A Father's Day Like No Other...

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A young couple laid together in bed, the two awake and enjoying each other's company and warmth. Jin, the smaller of the two, stared off tiredly as his head laid on his husband's chest, his bright green eyes holding a blank expression.
        "Jin, is everything alright?" Naoki, the tall scientist, asked, his hand rubbing the pale skin of the smaller's back. "You've seemed a bit distressed lately..."
        "And for good reason too..." Jin said softly, curling more against him. "Father's Day is tomorrow, and I'm not ready for it... My dad has been in jail since I was fifteen..."

Naoki ran his fingers through Jin's hair, smiling slightly when he heard him let out a breath in content. The action soothed the small ghost boy, that being the young scientist's goal since he knew his lover didn't have a great past.

Not after his mom died...

         "You have nothing to worry about sweetie... He's not in your life anymore." Naoki said, holding him closer as a small yawn slipped past his lips. "Don't dwell on the past too long Jin, it's dangerous for the mind..."
        "Right... Sorry..." Jin apologized, yawning softly himself.
        "Don't apologize for something that's not your fault, you're fine..."
        "Got it..." Bright green eyes closed slowly, his breathing slowing down as he started falling asleep. Naoki kissed his head softly, setting his glasses on the bedside table before pulling Jin closer, holding him and falling asleep shortly after.


Come the morning time, Jin sat out on the porch, his black hair blowing in the gentle morning wind. His eyes were closed as his head hung slightly, thinking over things that have been bugging him for a while. His father's scary grin suddenly flashed across his thoughts, forcing bright green eyes to snap open as a sharp breath left his lips. Looking around, Jin let out a breath, wincing when he came up with an idea.

It would be nice to wish his father a happy Father's Day, right?

The front door opened with a soft squeak, the small black-haired male looking back to see his beloved, teal hair a mess as he rubbed the sleep left in his orange eyes.
         "Hey baby... You don't come out here often in the morning, is everything alright...?" Naoki asked tiredly, sitting behind him and wrapping his arms around him.
         "I'm fine... Just trying to clear my head..." Jin said softly, leaning back and looking up at him slightly.
         "Still worried about today?"
         "Just a little bit..."

Naoki's hands rubbed his lover's arms gently, staring out into the neighborhood as a gentle glow washed over, thanks to the slow rising of the sun.
         "Hey Naoki...?" Jin asked suddenly, his stomach twisting in anxiety.
         "Yes baby?" Naoki answered, looking down at him slightly.
         "I want to go see my dad.... Give him the privilege of seeing me for the first time in three years..."

The young scientist blinked slightly, shifting slightly against the smaller male.
         "Well if that's what you want, then it's fine with me."
         "Through thick and thin, I'll support you in all of your decisions." Naoki smiled, kissing his lips. "Come on, I'll cook some breakfast and then we'll go visit your dad." Jin smiled at the suggestion and nodded, carefully moving out of Naoki's arms and standing.
         "I like that idea... I'm getting pretty hungry..."


Anxiety consumed Jin's senses when the warden led his father into the small room, his hand squeezing Naoki's tightly under the table.
         "Jin, this is quite the surprise..." His father's gruff voice said, making the small male flinch slightly.
         "I thought I would come by and tell you Happy Father's Day sir..." Jin said softly, his eyes shifting from the table to his father's eyes and back down quickly. Jeremy hummed at the statement, looking from his son to Naoki as a grin spread across his lips.
         "And who might you be? I haven't seen you before." The older male asked, tilting his head slightly.
         "My name is Naoki, Jin's hus-" Jin tugged his hand roughly, looking up at him with fear.  "-Friend. I'm Jin's friend."
         "That so eh? I didn't think the freak had friends." Jeremy sneered, making Jin flinch and tear up.
         "That was a little harsh, don't you think?" Naoki asked, anger slowly curling in his chest at how his love was referred.
         "Not with how that mistake acted growing up. Always talking about the 'guardian spirits'." Jeremy laughed, tears slowly dripping down Jin's ghostly pale cheeks.
         "Okay, that's enough. I've heard too many stories on how you treated him, especially after his mom died. I'm tired of you harassing  him, whether it's physically, mentally, or emotionally." Naoki growled, standing suddenly as his hand tightened on Jin's. "Come on Jin, he's not worth the pain anymore..."

Jin swallowed and nodded slightly, standing with him as he held his hand tightly. Jeremy growled, glaring daggers at the couple.
         "So you're a homosexual..." He hissed, his hands clenching in the handcuffs. Jin, the poor boy, looked at him in fear, trying to hide behind his husband. Cuffed hands slammed down on the table, the older male on his feet with a killer glare. "Disgusting... You two are going straight to hell for your sin..." He turned, walking to the door he came in from. "You're not my son anymore..."

Jin's eyes widened, his tears flowing more as his father disappeared behind the door, a small sob leaving his throat as he looked up at Naoki. Orange eyed stared sadly down at him, pecking his lips before wiping away his tears.
          "Don't cry my love...  He's not worth your tears..." Naoki said softly, squeezing his hand. Jin breathed in raggedly, nodding slightly as he rubbed his eyes.
          "Y-you're right... L-let's get out of here, t-this place is making it worse..." Jin mumbled, the two walking out of the room to go back home.


Jin sighed as he laid on the couch, his head resting in Naoki's lap. His hood was up to contain his messy black hair his cold, pale hands laid across stomach. Naoki leaned against the back of the couch, his eyes closed as he rubbed his lover's chest gently.

Jin shifted slightly, a thought eating at him as he stared off at the ceiling. He's been keeping a secret for a while, never really knowing how to bring it up to the young scientist.

Father's Day has to be the best day to tell him...

Jin smiled slightly to himself, rubbing his stomach at the thought.
          "Hey Naoki.... There's been something I've been meaning to say all day..." He said softly, looking up at him.
          "Hm? What's on your mind sweetie?" Naoki asked, peeking an eye open and looking at him.
          ".... Happy Father's Day...." Jin said, smiling up at him. 

Naoki was silent for a second, registering the sentence.
          "Jin, I'm not a father. Father's Day doesn't apply to me unless-" He paused, realization hitting hard suddenly. "Unless you're... You're..." He looked at his stomach, setting one of his hands in it. "... Is it true...?"
          "Yes..." Jin nodded happily smiling at him. "You're going to be a father..."

"I'm pregnant..."

NightBear15 signing off...

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