JJK men x succubus!reader

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Gojo rushed into the living room, shaking his phone like a maniac. "Guess what I just came across! rent-a-succubus ad~" His smile is wide, his eyes twinkle, and all that makes three other men cringe. Sure, Gojo is rich and has allowed everyone to live in a random room in his mansion, but that doesn't mean they have to put up with his clownery.

Toji checked the clock; it's only past 9PM, he wants to tell Gojo to shut up already. "Seriously? Are you a child, man? It's obviously a scam" Toji said, looking for agreement from Nanami and Geto. A small satisfied feeling boosted his ego when they both nodded and turned to glare at Gojo.

"It's not! I swear this is legit! I'm a...ahem, V.I.P. member in this one club, so that's why I get the ad." Gojo snickered, his eyes turning back to look at his phone lovingly, making others curious about how exactly the ad looked.

Nanami stands up first to look; following are Toji and Geto. What they see in Gojo's phone makes their breath hitch: a woman in slick black lingerie sitting in W-position, her arms close together, squeezing her chest, making it pop out more. But that's not all of it; she resembles a succubus too, a bit too real for their liking: small little fangs, black wings, and a tail with an arrow end.

"Is that shit real? It's Photoshop, right?" Geto speak up first; he's asking about the heart-shaped thing on the woman's crotch; it's glowing too—an abnormal pink shade.

Gojo zoomed in on the picture. "What? Oh nah, I don't think so; it's the real deal, fella. See, you guys are interested, right?"

"So we could really rent one? But can we pick?" Toji answered quickly. A minute ago, he was saying it's a scam, but now he's willing to go for it, even urging Gojo to do the work.

"Ah, hmm~ The girl on the ad, let's see...here... Y/N, she the new gal, 2 million yen for one night." Gojo scrolls at the information pages, reading out loud.

Nanami is a bit surprised at the price; would that be a risk to pay so much? What if it's a scam? "You have enough money for it, right?"

Gojo smiled, his finger already pushing the renting button.

"Of course, now we wait for our Y/N~"

-additional part (on Wattpad only)-

After just a few minutes, the men heard a small knock on the door. Gojo was the first to make a run for it, practically scrambling on his feet to get his hand on the doorknob. He opened it with full force, and there was his sweet little devil, looking up with doe eyes.

"H-hi...are you...Mr.Gojo?" Y/N stuttered, looking back at a small card on her hand to make sure she got the name right.

Three other men get behind Gojo after hearing Y/N's voice, looking at her in awe. "You look just like the ad, down to the costume." Geto make a comment towards Y/N, enjoying the blush slowly forming on the woman's face.

"Thank you... I got a note that said there would be company from three other men besides Mr. Gojo... But since Mr. Gojo is our V.I.P costumer, no extra fees!" Y/N said with a beaming face, smiling at the group of men.

Gojo just gave her a small understanding nod and invited her in. "Of course, aren't you the sweetest?"

Y/N got inside the mansion with four men following her like a pack of wolves; she got them wrapped around her fingers so easily.

"Eek!-" Y/N let out a small yelp and turned her back, seeing Toji's smirk and others jokingly punching him. "Please don't pull my tail.." The woman's face shows a deep shade of embarrassment, her tail wrapped around her leg—a poor attempt to hide it.

"Aw, is that where you're sensitive? Look me in the eyes and tell me." Nanami cooed, his hand reaching out to caress Y/N's face and slightly tilting her head up to face him.

"What a sight..." Nanami thought to himself, admiring the beauty of Y/N. She's the recanalization of lust itself, indeed. He can feel himself getting lost in her eyes, falling for temptation. Before Nanami can stop himself, he leans in without hesitation.

"A-ah....~" Y/N moaned into the kiss; it was gentle, but she could feel the growing needs of the man for her. Y/N happily kiss Nanami back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders to deepen the kiss. After a few minutes, she pulled away first, breathing heavily.

Y/N looks into Nanami's eyes to make sure his attention is still on her, then sticks out her tongue and licks a stripe at his lips teasingly. Nanami's eyes widen in surprise but quickly darken, lust clouding his mind.

"Hey, don't forget about us." Geto broke the silence, letting out an annoyed huff. Gojo laughs at his friend's expression and walks up behind Y/N, hugging her sweetly. He has no problems sharing her with anyone, especially his friends.

"We can take turns, right? After all... the night is still young."

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