JJK men x stripper!fem!reader (2)

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Y/N reluctantly steps on the stage and steadys herself, gripping the pole as she takes a deep breath. "Just like every time...just like it," she told herself as the tension started to rise.
For some reason, it feels like all the guys are looking at her in a different way today. Y/N has performed overtime for them countless times, but this time it sent a chill down her spine. What is that feeling? She can't seem to shake it off...

"Too late to back down now" Y/N thinks as the music starts to play and the flickering light shines on her, making her the spotlight of the stage.


"Well...thats an hour, just like our deal." Y/n breathes out and steps down the stage, her body always feels a bit sore after performing, but the extra money is worth it. Y/N closes her eyes and thinks about the new Dior bag while waiting for the group of men to finish discussing something. It's indeed a bit strange to see them not immediately paying her though...

"...not yet.." Geto was the first one to speak up; he leans forward and rests his hand on the glass table, forcing Y/N to make eye contact with him.

"I-I'm sorry?" Y/N muttered as she tried to understand what was happening. So that is what they were discussing earlier? To agree not to pay her today? If she has to compare the situation to something, her rage would be the fire and the sudden decision from the men would be gasoline.

"Listen here...you-" Before Y/N could realize what she was doing, one of her knees was already on the table, and her hand was gripping Geto's tie, pulling him closer. "If you think I'm going to agree to that decision, you are dead wrong; I'm not leaving without that money you jerk!"

Geto blinks in surprise at those words, but his expression quickly changes into a playful smirk. In the corner of his eyes, he could see Gojo and Toji staring at Y/N's body curves; the position she was in gave them the full display. Oh, how badly they want to roam their hands over it...

Nanami rolls his eyes, pulls out his phone and starts calling someone. "Yeah...cancel it... No no, we are good," he said when the person on the other side answered after the first two rings.

"Cancel? Cancel what-" Y/N's head perks up in confusion, and her hand loosens the grip on Geto's tie automatically. At this moment, there is nothing more she wants than an answer from Nanami.

But of course, Geto would never back down. "No no kitten...Don't look at him; look at me." He grips Y/N's wrist, holding her in place. "Well, to say it shortly, we were thinking about bringing you out to dinner and then paying you.. but look at you... I don't think you deserve it..."

Geto's deep voice made Y/N shrivel, he has always been the one who loves to tease her, maybe just after Gojo, but this time its not playful teasing. Y/n gulped when she sees Geto's eyes darkened, his hand reaching up to touch her lips.

"Aww, so no dinner? I'm hungry, though." Gojo said it out loud; even under the dimly lit light, his eyes show a lustful hint. Toji and Nanami both look at each other and turn their gaze towards Y/N. "Well, there is still something to eat here." The trio laugh to themselves, waiting for Geto to join in on the joke.

Geto's gaze is still on Y/N, his thumb slightly forces her mouth to open. The action makes Y/N's eyes widen in surprise, especially when Geto even seems to enjoy toying with her tongue.

"You heard them kitten...and don't worry; of course we won't let you leave hungry... Let's see what your pretty little mouth can do best, other than talking back~"

-additional part (on Wattpad only)-

Y/N was shocked at Geto's slurry voice; he must be so drunk he can't think straight anymore. She can feel how his thumb starts to move around, gathering her saliva.

It's disgusting to say at least, but why can't Y/N pull away? Why is she drooling? And since when did Nanami get behind her?

"W-wait..." The lamb's weak protest couldn't stop the hunger of the wolf. Nanami easily pulled her down from the table with a low grunt; he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Enough playing" The blonde man snarls at Geto, his big frame shielding Y/N possessively.

Geto held his hand up in defeat, saying sorry quickly with not a hint of genuineness in his voice.
"Relax; she is ours to share; no need to fight." Sukuna spoke up, a cigar now in his hand. "C'mon sugar, come sit on my lap." He patted his lap,  encouraging Y/N to come over. And she did. How obedient...

Sukuna smiled, and his hand immediately went to Y/N's ass, positioning her on his lap so they were both comfortable. "Are they bullying you? You don't like it right?" He cooed, puffing a blow of cigar in her face.

Y/N coughed from the smoke; her eyes started to water, making her look even more adorable in the men's eyes. Sukuna buried his face in Y/N's neck, inhaling her sweet perfume.

"I think they all like you too much. Why don't we settle this somewhere more...private?"

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