Daddy sugar, what do you do for a living ?

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When JK wakes up, it's already 11AM. They slept very late last night. But everything was spoken and shared. He fells that this encounter is very magical. They surely met each other because of fate.

JK smells the sweet perfume from the girl's hair lying sleeping right next to him. He wonders if this moment is just a dream. She is very close, sleeping so purely. Her baby face makes her seems to be so fragile, and angel-like at the same time. Looking at her, he feels the calmness, and also a bit sleepy, but he does not want to do so. He is afraid that the moment he closes his eyes, she will disappear like a butterfly, just like the lyrics he used to sing :

"Is it true ? Is it true ?
You, You
You're so beautiful, that I'm scared".

JK wants to touch her hair, but seems like she wakes up. JK closes the eyes, pretends that he still sleeps.

Amie slowly opens her eyes. She is lying on the floor's carpet, next to JK. He still sleeps so peacefully. She looks at his long wavy hair, his long eyes lashes and his dark eyebrows. She still can't believe that she met the man of her life like this. They are together in very natural way, like they has been waited for each other for a very long time.

She slowly removes a curl of his hair from his face. Suddenly, her wrist has been grabbed and she has been pulled toward him.

« What are you doing ? », she nags.

« You have interrupted my sleep, I have to punish you ! », then hug her tightly and pretends to bite her neck.

« Yah ! Stop ! », she giggles and tries to avoid his attack, « Ok, ok, I can suggest a punishment. How about a breakfast ? ».

« You'll cook for me ? ».

« Yeah. Unless you don't want to ? ».

« Of course I do. Ok then, deal », he had the biggest smile ever.

He comes to the bathroom and washes his face. When he goes out, she had already been busy in the kitchen. She seems to have much more energy than yesterday. Seeing her from the back wearing kitchen taplier, JK feels so touched. She looks like a cute young bride, and they really look a lot like a young married couple. JK's never thought about living with a girl before. He just think that he will stay in the same house forever with his hyungs. But at this moment, he feels very happy, and think that it would be wonderful living together with her.

He approaches her, and hugs her from the back.

« That smells really good. Hmmm ».

« There are not much ingredients in the fridge so I just do some simple dishes. I think the rice will be cooked in 10 minutes and I'll finish at the same time ».

« Wow ! You're super fast in cooking. I'm impressed ! »

« I told you I only prepare simple foods. You can prepare the table now ».

When she brings the dishes to the table, he opens his eyes widely.

« You prepare all of these just in such short time ? Omg, you should participate to Master chef ! ».

She glances at him : « Did you know how much time you used the restroom just lately ? At least 50 minutes ! ».

« Really ? I thought I was quick... », he giggles, « wow, this is delicious ! ».

« Stop changing the subject ! »

They finish their brunch soon after noon and wash the dishes together.

« We should go to the French consulat quickly. I think they close soon in the afternoon. Get changed ! », then JK recalls something, « Right, but you have no clean clothes to change... ».

« I do. I wash my outfit by hand yesterday. They must be dried now ».

« Ok. Then just wear them for today. I'll buy new clothes for you after we finish the procedures about your paper and bank card ».

« Yes sir ! Please buy me some nice clothes, daddy sugar ! ».

« What did you just call me ? ».

« Huh ? Daddy... sugar ? You know that was a joke right ? ».

« Do you know how you should pay back a sugar daddy, baby girl ? », he smirks and looks at her with teasing eyes that makes her blushed.

The procedures have been done a lot easier and quicker than they thought. The officer is quite understanding and told them they would remake the papers for her asap. And they would call them a few days later. Her old bank card was also blocked, no use reportef from yesterday and a new card has been ordered. They finally can take some rest after running to many different places.

As promised, JK brings her to a private outlet that he knows. She was a bit surprised by the luxury brand and products.

When the staffs are busy to choose clothes for her, she murmurs : « Why we have to go in such expensive boutique ? I don't need luxury clothes. Just bring me to any commercial center or even open market, we would find something cool ».

« You don't like these kind of clothes ? ».

« It's not that I dislike them, but I do not feel comfortable while making you buy me such expensive stuffs. Or else, let me reimburse to you once I'll have my new bank card ».

JK smiles to her with so much affection : « You do not ask me to buy them for you, why you should pay me back ? Don't worry, I want to pay expensive clothes to my girlfriend at least once. We can go to a younger and common brand later. »

She is flustered hearing him saying she is his girlfriend. She has never had someone calls her like that before. It makes her feel the hapiness like a beautiful butterfly inside her chest.

She suggests : « How about buying a couple shirt ? ».

« Yeah ! Good idea ! I've always wanted to do that ! What type do you like ? ».

« Uhm... big sized and comfy ».

« Really ? Me too ! ».

« You like black items also, right ? »

« Yeah ! How do you know ? »

« You only wear black since we met. Look at you today. All black ! I can't imagine how you would wear bright clothes ! ».

« You know, I also tried all of them, even rose, red, yellow ».

« Really ? You should wear them so that I can see too ! ».

« Yeah, but they're not really my style. It's only for work, you know ».

« Right, I still didn't know what you do for a living. If you say so, maybe a model ? »

« I'll tell you once we done buying clothes. Now go try on these items, the staffs are waiting for you ! ».

She firstly tried a long white robe. It fits her well, like a tailored one. The moment JK sees her going out of the cabine, his eyes open widely. She looks like a beautiful bride in white. The pearl accessory for her hair chosen by the staffs also makes her much more feminine and charming. His heart beats so fast, when he imagines her wearing the wedding dress.

« How do I look ? Is it a little weird ?»

« What are you talking about ? You look fantastic ! Like a princess ! »

« Psttt, I know you only say that to praise me. I never try this style before. I don't think I suit it very much... ».

« Just believe in your boyfriend's taste ! You're sublime in this dress ! You should wear it again at our 100 day anniversary, or even on my birthday ! », JK is very determinated, then asks the staff : « We will take it. And the hair accessory also, please ».

« Then I don't need to try another items. We take this one, that's enough ».

« What ? You have at least 7 days more to stay here, of course you need more clothes ! Just try them all ! ».

« 7 days ? Who decided it ? »

« You have to wait for the papers and all of these stuffs... Then we have much things to do also ! Did you not think about it ? ».

She feels so sweet about him. Has he already thought about all of these from the first day they met ? He must be very serious about their relationship, and not consider it as only a kind of experience.

« I did not know you are such decisive ! », she pretends to blame him, « You even didn't ask for my feelings or what I like to do ».

He immediately explains as he did something wrong to her : « What makes you not happy about ? This dress ? Or you don't want to stay here for a week ? Tell me ! Sorry, the hyungs also tell me that I am very possessive and I still try to change it ! Tell me what you want to buy or to do, we should do as you wish ! ».

She tries to stop herself from laughing. He suddenly seems to be too serious about this. « It's not like that », she said, « I like it too, and also want to do many more things with you. We can decide what to do together. But who are the hyungs who comment about you like that ? ».

« Ah... I'll tell you all about them. There are a lot of things I have to tell you also ».

She starts to be curious. He was not clear about his job, and even some people around him. However, he said he would tell her all about it. There is nothing rush about these things, after all.

When they finish shopping and he comes to the cashier, the staff seems to be very surprised seeing him. After finishing the payment, she asks him in a very low voice : « I am sorry, I might bother you for this but I am a very big fan of your group. Can you please give me an autograph ? ».

Amie is shooked for what she has just heard. An autograph ? Then the staff glances a stare toward her with a lot of curiosity. JK notices it right away, then also tells her with very low voice : « I'll give you my autograph. This girl is very important to me. We have just met for a short time. Hope that you could help me to keep a secret about it. I don't want her life to be disturbed because of me ».

The staff immediately stops looking at Amie after hearing what he said, then nods politely : « Of course. It is your privacy and everyone should respect it. I won't tell anyone, don't worry ». When he gives her the autograph, she receives it with two hands and bows to him, smiling : « Hope that you two will have a great time together ! I can see how happy you are now, it shows in your faces ». They both also politely bow to her, thank her and leave.

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