Gojo x girlfriend!reader

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<WARNING: angst, sad stuff, CONTAIN MANGA SPOILER ABOUT THAT ONE EVENT INCLUDE GOJO (iykyk, read at your own risks> |No POV was written in the comment section for this one|

"Y/N... don't go; stay on the bed... Just for a little bit." Gojo says with his grogging morning voice, he doesn't even bother to open his eyes, only swinging his arm around, hoping that his girlfriend is still close by.

It was a Sunday morning; why does she have to wake up so soon? The snow is falling outside, and Gojo would hate to get out of the blanket, so he whines and whines until Y/N hears his cries and decides to sneak back into the blanket with him.

She let out a small giggle when Gojo peppered kisses all over her face, his arms wrapping around her body. "You're so warm..." He said, nuzzling closer and breathing in her scent. Gojo loves small moments like this, when nothing else seems to matter when he has Y/N with him here. He can't imagine how lucky he is.

"You're so cold. Are you sick? Or maybe the blanket is not thick enough?" Y/N's voice snapped Gojo out of his daydream, but he just shook his head and held her closer. "No, I'm okay... I guess it's just my body."

Y/N smiles at Gojo's answer. She runs her fingers on his forehead, sweeping the messy bang aside before giving him a forehead kiss. He will always be her sweet boyfriend, her baby and everything...

"Your kisses are like sunbeam; it's so warm and comforting." Gojo pouts, looking at Y/N with adoration; his arm still has a firm grip on her. "Tell me, do my kisses feel like that to you too?" He wiggled his eyebrow in a teasing manner, making Y/N can't help but laugh.

"I don't know. I have never thought about it."

Gojo smirked, leaning in closer. "Oh yeah? Let me kiss you a hundred times; that way you can make up your mind!"

The couple both laughed and tossed around on the bed, hands intertwined. At that moment, none of them knew it would be their very last moment; they just knew that their shared love was stronger than anything.

It was all over the news; the image of Gojo made Y/N want to go insane. She couldn't bear it, seeing him all bloody and lifeless like that. Her love has died in a battle, getting defeated by a demon or upper high... or whatever that thing is, Y/N doesn't seem to care anymore.
Back when they're together, Gojo would whine to her about the tiniest papercut; now he is out there, with scars and wounds all over his body- God, can it still be called a body? Y/N wants to rip her heart out; the sight has been imprinting on her head for months now. How could he leave her like that? Why is life so cruel to them? Y/N scream and scream, crying a river, begging Gojo to comeback, to be near her, and to soothe her, telling her that everything is merely a dream.

"Gojo... my only one... Where are you? Come back... Come back to me."

The voice echoed out with no answer, getting swallowed by the dark night.
"It's really cold today; I even put on a beanie." Y/N said while stepping down, her boots sole imprinted on the snow, making it into a patern. "Are you doing okay? I know I ask this every time I come to visit you. I can't help it."

Y/N's face broke into a smile, her eyes brimming with tears. She tried to blink it away, but to no avail; Y/N could only look up at the sky so the tears didn't fall. Right at that moment, a big gust of wind blew off her beanie, letting her hair flow.

"H-how...?" Y/N was too shocked when she saw the snow start falling. The weather forecast said there wouldn't be any snowfall today; it was supposed to end three days ago. The woman stood there, looking up at the sky and down at her hands, trying to understand what was happening.

"Kisses... I know what your kisses feel like Gojo... I know now." Y/N whispered, looking up at the sky and closing her eyes, savouring the moment. The snow is icy and cold, but warm when it sets into her skin, just like her lover's kisses... Just like her one and only Gojo.

"There will be so much sunlight the next week... I hope you can feel my kisses too. I hope you can, baby."

Y/N said, picking up her beanie before turning around and walking away, leaving the small grave until when she turned back to look, it was only a small dot in the layer of snow.

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