Boss!Nanami x secretary!fem!reader

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"Y/N, you are daydreaming again?" Nanami said while sitting on the opposite side of the table, he wanted to reach out his hand to touch hers after not getting a response back. But he can't, not when they are at an office dinner party, and well, even bigger problem, he is the boss crushing on the secretary who only knew the direction to his company building last month.

The table was loud and full of chatter, including how Nanami is such a generous boss who rents out the entire place and how friendly he is, offering to sit beside all the coworkers. Nanami just chuckled slightly and thanked everyone; he is not the kind of man to let his ego soar after hearing a little praise, unless it is from Y/N of course.... Could she understand why he decided to take the seat opposite her out of all the chairs available? She probably doesn't... What a shame.

Nanami let out a quiet sigh and diverted his gaze somewhere else, he took a sip of water to swallow the uncomfy lump in his throat. Y/N is chatting with a coworker, a male coworker he hired himself. Nanami knows he shouldn't feel jealous; the boy has good potential and is an all-rounder, but you can't share the woman you love with someone else; that is obvious.

"Sorry, I will go out to smoke." And with that, Nanami just stood up to leave, the chair slightly creaking on the floor as everyone looked at him with wide eyes. "What is wrong? He just excused himself to smoke" Y/N looked around and whispered after making sure her boss was out of sigh.

Tracy - a member of the advertisement team answers Y/N's question as everyone goes back to their normal state, chatting and eating more food. "Right, you must be new here, but Mr. Nanami never smokes; rarely, our accountant caught him smoking once in the parking lot; it was the day our company stocks were decreasing drastically. I don't know what is giving him that same level of stress just now."

"Is that so? He seems scary"

Tracy snickered at Y/N's comment and finished swallowing her food. "He is not; he has been nothing but respectful and kind to everyone. That is just how he is; he is a good man. Why don't you go catch up with him? You need to get to know him anyway"

Y/N blushes after hearing what Tracy wants her to do, and why add a wink after ending the sentence? It is really confusing to Y/N; she and Nanami will always stay on the professional line. Sometimes the elavator gets too crowded, and she gets a whiff of his sandalwood cologne lingering when he steps back to give her space, or when she submits stacks of documents, his warm hand cupping hers as an indication of "okay, thank you, I got it." It is all just a professional act from a kind man, right?

Y/N holds up her hands to cup her face, hoping it will somehow make the blushing go away, because why does the air seem so stuffy all of a sudden? Before Y/N could really think about it, her legs decided to carry her out of the restaurant, seeking fresh air.

Outside, Nanami was busy with his own ciggaratte; he only turned his head when some noise in the background got his attention. "Y-Y/N?"

*Why is she out here? Her face is all red* Nanami thinks to himself as he quickly drops the burning cigarette in the wall-mounted cigarette bin, hands swaying around to get the smoke away as Y/N approaches him.

"S-Sorry to disturb you sir; I want some fresh air."

"Don't feel sorry, and please, call me Nanami; we are not at work."
Nanami gives Y/N a smile, enjoying how now it is just them alone with the cold air. The silence doesn't feel as awkward as he thought it would be; he likes it here more than going back to the restaurant.

"So...the food is not to your preference, then? I don't mind you going home early just so you know, you got a ride?"

"No sir- I mean no, Nanami... I don't; I got here by a cab."

".....Could I offer you a ride back home then?"

-additional part (on Wattpad only)- NSFW INCLUDED

Y/N turned to look at her boss after hearing the sudden offer. She tried to find any hint of joking, but all Nanami did was smile back warmly, his head titling slightly, as if asking "Yes? is something wrong?" to her. The small action makes Y/N's face heat up; maybe her boss has no intention behind his words, and here she is, thinking about... something else.

"Yes I would love to if you could, but I think we should go back and tell everyone we are leaving." Y/N said and pointed back to the restaurant behind them, a grin on her face as she talked.

Nanami blinks a few times, getting lost in Y/N's eyes before snapping himself out of it, feeling embarrassed but hiding it well with a chuckle. "No need to; we can just send a text; c'mon let's go; it's getting colder."

Y/N nodded and followed Nanami to the parking lot, she couldn't help but let out a squeal when they stopped at a beautiful black Porsche. The adorable excitement even made Nanami smile, and with a smooth movement, he opened the car's door for Y/N to get in first.

"You like my car?" Nanami said after getting in, adjusting the seat to his liking, "I was thinking about choosing a black or a red one. Glad I choose black."

Y/N shifted in the seat nervously, her thighs rubbing together in anxiety. The woman doesn't want to be seen as unprofessional. What kind of employee would openly swoon over their boss's car? "Yes... black is a good color." Y/N kept her face down when answering, not sure how she would feel if she met Nanami's eyes. But unknowingly to Y/N, Nanami is not staring at her, but at her thighs.

*Did she just tease me? Is that teasing?* Nanami thinks to himself as he swallows hard. The image of Y/N's black stocking and her short little pencil skirt is burning into his mind. How does she look so perfect? His sweet darling doesn't know the dinner dress code so she just wears her usual work outfit, but that is where she hits the jackpot. It would be the end of Nanami's career if anyone knew how perverted he is to his own secretary.

Nanami let out a loud groan to himself, just a little thought about Y/N, and his dick was already twitching in his pants. How could he drive her home with this thing pestering him?

"Y/N, do you like me?" Nanami asked, his breathing getting harder and harder to control. "I mean, I can't pretend like there isn't anything between us anymore Y/N..." He is desperate, yearning for an answer right now, right this moment.

Y/N's eyes widen in shock. What is happening now? Her mind becomes blurry all of a sudden at the confession of Nanami—her own boss! "I... What do you mean? I don't-" Her stuttering makes Nanami even more impatient; he hates it when he can't talk everything out, but he has to use *violence* or else his darling is going to take it the wrong way and run away from him forever.

Nanami grabbed Y/N and forced her to get over his side, sitting directly on his lap. "Do you like me? Do you love me? Please, I need an answer. If it's a yes, I won't hold back anymore. I love you, Y/N. I love you so much." Nanami looked into Y/N's eyes, feeling like an enternity had passed while waiting for an answer.

"I love you too..."

Such a simple sentence makes Nanami groan out in satisfaction; he holds Y/N's face, pulling her into a sensual kiss. "You do? Yea? Say it again for me." He moaned out in between the kisses, one hand sneaking down to grab her ass, kneading it roughly.

"I love you.... I love you." Y/N's mind went hazy after the kiss, and with the help of Nanami's hand, her hip started to move on its own, grinding back and forth. "Oh my god...down there"  Y/N gasped out, feeling the hard and big bulge; the size of it makes her shake in fear.

"Shhh, it's okay...No need to be scared." Nanami whispered in Y/N's ear after seeing the cute reaction. He gripped the stocking on her legs and ripped it apart like it was paper, making the woman gasp. Y/N's panties is now rubbing directly on Nanami's trouser; the new friction doesn't make anything better other than throwing Y/N into bliss.

"I can't believe I'm going to cum in my pants; you are such a devilish angel." Nanami huffed out, laughing slightly to lighten up the mood. He leans back a bit to get a good look at Y/N's panties; his thumb makes its way to rub them, feeling the wetness. "Looks like someone enjoys this too, huh?"

"Don't...don't touch there." Y/N weakly mewled out in embarrassment, hiding her face with her hands.

"Don't touch there? Oh darling i will do whatever i want because it belongs to me now~"

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