" - He got in front of me and raised his arm. There was a letter in it.

"What is it?"

"My boss gave me this. Somehow it landed at him but it's yours." - He handed me the letter.
I looked at the snow white came from Kingshead. I opened it and read the letter:

"Dear Miss Amie,

I'm awfully sorry for disturbing your day but i have some important news for you. 

Your friend, Miss Mercedes is very ill and it doesn't seem like any doctor could help her. 
We have already tried to call here the best doctors but they all said that her ill, from an unknown reason, is irreversible. 
The last doctor didn't want to lie to us so he said out the truth: Miss Mercedes has less than a week left.  
When she got to know this fact she commanded me to write to you. She wishes to see you once again before she passes  away. 

We all hope you can come here and make her wish come true.


"Holly wrote that her mistress, Mercedes is dying." 

I was shocked. Mercedes was my childhood friend from my times at Naiad. When i got banned from the capital she was on my side so she was banned, too. That was when we started to go around the country looking for an aim.
She found herself a man and got married then they settled down in Kingshead. Soon i also found love and we moved to Adrastos because Desmond's heritage was here. His mother died and he inherited her house.
I haven't seen Mercedes since we separated but we always wrote letters to each other so i always knew how her life was going. I knew that her husband died three years ago on the battlefield and she was very devastated. A year ago she became ill but everybody thought that it might have been temporary and it would disappear but it didn't.

"Oh, my dear love." - My husband hugged me and tears filled my eyes.

"I have to visit her before it's too late." - I told him as i broke his hug.

"I totally understand you. You may go and pack your belongings for the trip." - He kissed my forehead and i turned round and left. 

I ran to Anne's home. I had to tell her that i would be away for a few days. I knocked on the door but she didn't answer. After some knocks i was about to give up and i turned round to go when she opened the door.

"Amie. Is something wrong?" - I turned to see her. She was yawning and her hair was a total mess. I could tell that she was sleeping.

"Anne. Do i disturb you?"

"No you're not. Come in." - She led the way to her living room and we sat down onto the chairs.

"So what happened?" - She looked at me with curiosity in her eyes.

"I'm sorry i woke you up. I heard that youl overworked yourself and your boss sent you home to rest."

"Oh don't worry about me. I'm gonna be okay. So what did you want to tell me?"

"Have i ever told you about my childhood friend?"

"No, you haven't. You've never told me anything about your past." - She replied looking at me with a strange expression on her face.

"Oh..then i'll tell you something now. I have a childhood friend called Mercedes. We met each other at Naiad but unfortunately our fate separated us. Now she lives in Kingshead with her know her husband died three years ago." -  Anne was listening to me carefully and she nodded.

"Well i'm not gonna be here for a few days because i got a letter that she is dying. And she wanted me to visit her."- I told her and an unwanted tear ran down on my cheek...i looked down.

Anne's POV

I have never seen amie so down in the dumps. She was always a cheerful and talkative woman and i knew that now she was sad and that it was a normal behaviour but it was just strange. I saw her crying and i thought about the last time she cried in front of me. It was years ago..she was such a strong woman.

"I'm so sorry Amie." - I couldn't say anthing else.  

More and more tears started to fall from her eyes so i went to her and hugged her.

"I know Amie...I know." - She started sobbing and grabbed my upper arm.

Minutes had passed like that and she didn't move she was just crying. But after some minutes she cleared her throat and said:

"Thank you Anne..for being my friend. But i guess i should go now and pack my things."

"Yes you should." - I smiled at her while i released her.  
She stood up and went towards the door but before she left she turned round.

"Anyway, did something happen to you?" - She asked with a fake smile on her face.

"Oh a woman from my past visited me and told me that i should go to Kingshead to get some information about my lost sister. That's all.."

"YOU HAVE A SISTER? Oh God it seems like our pasts started to hunt us at the same time. And are you going? We could  go together."

"Oh, no. I don't think what she said was right."

"So you're not coming. Then i'll ask that somebody about your sister instead of you."

"You don't have to..."

"I know but i want to. So for who should i search?" - She asked and her face now was a bit brighter.

"The man's name is Drako. He lives in the suburbs of Kingshead. It is said that he is well-known so you'll find him easily. But Amie...i'm not gonna be mad if you would change your mind."

"I won't. I want you to have that information. Now i'm going. Bye Anne." - She waved her hand and left before i could say anthing else.
This Amie...always wants to help people. 

Salindra's (Jillian's) POV

I saw lights. Only sparkles at the end of the cave. I fastened my moves and ran towards it. When i reached the end everything was white around me. 

As i opened my eyes i saw the figure of a dark-skinned man in front of me who was leaning closer to my face. He was speaking something but i couldn't hear it.
I closed my eyes again.
I guess they found's better if i don't wake up.

"Open up your eyes..." - I heard a similar voice in my mind. It was Beth..she was talking to me again. I have already heard this command before. 

"Opne up your eyes..." - She told me again and i remembered that time when i was sinking to the bottom of the deep blue river.
She saved me back then when she told me this.. I guess i should do what she says. 

I slowly opened my eyes and i saw the same man from minutes ago. He was holding my hand and when  he saw that I came back to reality he smiled at me and o got to see his especially white teeth. He had long dark hair and brown eyes. 

As i sat up i realized that he wasn't alone. An other man stood behind him and he was wearing a black skirt-like something.  I almost burst out laughing but i controlled myself.

"Who are you? What happened?" - I asked them and they looked at me.

"We were going towards Foxton when we found you lying on the ground unconscious." - Replied the long-haired one.

"Do you want to hurt me?" - I asked and i stood up.

"Why would we?" - I looked where the voice came from. 

A tall woman stood next to the entrance. She had blood-red curly hair and she was wearing a red dress, too. She looked beautiful.

"Who are you?" - I asked them in amazement.

"I'm Oziris. The long-haired man over there is Silnius. And the beautiful lady is Salome. What is your name my dear?"

"I'm Salindra. And thanks for taking care of me but now i have to go." - I started to walk away but Salome's voice made me stop.

"If you're going to Foxton then we should go together. There are many dangerous bands on this's not safe if you're alone." - She said and smiled at me.

"Why should i trust in you?" - I asked.

"We're going to Naiad to do something about the King's unacceptable behaviour. If you think that you're similar type as us you should trust. But if you're with the King then you should go by yourself." - Silnius answered.

"I'm being chased by the King."

"Then let's go. We don't have much time to waste." - Oziris told us and we went to their horses. Silnius and Salome were sitting on one horse while me and Oziris had the other two. 

The journey itself wasn't boring. We were talking about the King.

"So why are you against the King? I guess you have special reasons."

"Well we met at the prison of Naiad. This is where it all started." - Salome said.

"Why did you get into prison?" - I asked with much curiosity.

"20 years ago i was a higg ranked general in the Royal Army. People rebbelled against the King and i was on their side, too. I tried to destroy the Army from the inside. But an evil woman called Serena deceived us and i got caught. I was lucky that as a general i wasn't sentenced to death they just sent me to prison." -  Silnius told me.

"What about you two?" - I asked

"20 years ago i also participated in that war between people and the King. I was at Avea and when the Army came  to kill everybody i escaped with my wife. But before we could reach our destination they caught my wife, raped and then killed her. I went to Naiad as well to kill the king but that woman, Serena also made me stop and i  got thrown into prison." - Oziris also told me his story.

"These stories are amazing. I're such brave people but what i want to know the most is how could have a woman got into prison? What did you do Salome?" 

She looked at me and smiled.

"My younger sister was kidnapped when the King wanted to teach girls how to be cruel princesses. You know he was looking for a queen to his son. I went to Naiad to get her back but it was useless and i ended up in prison, too."

"Oh, look. We're here." - Silnius told us and he got down from his horse.
We also got down.

"And now?" - I asked from Oziris.

"We will take a rest. Only few hours but we need it." - He replied.

"But we don't have time for this. They could be near." - I told them.

"I guess you should tell us your story first but i don't think that a few hours will harm." - Salome tapped my shoulder. and i just nodded.

In the next instant i saw a girl running towards us. She looked back and she didn't see that Salome was in her way. She bumped into Salome and fell onto the ground.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you." - She said and i could tell that she was scared.

"What are you running away from?" - Asked Salome.

"MARY..DON'T HIDE..YOU HAVE NOWHERE TO GO." - We heard somebody shout after her.

"Are they from the Black Army?" - I asked worriedly.

"Yes. They want to force me to marry one of their friends." - She said, breathing heavily.

"Hide away behind that wall. We'll cover you." - I told her. She nodded and did as i told her to. 

Then the Soldiers came.

"Did you see a girl with a short black hair running here?" - One of them asked

"No. We've just arrived so we didn't see her or anybody else here." - Oziris replied.

"Are you sure?" - They got closer to us.

"We have nothing to do with this. We didn't see the girl so let us go." - Silnius said. 

After some moments the Soldiers went away and the girl called Mary came to us.

"Thank you so much.." - She grabbed my arm and looked straight into my eyes.

"You don't have to thank us." - I replied.

"Now you should go before they come back again." - Salome told her.

"Okay. Thank you again. I owe you...i'll never forget it. What is your name?" - She asked me.

"Salindra. Now..go." - I pushed her and she ran away.

"It's unbelievable. They think that everything is allowed for them." - Commented Salome as she started to walk towards the centre.

I was following them..hoping not to get caught.


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Bye guys :)

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