Our Wedding...

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Weddings are an absolutely beautiful thing to witness. The feeling of watching two lives come together as one, it's breathtaking.

Tired bright green eyes stared at their reflection, pale hands running through and fixing black hair. His white suit was clean and crisp, his normal blue hoodie, hat, and black jeans in his suitcase for the trip to the Caribbean.

The door to the room opened and a blonde peeked her head through the door, her grey eyes shining slightly behind her black and blue framed glasses.
          "Everyone out here is ready to go. How do you feel Jin?" She asked, walking in and closing the door behind her.
          "I'm terrified Night..." Jin said, his soft voice sounding distressed and quieter. "W-what if he says no...?"

Night sighed and walked over, straightening his tie and fixing his suit coat.
          "Jin, there's nothing for you to worry about. Naoki loves you, and that's why he's excited about you two getting married." Night smiled and brushed a strand of hair behind his ear, kissing his forehead. "Everything is going to be fine, I promise."

Jin smiled in return, happy to have a good friend and mother figure like her.
         "You're the best Night..." He said softly, the stressed look he had in his eyes before now gone.
         "Anything for my favorite little ghost boy."
        "I'm your only little ghost boy..."
        "That's why you're my favorite." Night grabbed the bouquet of flowers off the dresser, setting it in Jin's hands and sniffling slightly. "You look absolutely amazing."

Jin blushed and looked away, looking at himself in the mirror again.
          "You ready to do this Jin?" Night asked, offering her hand to him. The small male took in a deep breath and nodded, one hand holding the bouquet and the other grabbing hold of the female's hand.

The two walked out of the room and down the hall, Jin squeezing her hand gently.
         "Thanks for always being there for me... I don't think my mom would have it any other way..." He said softly, sadness lacing itself in his voice.
         "She would be proud of you, I know I am."
         "I wish she could've met Naoki..."
         "I bet she's watching over you two." They stopped in front of double doors, Jin's anxiety returning but he kept it at bay. Music started and the doors opened, revealing a beautifully decorated room.

Naoki stood at the end of the alter, wearing a clean black suit with a rose poking out of the chest pocket. A small girl walked down the aisle and dropped flower petals, Night leading Jin just behind her. Bright green eyes met Naoki's orange ones the closer they got, the tall male smiling at his bride walking closer and closer to him. They stood in front of the alter, looking at the man that would be doing the ceremony.
          "Who gives this man up to love?" He asked, Night squeezing Jin's hand gently.
          "On behalf of his mother, I give this man up to love." She said, her voice wavering slightly from the tears that had filled her eyes. The blonde female took the bouquet from Jin and handed him off to Naoki, stepping to the side so the ceremony could begin.

The starting words to the wedding were beautiful, it bringing some people to tears. The vows were next, Naoki and Jin holding each other's hands tightly as their eyes just poured into each other.
           "Jin, the day I met you had to have been the best day of my life. I know I'm not the coolest to be around and I tend to drone on and on about science, but you were the first person to see past all that. I never knew what it was like to be in love because there was never anyone to love me back. You taught me about love and I'll be forever grateful. You always loved me for who I was, and I'll always love you the same way. Until death do we part..." His vows left Jin in tears, they dripping down his ghostly pale cheeks.
           "N-Naoki..." He began, coughing slightly to stop the breaking of his voice. "I thought you were really strange when we first met, but I didn't care about that... It had been so long that my spirits had to remind me what love was... When they did, I knew that I was in love with you... You may have sabotaged one of my battles," the mention of his mistake made Naoki flush, the guests laughing slightly, "but everyone makes mistakes... Even me... I'm glad to have met you... A-and I'm glad to be sharing a my life with you..."

The guests applauded after the vows were said, tears continuing to pour down Jin's cheeks.
           "Do you, Naoki Minamo, take Jin Aizawa to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
           "I do." Naoki smiled, sliding Jin's ring on his finger.
           "And do you, Jin Aizawa, take Naoki Minamo to be your  lawfully wedded husband?"
           "I do..." Jin smiled back, sliding Naoki's ring onto his finger.
           "By the power vested in me and the power of God, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss-" The young couple were quick to kiss, the two sharing a long, sweet kiss to seal the marriage. The guests applauded again, whistles echoing through the room as the two pulled away. "Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to be the first to introduce you to the Minamos."

More applause filled the room, the couple's hand entangled as Night handed Jin the bouquet. The two walked down the aisle as the guests stood, everyone walking outside to where the wedding after party was being held.


Naoki and Jin were loading up the car they were taking to the airport, getting ready for their honeymoon in the Carribean. The after party was amazing. Everyone had a great time, the now married couple shared their first dance together, and Night caught the bouquet, despite someone trying to rip it out of her hands.

Jin hugged the blonde female tightly, tears filling his eyes again as the time came for them to leave.
         "Don't cry Jin. You and Naoki are going to have an amazing time on your honeymoon." Night said, brushing away the tears now falling down his cheeks.
         "I-I know... B-but I'm gonna miss you..." Jin whimpered, looking at Naoki when he felt him wrap an arm around him.
         "It's just a couple weeks. You'll see me when you guys come back." She kissed his forehead soothingly, giving Naoki a small hug before stepping back.
         "Come on Jin, we have to go..." Naoki said gently, kissing his head.

The black-haired male nodded, smiling at Night before getting into the car. Naoki got into the driver's side and started the car, putting it in drive and started driving off. Jim waved at Night as the car pulled away, the young couple disappearing down the road. Jim continued to look out the window in sadness, looking at Naoki when he felt his hand lace with his.
           "Don't worry baby, everything will be fine..." The tall male said, glancing at him with a smile. "You'll see her again before you know it."
           "I-I know... B-but it's hard leaving her... She's like my mom..."
           "I know how it feels. It was hard to leave Rei too." Naoki squeezed his lover's hand gently, still focusing on the road. "With my parents always gone, she's like a mom to me too. But don't worry, we'll see them both soon enough. For now it's just you, me, and the beauty of the Carribean."
          "I like the sound of that..." Jin smiled, staring out the windshield. "Not to mention our hotel room bed..."

Naoki smirked at the statement, chuckling.
         "Absolutely..." He growled seductively, bringing their joined hands up and kissing Jin's. "I love you so much."
         "I love you too... So much..."

NightBear15 signing off...

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